Mock 3 Flashcards
Where is usually spared with a HSP rash?
The trunk.
It is usually on the buttocks, extensor surfaces of the arms and legs and the ankles
What is naevus flammeus?
Port wine stain. Present from birth and grows with the infant
What are milia?
White pimples on the nose and cheeks of babies
What are Mongolian blue spots?
Blue/black macular discolouration at the base of the spine and on the buttocks
What is 1st line in children with faecal impaction?
Macragol laxative e.g. polyethylene glycol and electrolytes (Movicol Paediatric Plain)
If a macrogol laxative doesn’t work in paediatric faecal impaction, what should be added?
A stimulant laxative (Senna)
What is the surgical procedure used to treat Hirschsprung’s disease?
Swenson procedure (removal of affected bowel and anastomosis of the remaining bowel)
What is the procedure used to treat necrotising enterocolitis?
Laparotomy (poor prognosis if this treatment is needed)
What surgical procedure is done for undescended testes past 6 months of age?
What is used to treat Meckel’s diverticulum (symptomatic)?
Wedge excision
What is the treatment for paracetamol overdose?
N-Acetylcystine infused over 1 hour (3 infusions consecutively) - WITHIN 8 HOURS OF INGESTION AND ABOVE TREATMENT LINE
What are 2 conditions that must be met to treat paracetamol overdose with N-Acetylcystine?
- Presents within 8 hours of overdose
2. They are above the treatment line
When is activated charcoal most effective in paracetamol overdose?
Within 1 hour of ingestion
What are the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal seen within 24 hours?
Anxiety Increased hunger and cravings Fatigue Irritability Lack of motivation
When are women screened for anaemia?
Booking visit and 28 weeks gestation
What is the management of breast lump in women under 35?
Plus aspiration if a cyst, or guided biopsy if a solid mass
What is the management of breast lump in over 35s?
What is a fibroadenoma?
A benign mass of fibrous tissue that moves easily under the skin and is painless
What can increase the mass of a fibroadenoma of the breast?
Menopause can shrink it.
When does necrosis of breast tissue occur?
Following trauma
What is the most common type of breast cancer?
Invasive ductal carcinoma in situ
What is fetal hydrops?
The abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in 2+ fetal compartments. They are usually immune or non immune
What is the most common cause of anaemia in pregnancy?
Iron deficiency
What are risk factors for obstetric cholestasis?
Hepatitis C
Multiple pregnancy
Obstetric cholestasis in previous pregnancy
Presence of gallstones
When can ECV be offered to a nulliparous woman?
36 weeks
When can ECV be offered to a multiparous woman?
37 weeks
What are uterine leiomyomas?
What are risk factors for placenta accreta?
Age 35+
Previous c-section
Previous uterine surgery
How long can patients be kept in on a section 5(4)?
6 hours
When is the administration of anti-D prophylaxis indicated in women undergoing a TOP?
Rhesus negative women after 10 weeks
What is error if inheriting thinking?
When a working diagnosis of handed over and accepted without pause for consideration and determining whether it has been substantially proven or whether it matches the overall clinical picture
What is error due to failure to consider alternatives?
When one abnormality is found that fits a particular diagnosis and so you stop searching for other potential clues that may change the differential
What is error of overattachment?
Conducting tests to confirm what we expect or want to see and not ruling out other causes
What is error of bravado?
Working above competence
What is error of ignorance?
Unconscious impotence
What is 1st line in treating temporal arteritis with amaurosis fugax?
What trinucleotide repeat is seen in Huntington’s disease?
What disease is associated with temporal arteritis?
Polymyalgia rheumatica
What is the commonest cause of a convergent squint?
Hypermetropia (long sightedness)
What is the 1st line management of COPD?
SABA + SAMA (Itropium bromide)
What is contraindicated in bacterial endocarditis?
Give some cardiac causes of clubbing
atrial myxoma, cyanotic heart disease, endocarditis, pericarditis
Give some GI causes of clubbing
malabsorption, inflammatory bowel disease, liver cirrhosis,
Give some respiratory causes of clubbing
Cystic fibrosis, Tuberculosis, Pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis, bronchial carcinoma
How so LABAs work?
Stimulation of G protein coupled receptors