Mock-5 Flashcards
What’s Team Charter?
Is created to define the values of the project team, the facts about the project agreed by the team, and the basic rules for the project. It should include:
* Shared values of the team
* Guidelines for team communications and tools to be used
* Details on how the team makes its decisions
* How to resolve team conflicts
* Team Meetings - when, how and where?
* Other team agreements ( such as shared hours, improvement activities, holidays and leaves, retrospectives, etc.)
* Other Project details like the ( Vision and Mission, Project timelines)
What is prototyping?
Used in getting early feedback that is related to the project requirements. This is done by providing a working model of the product even before building it
Agile estimation techniques?
Planning Poker - use of the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8…) to assign a point value to a feature or item.
Planning Poker technique?
Use of the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8…) to assign a point value to a feature or item. Agile modified sequence is 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100.
Discuss the item, assign points privately, reveal, focus on lower and higher values, restart the point assignment until converge. Usually, 2 min per item.
Affinity Grouping technique?
The agile team silently establishes the relative sizes of the user stories. The team arranges the stories in ascending order on a horizontal scale.
The product owner and the team discuss, and the later can optionally rearrange the order that was decided.
The items are placed in definite “buckets”, T-shirt sizes or Fibonacci sequence are used for the bucket sizes.
The product owner may discuss the sizes with the team. The team may move the item.
After the entire team finalizes the estimates, the data is stored and the affinity estimation is documented.
Agile estimation units?
Story Points - Fibonacci numbers or T-shirt sizes assigned as a measurement of a feature’s size relative to other features
Ideal Time - is the number of days of effort that it would take the team to get a story done if the team worked with no interruptions.
What’s Resource Leveling in CPM (Critical Path scheduling Method)?
Is a PM technique that involves resolving overallocation or scheduling conflicts to ensure a project can be completed with the available resources. Resources include the time, materials, or tools needed to complete a project. Project Manager adjusts the start dates and finish dates of different activities in order to balance the demand for resources vs available supply.
What’s Resource Smoothing in CPM (Critical Path scheduling Method)?
Is a resource optimization technique in which the Project Manager adjusts the timing of different activities so that the requirement for resources does not exceed a certain pre-defined limit.
What is Facilitation?
It is the ability to effectively guide a group event to a successful decision, solution, or conclusion. A facilitator ensures that there is effective participation and that participants achieve a mutual understanding.
What is Facilitation?
It is the ability to effectively guide a group event to a successful decision, solution, or conclusion. A facilitator ensures that there is effective participation and that participants achieve a mutual understanding.
Political awareness?
It involves an understanding of the project and organizational environment and power structure. This understanding is used to work within the structure. It guides the project manager in communicating and engaging the stakeholders for support.
Cultural awareness?
Is an understanding of the differences between individuals, groups, and organizations and adapting the project’s communication strategy in the context of these differences.
What is OPA?
Organization Process Assets are any specific knowledge and documents (including processes and plans) that are created / adopted to be used in the performing organization.
Examples: Lessons learned, Guidelines, Project templates, Recommended workflow/process, Historic records, Accounting practices, Risk / stakeholder registers
What are Project Documents?
Include project charter, statement of work, contracts, requirements documentation, stakeholder register, change control register, activity list, quality metrics, risk register, issue log, and other similar documents.
What is EEF?
Enterprise Environmental Factors are conditions that will influence / affect the project that are not under the immediate control of the project team.
Examples. External - Government regulations, Market conditions, External political conditions, Industry standards, Legal restrictions.
Internal - Organizational culture, Type of organizational structure, Internal political conditions, Available resources, Infrastructure