Mod 1: Lifespan Development Flashcards
Physical Domain
- weight and height
- fine and gross motor changes
- coordination
- brain development
- puberty
- sexual health
- fertility
- menopause
Cognitive Domain
- mental processes
- thinking
- learning and understanding
- logical thinking in adolescence
- moral reasoning
- practical intelligence
Psychosocial Domain
- infants and caregivers
- temperament and attachment
- interactions with other children and teachers
- personality
- self-esteem
- relationships
- peers important to identity formation
Human development is made up of research from…
many different fields to describe and explain changes
Continuous Development
cumulative, gradual, improving existing skills
* ex - child’s height increasing yearly
Discontinuous Development
Stages, sudden, development made at specific times or ages
* ex - infant developing object permanence
Discontinuous Development
stages, sudden, development made at specific times or ages
* ex - infant developing object permanence
biological and genetic
environment and culture
Developed Lifespan Perspective
Paul Baltes
Principals of Lifespan Perspective: Lifelong
continuous, isn’t completed at a certain age
Principals of Lifespan Perspective: Multidimensional
influenced by multiple factors
Principals of Lifespan Perspective: Multidirectional
can increase or decrease in efficacy
Principals of Lifespan Perspective: Plastic
potentials and limits in development
large range of outcomes
Principals of Lifespan Perspective: Contextual
3 systems of context work to influence development
Normative Age-Graded Influences
factors related to chronological age
- puberty, menopause, aged-based practices (school, retirement)
Normative History-Graded Influences
time period defines cultural and environmental context
* WW1 & WW2, Great Depression, Vietnam
Nonnormative Influences
Unpredicted, not tied to certain developmental time, unique experience
- getting master’s degree, divorce, coping with death of child
People born around the same time period in a certain area
* share histories and contexts
Principals of Lifespan Perspective: Multidisciplinary
combination of different disciplines needed to understand development
Issue with Personal Knowledge in Research
we see what we believe
- confirmation bias
Science is…
Steps of Typical Quantitative Research
- determining research question
- reviewing previous studies
- dtermining method of gathering info
- conduct study
- interpret results
- draw conclusions - state limits and make suggestions for future research
- publish findings
Steps of Typical Qualitative Research
- Broad area of interests and question
- Gain entrance to researched group
- Gather field notes
- Interview using open-ended and broad questions
- Modify questions as study continues
- Note consistencies and patterns
- Explore areas significant to observed group
- Report findings
Descriptive Research
Do not test relationships between variables
* describe observed behaviors or attributes
Evaluation Research
Determine effectiveness of policies or programs