Mnemonics Flashcards
An electron go from a lower energy level to a high energy level: Abord light, Higher potential, Excited and Distant from the nucleus
Atomic Mass and Atomic Weight
Atomic MASS is nearly synonymous with MASS number. Atomic WEIGHT is a WEIGHTED average of naturally occurring isotopes of that element.
Paramagnetic vs Diamagnetic
PARAmagnetic means that a magnetic field will cause PARAllel spins in unpaired electrons and therefore cause an attraction. Diamagnetic is atoms that have only paired electrons and will be repelle by a magentic field.
Ionic Bonds
meTals lose electrons to become caTions = posiTive (+) ions
Nonmetals gain electrons to become aNions = Negative (-) ions
Diatomic elements
they form a number 7 on the periodic table (except H), there are 7 of them, and most of them are on group 7: H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2 and I2
Hydrogen bonds
Pick up the FON (fluorine, oxygen and nitrogen)
State functions
when i am under PRESSURE and feelinf DENSE, all I want is to watch TV and get HUGS
Acids definition
The brOnsted-lOwry definition revolves around prOtons and the lEwis definition around Electrons
Oxidation Is Loss of electron, Reduction Is Gain of electrons
AN OX and a ED CAT
the Anode is the site of OXidation; REDuction occurs at the CAThode
Electron flow
A (anode) to C (cathode) - (order in the alphabet)
Electrodeposition equation
mol M = I t / n F
MOLES of M, IT is Not Fun
Galvanic cells
The aNode is Negative
order of most electronegative elements to least electronegative in covalent compounds: F luorine, O xygen, N itrogen, C h l orine, Br omine, I odine, S ulfur, C arbon, and H ydrogen
Goldfish are Horrible Without T artar S auce
heat transfer equation q = mcΔT
So I B rought No Cl ean Clo thes
strong acids: H2 S O4, H I , H Br , H NO 3, H Cl , H ClO 4.