Mod 13 Higher Function Flashcards
What is cognition?
mental processes by which the brain manipulates info
internal = emotional
external = sensory
What do unimodal association cortexes do?
they surround each primary sensory area and elaborate messages for that specific modality
What do multimodal association cortexes do?
receives info from several unimodal association areas and integrates the cross-modal info
What are the 3 multimodal association cortexes?
lateral association (anterior and posterior)
basamodemial (limbic) association
Where is the anterior association area?
frontal lobe/anterior parietal
Where is the posterior association area?
posterior parietal lobe
Where is the basomedial association cortex?
medial: cingulate, frontal, and temporal lobes
What aspects of cognition are housed in the posterior association area of the lateral association cortex?
- spatial recognition
- facial recognition
What is the most prominent deficit of spatial cognition with damage to the posterior association area?
unilateral hemispatial neglect
- bump into things on affected side/neglect to do ADLs on that side (brush teeth, hair, etc)
Where is the affected side in spatial deficits with damage to the posterior association area?
contralateral to the lesion
What can damage to the posterior association area do to facial recognition?
result in prosopagnosia
What is prosopagnosia?
loss of the ability to recognize faces
Which side of the brain does a stroke need to occur to cause hemi-inattention?
right sided stroke because the right side of the brain controls attention for the left side and right, while the left only controls right sided attention
What are tests that you can conduct on a patient if you suspect damage to the posterior association area of the lateral association cortex?
have them draw a clock, flower, or house
What happens if someone has prosopagnosia?
they are unable t recognize familiar faces or make new facial associations
can identify people by voice, mustache, glasses
What does damage to the anterior association area of the lateral association cortex do?
disrupts executive functioning
empathy, reasoning, emotion
What is executive function?
aka contingency planning, the capacity to generate behaviors that are appropriate to the circumstances in which they unfold
What is the importance of Phinneas Gage’s case on the anterior association area?
illustrates the importance of prefrontal areas as they relate to social cognition (complete change in personality)
How do you assess executive function and damage to the anterior association area of the brain?
- Wisconsin card sorting test
- stroop test (color test)
- observation of behavior
What does the basomedial association cortex house when it comes to cognition?
emotional processing and performance eval and optimization
problem solving, error recognition, and anticipation
How is basomedial association cortex damage assessed?
observation or neuropsych