Construction Technology Flashcards
What is buildability?
Refers to an item of the build and how easy it is to construct
The concept of buildability is an approach to architectural design which relates to the awareness of the designer for the method of construction of the building. It is the taking into consideration of the process of construction to a high degree in the construction of the building.
What are the benefits of prefabricated construction?
What are the disadvantages of prefabricated construction?
Reduced flexibility
Certain scale to provide value
What are Building Regulations?
Building regulations set standards for the design and construction of buildings to ensure the safety and health for people in or about those buildings.
What are the RIBA Plan of Work 2020 stages?
The RIBA Plan of Work organises the process of briefing, designing, constructing, and operating building projects into eight stages and explains the stage outcomes, core tasks and information exchanges required at each stage.
- Stage 0 – Strategic Definition
- Stage 1 – Preparation and Briefing
- Stage 2 – Concept Design
- Stage 3 – Spatial Coordination
- Stage 4 – Technical Design
- Stage 5 – Manufacturing and Construction
- Stage 6 – Handover
- Stage 7 – In use
What are the different types of ventilation systems?
Natural ventilation – openable windows etc.
Mixed mode ventilation – both natural and mechanical (openable windows + extract/supply or combination)
Mechanical ventilation (extract only) – used to extract smelly/moisturised air from kitchens/bathrooms etc.
Mechanical (supply & extract) – VRV/VRF system
What is an Air Handling Unit in simple terms?
Piece of plant, which provide filtered/fresh air into a building
What are the benefits of an AHU?
more comfortable working environment for your staff and visitors
Patrizia – Concealed cistern behind drywall – what is the disadvantage?
Difficult from a maintenance perspective
What are the benefits of an Integrated Plumbing System (IPS)?
- More aesthetically pleasing
- Easy to access for maintenance
What is a Variable refrigerant volume system?
Type of air conditioning system which provide heating and cooling to an internal space
Tell me some methods of natural ventilation?
Openable windows/chimneys
KN – you mention you made an allowance for acoustic products. Can you tell me what one of those was?
Acoustic ceiling baffles
Acoustic ceiling rafts – tell me what they are and how the work (what is the build-up?)
Sound absorbing/insulated core, wrapped in an acoustic felt – suspended from the ceiling
What is an acoustic ceiling raft’s purpose?
Designed to reduce reverberation and reflection of sound within rooms. By absorbing sound energy, they stop this energy from continuing to bounce around the room helping to reduce reverberation
Brunel House – Asbestos Survey – What was your role on advising the client of this asbestos problem?
I advised my client to instruct a specialist asbestos removal company to remove the identified asbestos to provide a safe environment for the contractor and future tenants
Why is acoustic design important?
Building acoustics are not only important in reducing noise that may damage a person’s health, but they also help to promote effective transmission of different noises to ensure sound is transmitted and spread at optimal levels
What is a db rating?
Sound is measured in units called decibels (dB). The higher the decibel level, the louder the noise.
What is an asbestos survey?
An asbestos survey is a search for asbestos materials. An asbestos survey is a survey undertaken within a building, property, or structure, with the purpose of identifying asbestos-containing materials. Because asbestos fibres can’t be identified by eye, during an asbestos survey, samples may need to be taken
What are the three main types of asbestos?
- Chrysotile (white asbestos)
- Amosite (brown asbestos)
- Crocidolite (blue asbestos)
Where should asbestos be disposed to?
Landfill site with asbestos permit
Types of VRV Sytems?
Two pipes less flexible – can be switched from cooling to heating
Four pipe – can supply heat to one room and cooling to another
What is a chilled beam system?
Passive chilled beams – Chilled water passes through the tubes cooling the rising hot air and chills the air causing it to descend back towards the floor
What is superstructure?
- All internal and external structure above the substructure
- Usually everything above DPC
What are the main components of concrete?
- Cement
- Aggregate
- Water
What are the technical advantages of steel frame?
- Quick to assemble
- 100% recyclable
- Steel will not warp, split or crack
- Highest strength to weight ratio of any building material
- Non-combustible
What are the technical disadvantages of steel frame?
- Needs fire protection
- Price of steel is variable
- Steel does not have the thermal and acoustic properties of concrete
What are the technical advantages of concrete frame?
- Fire protection inherent in structure
- Low maintenance
- Provides good sound and heat insultation
What are the technical disadvantages of concrete frame?
- Slower to construct
- May need steel reinforcement
- Heavier so larger foundations may be required
What factors might affect the choice of materials for internal partitions?
- Fire rating requirements
- Fixed or movable
- Strength
- Acoustic requirements
What is a Cat A fit-out?
Cat A fit out will provide a basic level of finish above that provided in a Shell and Core. This may include raised floors, suspended ceilings and internal surfaces, along with basic mechanical and electrical services.
What is a Cat B fit-out?
A category B fit out is a finished office space that has been tailored to the exact requirements of the client, resulting in a space that is ready for occupancy
What are the different types of plasterboard available?
- Acoustic board (blue)
2 Moisture resistant (green) - Wall board (grey)
- Fire line board (pink)
What are raised access floors?
- Floor sitting on pedestals above concrete slab
- Allows services to be located within the floor void
What is a UPS?
Uninterruptible power supply - System the maintains a continuous supply of electric power to certain essential equipment
What fire safety provisions would you expect to find in an office block?
- Maximum occupancy numbers
- Fire exits and fire plans
- Fire alarms
- Sprinklers
- Signage
- Fire curtains
- Fire barriers
What is intumescent paint?
- Fire resistant paint usually applied to steelwork
What is the joint fire code?
Sets out a series of standards and procedures to be followed to minimise the occurrence of accidental or malicious fires
Where could you get building control approval on a project?
Your local authority building control services or approved inspectors
What are British standards?
Publications issued by the British Standards Institution
- Give recommended minimum standards for materials, components, design and construction practices
What are O&M manuals?
Operation & maintenance manuals
- At completion, O&Ms are issued to the client / building owner