MOD C Quiz 1 Flashcards
What are the 7 Dynamics of Unconventional Warfare?
- Leadership
- Ideology
- Objectives
- Environment and Geography
- External Support
- Phasing and Timing
- Organizational and Operational Patterns
What are the 3 End states of UW?
Coerce, Disrupt, Overthrow
What are the two types of Cellular Structures?
- Parallel Cells (Redundancy)
2. Cells In Series (Division of Labor)
What are the 4 components of resistance/UW?
- Underground
- Auxiliary
- Guerrilla or Armed Force
- Public Component
Which component of resistance form the Shadow Government?
Organized use of subversion and violence by a group or movement that seeks to overthrow or force change of a governing authority.
What STRs are classic UW?
STR Type I: Resistance against an occupying power
STR Type II: Insurgencies against a sovereign state government
Which component of an insurgency is responsible for negotiating with the government?
Public Component
What are the 4 types of resistance?
Violent, Nonviolent, Overt, Clandestine
An operation sponsored or conducted by governmental departments or agencies in such a way as to assure secrecy or concealment
What are the 3 types of external resupply?
Automatic, On Call, Emergency
What is DIMEFIL?
Diplomatic Information Military Economic Financial Intelligence Law Enforcement
Forcing someone or some entity to do something it would rather not do.
Prevent or impede someone or some entity from doing something it would prefer to do.
Delineate between resistance and insurgency:
Unlike broad based resistance to occupying power, insurgencies are more likely to be organized and motivated along specific demographic, ideological, religious or other categories. Insurgency has a narrower focus than the population as a whole.
How is UW conducted?
- Large Scale diMefil
2. Small Scale DImEFIL
Strategic Defensive (Latent/Incipient), Strategic Stalemate (Guerilla Warfare), Strategic Offensive (War of Movement)
Mao’s 3 stages/phases of war
What is the first component formed in an insurgency?
What type of support does the auxiliary provide?
Which type of UW is historically most successful?
What is required for an operation to be considered STR?
USG must have at least one resistance partner.
What are the 4 ways a population can resist?
Violent, Nonviolent, overt, clandestine
A common set of interrelated beliefs, values, and norms.
Most successful resistance efforts require which type of support?