Models of attention - A1 Flashcards
What is attention in vague terms? (2)
- information is selected for processing
- some information is suppressed or not processed
What is selective attention?
the ability to focus on that which is important to the task at hand while ignoring or suppressing task-irrelevant information
What is the difference between structure and capacity models?
structure = how the brain is wired to work involving filters
capacity = a limited amount of attention is available
What is Broadbent’s filter model? What type of model is it?
The information not attended to is filtered out before any processing
It is an early selection, structural model
What did Cherry (1953) find in the dichotic listening task?
People reported the meaning of the speech that was attended and only the basic physical characteristics of the unattended speech
Which model of attention is Cherry’s (1953) dichotic listening task supposed to support?
Broadbent’s filter model
What is concluded from the dichotic listening task by Cherry?
selection is early, prior to processing
What are 2 predictions from Broadbent’s filter model?
- all or nothing processing (attention can only focus on one thing at a time)
- dual tasking as actually switching between 2 tasks, which takes time and is inefficient
What was found in the study where names were played in the unattended channel? (2)
- 30% of people noticed their name
- but they failed to follow the instructions that came after their name so it was the only thing from that channel that they attended to
What was found in the study where words were pre-associated to electric shocks and played in the unattended channel? (2)
- there was a physiological response to them
- there was also this response to synonyms too
What evidence did Treisman (1960) find for people paying attention to the unattended channel?
people will follow a coherent message across to this channel and switch where they are listening to
What does Treisman’s modified model suggest?
the unattended information is not filtered out (like Broadbent’s model) but it is attenuated (toned down)
some information is ‘louder’ than others so it gets through (like your name)
What type of model is Treisman’s modified model? (2)
early selection, structural
What do late selection models of attention suggest? (2)
- all information is processed to the highest level
- selection occurs at the level of response/awareness (so the filter is just before you become aware of the information)
What are 2 pieces of evidence that support late selection models?
- participants use the unattended channel to resolve ambiguous sentences (e.g. put out has 2 meanings)
- stroop tasks involve the full processing of both the colour and the word before you pick the right one