Modern India 2 - India after Aurangazeb Flashcards
What accelerated the process of disintegration of the Mughal empire?
Fights between the different groups of Muslims in the Mughal court.
After Aurangazeb’s death who became the rulers of the country?
Later Mughals
Name the different groups of Muslims in later Mughal court
- Irani (Persian Muslims)
- Turani ( Turkish Muslims)
- Hindustani ( North Indian Muslims)
- Deccani ( South Indian Muslims)
- Naya Muslims
The group clashes in the Mughal empire paved the way for creation of new states in India such as
Bengal , Hyderabad, Awadh and Bharatpur
Who were the major political forces in the country at this point of time and what role did they play?
The Marathas were the major political forces in the country at this point in time but they failed to take hold of the situation.
Which states were created on the ruins of Vijayanagara empire?
Carnatica, Mysore and Travancore
What was Awadh famous for?
It was famous for its cuisine like biryani and sweets.
What was Travancore famous for?
Travancore became an abode for fine arts in modern India .
Who was the ruler of Travancore ?
Maharaja Swati Tirunal
Maharaja Swati Tirunal was great _________
Maharaja Swati Tirunal was a _________
Who is known as the father of modern of Indian painting and to which family did he belong to?
Raja Ravi Verma is known as the father of modern Indian painting and he belonged to the Royal family of Travancore
Briefly Highlight Raja Ravi Verma’s achievements
He was the first Indian painter to learn and incorporate European painting techniques.
He was the first to depict Hindu gods and goddesses such as Shakuntala and Damayanthi
He was the first to introduce calendar art in India
Where are most Raja Ravi Verma’s paintings today?
In Baroda Maharaja’s Personal museum and in Mysore palace
Which is the best known work of Maharaja Ravi Verma?
“Lady in the moonlight “
Which colours were most often used by Raja Ravi Verma in his paintings
Yellow and red
Who established the kingdom of Bharatpur?
Jats established the independent kingdom of Bharatpur
Who were the founders of kingdom of Bharatpur?
Churamal and Badan Singh were the founders.
Who was known as ‘Plato’ of Bharatpur
Who founded the autonomous state of Hyderabad?
Mir Qumruddin Chwinquilich Khan
When was the state of Hyderabad founded
What was Mir Qumruddin Chwinquilich Khan popularly known as
Nizam ul mulk or “ Asaf Jha “
What was the first capital of Hyderabad state?
What became the capital of Hyderabad state in 1800’s?
Hyderabad city
Which state played a crucial role in the battles between the French and the British
What was the capital of Carnatica state?
Who established the autonomous state of Mysore?
Yaduraya family established the autonomous state of Mysore