MOCK Flashcards
Switched off places
The Sahel- Poverty affects most people in the region. LDC’s Lacking a coastline may struggle to attract FDI.
Subsistence farmers- may be completely dependant on flows and FDI. Wages are so low that workers have low spending power.
Rapid development in Nigeria suggests that there is hope for these switched off places.
Changing diets in Asia
Traditional diets in Asia are low in meat and high in vegetables.
Rising affluence is increasing the meat consumption which increases land pressure.
Cultural Imperialsium
Forced assimilation into a culture
TNC’s as a cause of cultural globalisation
The global distribution of clothes and other goods has played a significant role in shaping the global culture.
Glocalisation takes places when the product is adapted for the local audience. (No Macdonalds Beef in India.).
Global Media as a cause of cultural globalisation.
Disney has exported its movies all over the world. The BBC’s reach all over the globe helps to maintains its global influence.
Some people gain influences into Western culture and history through shows like Downton Abbey.
Migration and Tourism
Migration brings enormous cultural chanllanges to places as resorces are challenged. Migration can affect the culture of the host regions and cultural change may only be the first part.
languages statistic
one in four of the worlds 7000 languages in the World are under threat.
Hyper Globalisation
Western culture is emerging because if cultural erosion in different places.
Types of Cultural erosion
- Loss of Languages
- Loss of traditional foods and a changing consumption pattern
- Loss of traditional music (Kenya)
- Loss of social relationships
Cultural change in France
France is fiercely protective of its culture and intelligence. Under local contact law at least 40 percent of TV must consist of French productions. French Music is also heavily protected by French radio stations.
Cultural protection in China
The Great firewall of China prevents users from using the BBC or Facebook. Strict quota of 34 foreign films this year.
Location quotient
A mappable ratio that helps show specialisation in any data distribution being studied. Figure closer to one more equally matches the average skill set of the country.
people employed in steel in 1970
Tata Steel
4500 redundancies in 2016 and closed in 2024.
Negative multiplier affect in steel
Every job lost in Steel a further 4 are lost down the line.
Education poverty statistics
Children who were in need were 50% less likely to receive a grade 5 in 2019. Children in need are also 20% less likely to access higher education.
Wealthiest 1% earn how much?
- All major car manufacturing left Detroit after a significant global shift decreased the international competitiveness of the USA.
- Ford, Chrysler and General Motors
- Few Jobs remained.
- 19% U/P
- 7/10 crimes went unsolved.
- Dan Gilbert is rehabilitating Detroits image
- 36% below poverty line
- Rust belt is a line of former manufacturing centres.
Natural Hazards trends
- Numbers of disasters seem to be falling.
- Deaths falling and following this trend with an exception for mega disasters.
Response- taking primary and secondary to try to minimise the loss following an event.
Recovery- Reconstruction is a key part of recovery including making infrastructure more resilient
Mitigation- This stage is to reduce the future impact by Hazard events.
Preparedness- Aims to help people be prepared for an event in one were to occur if managed appropriately.
Parks Model
Line shows the potential improvement and the positive impact after a result.
Strategies to modify the event
- land use zoning
- hazard resistant design
- Engineering defences
- Diversification of the Lava flow
Stratagies to modify vulnerability
Hi Tech Monitoring
Community preparedness
Strategies to modify loss
Short term aid
Long term aid
Actions of affected communities themselves
2002 Congo GDP 64N
Eruptions have a low viscosity, destroyed 15000 homes, 200 deaths by carbon monoxide, loss of crops and livestock
2014 Japan $4.2, Religious and tourist destination. Pyrocalsitc flows and ash falls took place. 63 tourists were killed. Mostly journalists. 2 sizemogaophs failed. Decline in the tourist industry.
Philipines, 400Bn. 800 Died. 80,000 acres smothered in ash.
Iceland 2010. Folding via johnkalup. Constructive plate boundary. 2.6 in GDP lost by Europe.
Holdreness coast sediment cell
Sources- Falmborough heads chalk and Hornsea boulder clay both washing into the sea.
Transefer zones- LSD southerly direction form flambrough head which is further down the littoral zone.
Sinks- Spurn Head (Spit) and other depositional landforms absorb the downstream flow of sediment
Isostatic change
Rise or fall in land level
Eustatic change
A rise or fall in water level caused by a change in the volume of water.
Emergent Submergent
Emergent- The coastline is emerging
Submerging- The coastline is reducing
Scotland is still experiencing isostatic fall in sea level.
Post glacial isostatic readjustment
After the melting of glaciers uplifting.
A fossil cliff
Raised beaches now separate old cliffs from the sea- Often by large distances.
Raised Beach
A former beach which now sits above the sea level.
A drowned river valley in an ungalciated areas caused by sea level rise flooding the river flooding.
Barrier Islands
Offshore sediment bars usually sand dunes covered, but, unlike spits they are not attached to the coast.
Ria case study
The Knightsbridge eastury
How a Fjord is differnt to a Ria
- the drowned valley is always u shaped
- The Fjord Is usually deeper than the sea
- There is usually a submerged lip representing the former extent of the glacier that filled the valley.
Rate of sea level change
3-3.5mm per year.
Component’s affecting sea level rise:
- Thermal expansion
- The incidence of mountain glaciers melting
- The melting of ice sheers
Advantages, disadvantages and factors affecting the costs of hard engineering
- visible protection
- It can be a one off decision
- High Costs including construction and maintenance
- Even when carefully designed they are prone to failure.
Factors affecting the costs of hard engineering
- How extreme the energy of the costal environment
- The Size, strength and height needed for the individual structure
- How natural they need to look
Costs of Groynes and Sea Walls per meter
Groynes- 150-2500
Sea Wall 3-10,000
What is a Rock Breakwater
A large rock offshore which forces the waves to break off the beach rather than at the beach. This encourages deposition but does interfere with LSD.
What is Cliff regrading and drainage
When the angle is less steep which makes it more stable. The dune is vegetated so it becomes more stable.
Maldives case study
The Maldives is going to extraordinary lengths to battle rising sea levels with the construction of artificial islands. The rise is that money spend support the larger and more populated islands is at the detriment to those living on the smaller islands. Local efforts in the Maldives to maintain mangrove swamps, promote education about growing food and protect the environment generally is part of an effort funded by the Japanese government.
Riverside Context
1800’s was an industrial complex.
1900’s engineering complex with businesses like Bolton and Paul who produced steel products like WW2 aircraft.
1844 railway station was established and founded Norwiches industrial dominance.
Only the incidence of global sift saw Riverside shut down.
1984 saw the last 240 B&P Jobs being lost.
This area became derelict until the 1997 Blair govt pushed forward a regeneration approach.
Lakenham Context
Formerly a farming and rural settlement which transitioned into an element of Norwich as a city. This then became heavily bombed during the second war.
In 1950 72% of the population lived in Social Housing.
After the war NCC constructed 1500 homes until they were purchased under thatchers Right to Buy scheme.
2006 Lakenham’s School the Hewitt was placed into special measures by Ofsted. This was because only 37% of students received A*-C in Maths and English.
Colmans then moved away which also was another hit to the local area. 113 Jobs were directly lost however a negative multiplier saw a further 300 be lost.
29% are economically active.
Riverside Regeneration
Now a morrissons, car park and Odeon alongisde an industrial shopping complex, bars and restaurants, a bowling alley and a trampoline park.
Riverside Heights (2016).
Investment by private individuals but also through an urban regeneration scheme put forth by the NCC. This has seen a shift in demographics to now include tourist and retail jobs.
Riverside Demographic
Younger people with less dependants who are more likely to be in good health. There is an NHS walk in centre nearby. Very significant population of BAME citizens. Over half have a degree.
Regional, National and Internal role of surrounding location
-Head of ITV east anglia and BBC look east.
- 2 Universities
- 8th most popular retail destination in the Uk
- Airport with KLM and other airlines flying internationally
- UEA is ranked 4th for research output.
- Aviva is now located in London but it has a key central office in Norwich
Lakenham demographic
High level of dependants. More than half of the population live in insufficient housing. Dependants reduce economic activity. Poorer education levels which limits the opportunities for Jobs.