Modern World System Flashcards
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity consisted of ?
- General Relativity
2. Special Relativity
What were the major advances in science & technology in the early 20th Century (1900s) ?
- Einstein’s Theory of Relativity
- The first Ford Model T
- First successful airplane flight
What did Einstein’s Theory of Relativity do ?
Challenged the idea that space and time were separate and absolute concepts
- time and space could be changed
- space could contract when great speeds were attained
How did Einstein change the face of physics?
- Introduced space time - helped scientists and physicists explain the movement of planetary bodies, stars
- Nuclear weapons and power
What was the first car produced using the assembly line method?
Ford Model T
In turn we have a very automotive-driven culture
Who helped engineer the very first airplane flight?
The Wright Brothers
- more refined now
- planes extremely important to travel around the world
What revolution did we see with the rise of communism?
Bolshevik revolution
- Tried to throw off rule from the czars in Russia
- Built upon ideas from Karl Marx /
Lenin - Create a governmental system that would run all aspects of economy
What did the idea of communism have?
That wealth would be spread throughout the country and not just to the upper level
- idea grew quickly and spread *
What were the existing conflicts prior to WWI?
Big countries in Europe having colonies throughout the world
** allegiances made between leaders - caused tension
Who was the person who was assassinated that caused all conflicts in Europe come to a final rise?
Assassinated by?
Assassination of
Franz Ferdinand - Austro-Hungarian Duke in 1914 (heir to the throne)
Serbian extremists
After the assassination of Austro-Hungarian duke Franz Ferdinand, what arises?
Austro-Hungarians had reason to declAre was against Serbia
In turn
All other countries who had tension and allegiance to one another began going to war
Who supported Serbia?
Russia, France, and Britain supported Serbia
Germany supported Austria
The WWI employed new ?
Technologies & tactics
What is “trench-warfare” and where was it prevalent during World War I?
France & Belgium
Ppl created trenches and hunker down in them
Very hard to overtake
Who was a famous aerial figure during WWI?
Red Baron
Planes fighting planes
Aerial bombing - pilot throws bomb
What new machines were used during WWI?
Machine guns
When Germany is defeated in WWI what is signed? What are the terms?
Treaty of Versailles in 1919
- harsh terms -
give up:
oversea colonies
Substantial penalty financially -
humiliating for Germany - causes a lot of financial problems
** set stage for WWII
What drastically changes the face of Europe and what do we see?
Austro-Hungarian Empire broken up
Ottoman Empire broken up
Creation of new countries
and boundaries for existing countries
Treaty of Versailles and the Humiliation, poverty, & financial problems in Germany
Depression in Europe
What occurred?
- Adolf Hitler blamed problems on the Jewish people and other minorities
- Wanted to get rid of them
- “Final Solution”
How was Hitler’s final solution carried out?
Taking: Jews Minorities People with disabilities Homosexuals
Were put into concentration camps
- forced labor
- put to death - gassed
How many Jewish people were killed during the Holocaust?
6 million of 9.5 million people living in Europe were killed
- they say the other countries did not totally understand the scale and magnitude of what was going on
What do other countries begin to oppose in Germany?
They opposed the movement of Germany taking back lost land and gain new land
Ex. Poland
After the attack on ________ the US entered the ________ ?
During ?
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Entered WWII
The middle 20th century (1900s)
Who made up the Allied Powers of WWII? The Axis?
Allies - US, France, Britain, Russia
Axis - Germany, Italy, Japan
Who won in the WWII and what was a result of WWII in Europe?
Allies defeated the Axis
Colonies across the world were gaining independence from European countries
- were exhausted financially (general weakened power)
- countries left damaged from war
- didn’t have the man power to run colonies
India was originally a what type of colony?
What war began after WWII?
Cold War - between
The two main powers left after WWII:
USSR - mainly Russia, but also other countries (all communist)
The Cold War was a battle between?
Capitalism & Democracy
Communism - is established in China also
Latter 20th century (1900s)
How does the Cold War escalate?
The world is divided into capitalist and communist spheres of influence
What proxy-wars were being fought during the Cold War?
- Korean War
- Vietnam War
Stop the spread of communism into southern parts of these countries
What was globalization occurring in the latter 20th century?
- United Nations created to general rules of how countries can interact and discuss grievances against one another
- stabilize things between countries
Why was the WTO created?
The World Trade Organization was created to promote trading between countries
Why was the IMF created?
What did it lead to?
International Monetary Fund allows a centralized currency exchange between countries
- helped create multinational corporations
- British petroleum (sells and finds oil around the world
- Intel (chips are made in Silicon Valley - products created around the world)
In the latter 20th century, what do we see an increased speed of?
Speed of Transportation
- jets/ships are improved - improved transportation of goods
- a lot more trade between nations
What is “off shoring”?
Companies sending production to other countries if things can be produced more cheaply
Which lead to
Protective tariffs
What are protective tariffs?
Tax on imports and exports
Protection against “off shoring”
** if a good is produced elsewhere it will receive a tax when it gets back to ensure equality in the pricing for goods produced locally **
- government controlling economics to ensure equality -
With the addition of cell phones and internet in the latter stages of the 20th century (1900s) what occurred?
Global culture
Ease of communication between countries - exchange of:
Who laid out the plans for the “space race” for the US?
John F. Kennedy