Mock revision Flashcards
material differences that may cause social class differences in achievement.
-overcrowding at home, no room to study
-hig family income, have more money to spend on the education e.g. private tutor
4 marker
cultural differences that may cause social class differences in achievement.
-working class pupils have restricted code, don’t communicate in ways that represent the schools’ values
-middle-class parents have a more positive outlook to education, give their children more support and resources
two similarities between marxist and functionalist views of education
-education is a form of secondary socialisation, educates children on norms and values (funct.)
-both have structural theories, key social institution within a largr social system
ways schools may promote competition between pupils.
-entrance exams, creates competition to get into desired schools
-ranking pupils, emphasises individual achievement
globalisation impacts on educational policy
-international testing (PISA), international standards ranking
-growth of the internet has created more assessment methods, home-school policies
criticisms of schools selecting pupils by ability
-selection benefits the middle class, can pay for more educational support
-some pupils are late developpers, 11 plus may not reflect the pupil’s ability down the line
marketisation policies may produce inequality between social classes
-parental choice, middle class parents have cultural capital, make more successful choice of school
-schools can establish their own catchment area, middle class parents can afford to move to get into these areas
cultural factors that may effect ethnic differences in achievement
-ethnocentric curriculum, reflects only the dominant culture benefiting whte-british kids
-language, english may not be certain kids first language and so have difficulty understanding class work
external factors to schools that may affect social class achievement
-parental attitudes, middle class parents place more importance on educational achievement
-poor housing, no place to study leading to lower educational achievement
characteristics of schools that may be similar to the workplace
-hierarchy of authority that mimics the future work place
-both are based on competition, compete for grades and then for higher wages
-both are based on alienation, have little control over what they study at school, workers have little control over the production procedure
why government policies aiming to improve disadvantaged peoples education may not always work
-difficult to implement policies, means intervening in home life to create motivational stratagies
-priviliedged groups may take advantage of the policies, therefore exlcuding the disadvantaged groups that need the help
-may fail to carry out the policies properly, misuse the funds provided
three functions education system provides for society
-social solidarity, school gets a shared sense of identity through sharing culture
-secondary socialisation, socialising agencies (schools) for teaching norms surrounding behaviour
-to reproduce patriarchy, some subjects choices are gendered, leading to jobs following these stereotypes
reasons why some working class boys join anti-school subcultures
-status frustration, gain status through acting out instead of educational success
-don’t want to be seen as the ‘idea student’, resistance to negative labelling
-working class attitudes and values, don’t align with the schools’, feel alienated, fatalism
reasons for gender diffs in achievement
-feminisation of education, more female teachers are role models, girls have an advantage
-laddish subcultures, join anti-school subs which prevent them from achievement (boys)
-leisure puruits, girls have more of a bedroom culture talking with friends, better communication skills
ways gov policies have reduced social inequalities in achievement
-pupil premium, disadvantaged pupils are able to have more opportunities
-abolition of the tripartite system, all go to the same secondary schools instead of all middle class in grammars
-grants for higher education, easier for poorer students to go to uni
factors in schools that may affect gender subject choices
-peer group pressure, leads each gender to pick subjects reflecting their stereotyped gender identities
-career advices, girls are steered more to childcare courses as they seem more feminine
-gender of teachers, boys may pick a masculine lesson because they are more likely to be taught by a man
ways in which the education system may be patriarchal
-curriculum, there are more examples of males in subject content
-patriarchal power hierarchy, men are usually in higher up positions
-the male gaze, girls may just be seen as sexual objects
criticisms of marketisation policies in education
-assume league tables can measure school performance, but the data is narrow
-assume competition is desirable, may discourgae co-operation between schools in the area
-increased testing has negative effects, creates a self-fulfilling prophecy and labels