Mod 22-25 Flashcards
our subjective awareness of ourselves and our environment
periodic, natural loss of consciousness–as distinct from unconsciousness resulting from a coma, general anesthesia, or hibernation
circadian rhythm
the biological clock; regular bodily rhythms (for example, of temperature and wakefulness) that occur on a 24-hour cycle
alpha waves
the relatively slow brain waves of a relaxed, awake state
NREM sleep
non-rapid eye movement sleep; encompasses all sleep stages except for REM sleep
REM sleep
Rapid eye movement sleep, a recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur.
false sensory experiences, such as seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus
hypnagogic sensations
bizarre experiences, such as jerking or a feeling of falling or floating weightlessly, while transitioning to sleep
delta waves
the large, slow brain waves associated with deep sleep
Suprahiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
a pair of cell clusters in the hypothalamus that controls circadian rhythm.
Recurring problems in either falling or staying asleep
A sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks
Sleep Apnea
A sleep disorder characterized by temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and repeated momentry awakenings.
Night Terrors
A sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and an appearance of being terrified. Occur during NRM3
A sequence of images, emotions and thoughts passing through a sleeping person’s mind
Manifest content
According to freud, the symbolic remembered story line of a dream
Latent conent
The unconscious drives and wishes that would be threatening if expressed directly
REM Rebound
Is the tendency for REM sleep to increase Following REM sleep deprivation
Psychoactive Drug
Chemical substances that alter perceptions and moods
Substance use disorder
A disorder characterized by continued substance craving and use despite significant life disruption or physical risk
The diminishing effect with regular use of the same dose of a drug, requiring the user to take larger and larger doses before experiencing the drugs effects.
The discomfort and distress that follow discontinuing an addictive drug or behavior
Drugs that reduce neural activity and slow body functions
Alcohol use disorder
Alcohol use marked by tolerance, withdrawal and a drive to continue problematic use
Drugs that depress central nervous system activity, reducing anxiety but impairing memory and judgement
Opium and its derivatives, such as morphine and heroin; depress neural activity, temporarily lessening pain and anxiety
Drugs that excite neural activity and speed up body functions
A stimulating and highly addictive psychoactive drug found in tobacco
A powerful and addictive stimulant derived from the coca plant; produces temporarily increased alertness and euphoria
Drugs, such as methamphetamine that stimulate neural activity, causing accelerated body functions and associated energy and mood changes
A powerfully addictive drug that stimulates the central nervous system, with accelerated body functions and associated engery and mood changes
A synthetic stimulant and mild hallucinogen produces euphoria and social intimacy, but with short-term health risks and longer-term harm to serotonin-producing nerons
Psychedelic drugs as LSD, that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input
Near-death experience
An altered state of conciseness reported after a close brush with death
A powerful hallucinogenic drug
The major active ingredient in marijuana