Mock 1 Flashcards
What is a contingency?
Allowance for the unknown risks associated with a project
How much was the contingency on this project?
£50k (approx. 5%)
Why was 5% contingency chosen?
During the early design stages it was 10%, however as the design developed the contingency was reduced to 5%
Why was a traditional procurement method used here?
Procured using the framework agreement, but traditional contract used.
Why was it a JCT MW without quantities?
- Project not complex enough to require BoQ
- Price was a lump sum
What impact could using a JCT without quantities have on the contractors tender?
Contractor may factor in more risk allowance to facilitate errors with quantities
What is life cycle costing?
Process of economic decision analysis, which helps taking decisions on investments in new construction - Considers the overall cost of a product over its life cycle
Simple English, what is value engineering?
An exercise that involves most of the project team as the project develops. It is about taking a wider view and looking at the selection of materials, plant, equipment, and processes to see if a more cost-effective solution exists that will achieve the same project objectives
How does VE differ from VM?
VM is a method of highlighting possible opportunities to create value within a project and subsequently managing those solutions to ensure value is continuously delivered.
Whereas VE is a method used to eliminate any unnecessary costs, in order to achieve value for money on a project. VE methods and techniques can be used throughout the life cycle of a project, from strategic definition (very early design) to handover and close out
What is “Float” in relation to programme?
The amount of time a task can be delayed without impacting the overall programme
Single stage tendering – What are the advantages?
- Early cost certainty
- Competitive price
If you did make an allowance for inflation, how could you do that?
Take advice from the BCIS and apply and % to the rates
Tell me some methods of natural ventilation?
Openable windows
UJ- You mention you made an allowance for acoustic products. Can you tell me what one of those was?
Acoustic floor boards
Acoustic floor boards – tell me what they are and how the work (what is the build-up?)
Cellecta Screedboard 28, interlocking tongue and groove, 20mm gypsum with 8mm fibre acoustic fleece.
What is an acoustic flooring panel purpose?
Designed to reduce reverberation and reflection of sound within rooms. By absorbing sound energy, they stop this energy from continuing to bounce around the room helping to reduce reverberation
Asbestos Survey at UJ
I advised my client to instruct a specialist asbestos removal company to remove the identified asbestos to provide a safe environment for the contractor and future tenants
Feasibility Estimating – what is that?
Produced up to stage 1 - Feasibility estimates are used to give clients a rough order of magnitude of the cost of the project. These estimates are intended to be a tool to help a customer decide to proceed on the articulated quote or scale the project up or down keeping in mind several feasibilities may be required before moving to the conceptual phase
Why do we have the RIBA Plan of Works?
The RIBA Plan of Work organises the process of briefing, designing, constructing, and operating building projects into eight stages and explains the stage outcomes, core tasks and information exchanges required at each stage
Give me a take-off list under NRM1 for those partitions
- Walls + Partitions (stating thickness) measured = m2
- E/O internal walls for forming openings = Nr
Tell me how you updated your cost plans UJ as the design moved through the RIBA stages?
i. Following receipt of the developed design information, I would carry out a take-off of the new information
ii. I would then update the cost plan to reflect these adjusting rates where necessary
iii. Finally, I would review the cost plan with the designers to ensure allowance are in line with their expectations
How did you deal with any unknowns or any queries
Q&A - Raise with relevant member of the design team
KN – you mentioned you reviewed the design with the design team and advised the client with some options/considerations, which include specialist lighting – What was your advice in relation to these specialist light fittings
My involvement was advising of the impact from a commercial perspective (i.e. costs + lead in time)
What factors can affect cashflow for a contractor?
i. Late payment from the client
ii. Pay Less Notice issued by the client
iii. Materials off-site not being paid for
What is a provisional sum?
A provisional sum is an allowance (or best guess), usually estimated by a cost consultant, that is inserted into tender documents for a specific element of the works that is not yet defined in enough detail for tenderers to accurately price
What is the difference between a defined and undefined provisional sum?
i. Defined provisional sums are those which have been described in sufficient detail that the contractor is expected to have made allowance for them in their programming, planning, and pricing preliminaries
ii. Undefined provisional sums are less well described and so the contractor cannot be expected to make allowance for them in their programming, planning, and pricing preliminaries.
Cubico – What were the stages of the change control procedure?
i. Introduced change control forms, which included a description of change, effects of the change from cost and programme perspective, and reason/benefit of the change
ii. Any variation over £10k would require approval at board level
KN – what is the agenda for a regular change control meeting with the Contractors QS?
i. Contractor to submit a copy of the latest change log + substantiation
ii. I would then review the information provided + make an assessment prior to the meeting
iii. I would then meet with the contractors QS to discusses each variation + substantiation with the aim of agreeing items
Talk me through the schedule 2 quotation process under the JCT?
i. + sufficient information must be provided to the contractor to enable preparation of a quotation
ii. + prescriptive time periods exist for the preparation and acceptance of a quotation
iii. + the quotation must include the value of the varied work and the effects on any other work
iv. + supporting calculations should be submitted, with appropriate reference to the Valuation Rules
v. + any requirements for an Extension of Time
vi. + any amounts to be paid in lieu of ascertaining Loss & Expense
vii. + a fair and reasonable amount in respect of the cost of preparing the quotation should be included. This fair and reasonable amount is to be paid even if the quotation is not accepted
viii. + method statements and resource requirements should be included if asked for by the instruction to provide the quotation