modern governance and Robin Hood Flashcards
how is Kennedy administration like camelot
younger brother was like a merlin figure, a short impactful time, overshadows mistakes like camelot
legendary court where arthur and his round table were
known as “ideal” of medieval times
government reached concensus rather than having dictator-monarch. merlin and druids were advisors
how did kennedy modifiy toy market
much more camelot figures and toys, movies after this comment
king arthur
let defense of britains against saxon invadors in 5th-6th C
unproven if real person, likely product of folklore
Le morte d’arthur
Thomas mallory (1485), reworked existing arthur myths and introduced new material
best known anthology of arthurian myth
parchment, new writing put on it once old is scraped off
piers plowman
first reference to Robin Hood (1370-1390)
robin hood
if he existed, dead by 1370
What characteristics of a noble king are associated with arthur?
commited to protecting safety of his people
very corageous (going to battle), thanks god after the battle for his success, builds an abbey on the site of the battle
how does Arthur prepare or safeguard his realm?
appoints governors of the realm and an heir. this way will continue on without him
how does arthurs dream reflect ideals of kingship?
philosopher identifies arthur with a dragon, labelling him a conqueror.
summarize ballad of robin hood and the monk
Robin hood is unhappy since he can’t go to mass. goes to service in Nottingham, takes little John only with him.
makes a bet with little john and loses but refuses to pay him so little john leaves
Robin goes to st marys and prays. Monk who he robbed sees him and tells sherrif who goes and capturs robin.
Little John declares they have to rescue him. They catch Monk and his page, kill them both.
go give king monks letter, say that monk dies on way, king gives gifts and tells them to bring him robin. Little john goes to sherrif, tells him monk left. go into jail, kill jailor and take robin
king is enraged but excuses Johns actions since very loyal
how is robin hood used by the political left
revolution, forced redistribution of wealth, taxing rich (governmental channels)
Robin hood tax
tax on finantial transactions, income to poor and climate change
bandit of sherwood forest
1946, aging robinhood and son robert
marxist overtone “Comerades” to call together
who is the burgoise in robinhood?
the elite, land owning classes
proleteriate in RH
serfs, tenant farmers (robin hoods status is ambiguous)
why do these still entertain us
society still characterized by inequalirty and expoloitation of marginalized grousp