Cu Chulainn and the Ulster cycle Flashcards
Ulster cycle
(1st C) collection of medieval Irish tales and sagas
records heroes of the Ulaid (including Cu Chulainn)
who is Cu Chulainn’s uncle
King Cochobar mac Nessa, ruler of Ulaid
who are the Ulaid at war with
Connachta, led by Queen Medb and husband Ailill
how is Cu Chulainn a heroic figure?
semidivine, unnaturally strong and fast, unusually beautiful, extrodinary precocity
man of action rather than thought, lives by personal code of honour that admits no qualifications
literary hero vs our conception of heroism and heroic
literary -> male, man of action, Instinctive, predictable, and inevitable responses
ours -> male or female, bravery, selfless
events of Cu Chulainn’s birth
Ulaid crops are ravaged by birds. Ulaids attempt to drive them away. sudden snowstorm causes them to seek refuge at local farm. Farmers wife is in labour, Deichtine assists delivery, two colts also born. in morning, magically transported to new grange with child and colts. child dies. Deichtine dreams Lug tells her will carry her child. She becomes pregnant but aborts it. Becomes pregnant by Sualtaim (fiance)
Cu Chulainn’s parents
mother (or sister) Deichtine, father god Lug
what divine portents are associated with Cu Chulainn’s birth?
appearance of flock of birds, simultaneous birth of colts, teleportation to New Grange, Deichtine’s dream where Lug tells her she will have his kid
two allusions to christs birth in Cu Chulainn’s birth
pregnancy is fortold, Cu Chulainn has two fathers (lug and sualtaim)
Cu Chulainn’s birth name
“One who has knowledge of roads and ways”
as a child, how does Cu Chulainn display exceptional abilities?
exceptional speed, dexterity and reflexes as a child. exhibits battle fury and defeats 50 boys
throws javeline and catches before it hits the ground
battle fury
how does setantae obtain the name Cu Chulainn?
He kills Culand’s guard dog, says he will be the hound that protects his cattle until new dog could replace him. (Cu Chulainn = Chuland’s dog)
does Cu Chulainn exhibit power over nature?
yes. Immobilizes deer with his stare
is Cu Chulainn pompous?
yes. Believes he is beautiful