MOCKS: 'The process of Italian unification in the years 1852-61 owed most to the work of Cavour'. How far do you agree? Flashcards
What are the 4 individuals in this essay?
Victor Emmanuel 11
Napoleon 111
When did Cavour become PM? What did he first do?
Started economic reform.
Connubio: Made parliamentary agreement with Urbano Ratazzi which strengthened parliament against the crown.
When did Cavour attack the church’s wealth and estates? How many?
1855 after VE11 pressure.
Crushed 152 monasteries and 1.7k benefices. This reduced church influence.
How much did Cavour’s crushing of monasteries and benefices add to the state’s income?
Added £145.6k.
When did Cavour sack Ratazzi and why?
For stability.
How did Cavour streamline government?
Made himself the PM, Foreign Minister, and Finance Minister.
Appointed La Mamora to reform the army, and financial reforms.
Provide an example of infrastructure Cavour developed.
1st steam ship “The Sicilia”.
By the end of the 1850s, how much railway did Cavour create for Piedmont?
Who did Cavour do trade agreements with?
Britain, France, and Belgium.
When did Cavour join the Crimean War? What did this lead to?
January 1855.
Provided 18k Piedmontese troops as an international favour.
Led to diplomatic status growth.
When was the Congress of Paris? How did it help Piedmont?
1856, following Crimean War.
Made countries more aware of Piedmont’s situation.
When was the Pact of Plombieres? What happened?
21st July 1858.
Between Cavour and Napoleon.
Plans for French military intervention in return for Nice and Savoy.
What revolts did Cavour encourage?
Revolts in the Central Duchies.
Who appointed Cavour?
Victor Emmanuel 11.
What significant powers did VE11 retain?
Law by decree, army, and foreign policy.
But mainly gave this responsibility to Cavour.
When and what was the September Convention?
VE11 negotiated with Napoleon 111.
Agreed Rome evacuation if capital was changed to Florence.
Allowed further gains- Rome!!
How did VE11 play a diplomatic role in the Pact of Plombieres?
His daughter Clotilde married to Jerome Bonaparte.
Supported and endorsed the pact.
What famous speech did VE11 deliver and when? How was this significant?
January 1859- Grido di Delore speech.
Inspired nationalists.
However, may have been written by Napoleon 111.
How did people’s voting in plebiscites show VE11 was a figurehead?
People voted for the annexation to the ‘constitutional monarchy of VE 11’.
How did VE11 have a better relationship with Garibaldi?
August 1860.
Garibaldi handed over the south to VE 11.
Saluted him as ‘first king of Italy’.
Who did Napoleon encourage and why?
Laffite and Rothschild in the investment of the Mount Cenis tunnel.
Connected France to Italy… exports!
When was the Orsini bomb plot? How did Napoleon use this?
Used it as an excuse to get involved with unification.
How many troops did Napoleon provided in the 1859 war against Austria?
200k troops.
How did Napoleon play a key military role?
Won Magenta and Solferino (17k Allied injuries, 21k Austria).
Brought end to fighting with the Treaty of Villafranca.
What did Napoleon do with Venetia?
Left Venetia in the hands of Austria.
When did Garibaldi set sail with the “The Thousand? What happened?
Gathered force of 1.2k volunteers.
Worked with peasants, bandits and local mafia to liberate Sicily from Naples.
Unified the south.
What did Garibaldi threaten to split?
Nationalism in Italy.
How was Garibaldi a dictator of Sicily?
Garibaldi wasn’t fighting for ‘Italia’.
Led to a peasant revolt.
How did Garibaldi’s conquest of the south leave problems for Piedmont?
The promise of land reform and lower taxes were impossible.
Led to Brigand’s war.