Modern Indian History Flashcards
Mahalwari System
Holt Maczenzie + William Bentick
Ryotwari System
Thomas Munroe
Doctrine of Lapse
Lord Dalhousie
Eat of uni of Calcutta
minimum age of civil reduced to 19
Policy of mastery inactivity
Lord Lawrence
T of Sauguli
T of Yandabo
Burma + British India
T of Sinchula
T of Gandamak
T of Lhasa
Great Britain + Tibet
Whelby commission on
expenditure 1895
Royal commission on labour
hh Whitley (1929)
Floud Commission
a land revenue commission established by the government of Bengal in 1938.
Vernacular Press Act
1823 against RMRoy’s Mirat Ul Akbar
Hilton young commission
Butler committee
Centre - state relationship
Wood’s dispatch
Infanticide Illegal
Abolition of sati
Abolition of slavery
Widow remarriage
Ahmadiya movement
opposing jihad
Wahabi Movement
condemned any change in Islam. Patna
portfolio system
Lord Canning
Permanent Settlement
1793 Cornwallis
chairman of first law commission
1835, Mc Cauley
Raja Rammohan Roy
vedanta college 1825
Abolishing of trade monopoly of EIC
Charter act 1813
Open system of recruitment of civil servants
Charter act 1853
Gg of India to viceroy of indja
Government of India act 1858
Widow remarriage + Deccan Education + Poona Sarvjanik Sabha
Mahadev Govind Ranade
Scott monceieff
Chairman of the first irrigation committee 1901
Macdonell commission was
Famine commission appointed by Lord Curzon to formulate the general principles of dealing with famines
Mahalwari system
Holt Mackenzie in 1822
Royotwari system
Thomas Munroe
Vaikom satyagraha
Temple entry
Gandhi larticipated
Doctrine of lapse states
Masterly inactivity
John Lawrence
Forward Policy
first session of INC presided by
Womesh Bonnerjee
Atmiya Samaj APAR
1814, Rajamohan Roy
Arya Samaj APAR
1875 Dayanand Saraswati , Mulshankar
Ramakrishna Movement APAR
1897 Vivekanand
Prarthana Samaj APAR
1867 Keshab Chandra Sen
INDIGO movement
Dev Samaj (Shiv is dev)
1887 by Shiv Narayan Agnihotri
Dharma Sabha (Radha…)
1830 Radhakant Deb
Radhaswami movement (Radha and Tulsi)
Tulsi Ram, Shiv Dayal Saheb 1861
opened Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College at Aligarh + member of legislative council
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Puran Chand was a divan of
Nizam ul Mulk
Under Willington
Communal Award announced
3rd round table conf
Congress socialist party was established