MN Public Display Fireworks Operator Guidelines Flashcards
Potential Sponsors could be
- Cannot be a private individual, including Certified Fireworks Operators
- City, Fair association, amusement park, other public or private organization
- Firework Display Company (Private Party Display)
Organization that permits are issued to
Display Sponsor
Situations with exemptions to permits
Cities/counties are allowed to exempt displays involving the use of smoke/flash pots, theatrical flash powder for ceremonial, theatrical, and musical productions
Who can issue permits for indoor displays
- MN Fire Marshal
2. Local fire chief if authority is delegated by state fire marshal
Examples of public organizations
County, township, or other public entity
Examples of private organizations
Churches, fraternal/veterans organizations, businesses, companies, lake associations, and private colleges
Minimum requirements to apply for permit
- Name of sponsor (name, contact info, agent)
- Name of certified public display operator, Operators certificate number
- Date, time, exact location of display
- Diagram of the grounds with
A. Discharge location
B. Buildings, highways, streets, communications lines, overhead obstructions
C. Lines behind where audience will be restrained
D. Location of ground pieces - # and types of fireworks / effects.
- Names and birth dates of all assistants (must be all over 18). This is submitted with Fireworks Operator Display Report
- Proof of bond / Certificate of insurance
- Safety plan: procedures if a shell fails to ignite, or discharge from a mortar, fails to function over fall out area, or otherwise malfunctions
- Manner and place of storage prior to display
Post show: What needs to be filed
Fireworks Operator Display Report
Recommended Checklist for Firechief
- Verify operator is licensed
- Review with respect to 1123 (outside) and 1126 (proximate/indoor)
- Indoor display: request walk through and demonstration
- Plan for manner and location of storage of fireworks both prior to delivery to display site and at display site
- Type of fire protection
- Method of communication with local public safety in the event of emergency
- Provisions for crowd control
- Site safety plan for malfunctions
If smoke and fire alarms are bypassed
Arrangements must be made to have a representative of the fire department present
Number one priority of the certified fireworks operator
Certified Fireworks Operator must ensure:
- No fire or life safety hazard is allowed to exist during storage, transportation, handling, and preparation or use of fireworks
- All displays are conducted in accordance with all laws and regulations
- A sufficient number of assistants, minimum age of 18, trained properly, know how to use fire extinguisher
- Proper gear: head, eye, hearing, foot protection. Long sleeves and pants (leather, cotton, nomex, equivalent)
- Sufficient number of fire extinguishers
- Verification with fire chief as to the level of fire protection support needed (including personnel, standby appratus,etc)
- Crowd control with monitors wearing distinctive identification
On-site fireworks storage (pre-display)
- Must be supervised
- kept dry
- inspected for damage
On-site fireworks storage (during display)
This assumes no electronic firing
- Fireworks must be stored in ready boxes 25’ up wind from mortars. Separated by size and whether they are salutes
Distance between fireworks preparation areas and the public
> 100ft
Sponsor is responsible for:
- Obtaining required state, city, or county permit
- Connect with local fire chief regarding standby apparatus or personnel
- Providing distinctive crowd control monitors, fencing or other barriers when practical
- Other permits from FAA, US Coast Guard, USDot
- Permission from any private or public owners of buildings or property that within the secured display site
Separation distance from viewing areas, spectator vehicles, approved buildings for mortars 2” diameter or larger
- Secured site radius is 70 feet per inch of internal mortar diameter (diameter being 2R = 140 feet)
Separation distance from viewing areas, spectator vehicles, approved buildings for mortars 1” diameter
R-75’ or a diameter of 150’
Separation distance from viewing areas, spectator vehicles, approved buildings for mortars 1.5 diameter or larger
Same as 2” or larger: 70’ X Inner Diameter of Mortar
Increased separation from facilities that cannot be easily evacuated (prisons/hospitals/nursing homes
Doubling distances for healthcare facilities (hospitals/nursing homes), detention or correctional facilities
Increased separation from bulk storage of flammable materials (gasoline, explosives{fertilizers}, toxic hazards [chlorine}
Double distances or increased more if fire chief requests
Separation distances for ground pieces with moving parts, salutes, roman candle batteries
125’ from spectators and vehicles
Separation distances for ground pieces with no moving parts
75’ from spectators and vehicles
Trajectory of shells must not come within this distance of any overhead objects
What personnel are allowed at display site? What are NOT allowed?
- Spectators or spectator parking shall NOT be located within the display site
- Only the operator, necessary assistant’s, inspectors appointed by the fire chief are allowed in the display site
Dwellings within display site. When is it OK and can/how can they be occupied?
- Dwellings are allowed in within display site, with the approval of fire chief and the owner of the dwelling
- Dwellings must be unoccupied during display, or structure provides protection for the occupants through noncombustible or fire-resistant construction
Definition of landing/fallout area
- The area over which aerial shells are fired and into which debris and malfunctioning aerial shells can fall
- Must be large, clear, open area approved by local fire chief.
- Spectators, unauthorized vehicles, watercraft, and readily combustible materials must not be allowed in this area during display
Distance that smoking and open flames are allowed from fireworks and pyrotechnics materials
- 50ft
2. No smoking or open flames must be conspicuously posted in the area
Only use flashlights, chemical chemiluminescent lights, or electric lighting for illumination
Supervision of fireworks
Fireworks must be protected from direct access by the public, must not be left unattended, unsecured, or allowed to become wet at display site
Ready Box design and location
- Portable
- Weather resistant storage containers for aerial shells
- Must be located at least 25’ in upwind direction from mortars
HDPE mortars reloading
It is OK to reload HDPE mortars during a display
Reasons to discontinue display
- Lack of crowd control, and/or crowd is in danger
- High winds
- Wet weather
Range inspection after display
The entire firing range must be inspected immediately following a display, or secured until it can be inspected
Proximate audience definition and NFPA code for proximate audiences
- Indoor displays are consider proximate audience dispays
- Outdoor displays can be proximate displays, for example for concerts and theatrical performances. If indoor/proximate separation distances are used (NFPA 1126) , operator must be certified for proximate audiences
- If operator is certified for outdoor displays only, NFPA 1123 must be used for ground pieces
Additional Proximate display requirements for permitting organization from fire chief
- A walk through and representative demonstration of the pyrotechnics by fire chief for approval
Requirements for indoor displays and interruption of fire detection and life safety systems
- Prior approval of fire chief
- Prior approval of buildings owner
- Fire department representative must be present for all rehearsals, displays, demonstrations
- All fire detection and life systems must be reinstated to normal operation as soon as likelihood of false alarms have passed
Indoor display separation distances for general pyrotechnic devices
- Greater than 15’ but not less than 2X the fallout radius
Indoor display separation distances for concussion mortars
- Greater than or equal to 25’
Indoor display separation distances for glowing or flaming particles
- > 10’ from audience
Indoor smoke control needs to allow for
Smoke must not obscure exit signs or paths to egress travel
Indoor Smoking separation distances
- 25’ of distance where pyrotechnics are being handled or stored.
- Exception is when smoking is as part of performance (approved by fire chief)
Indoor: Pyrotechnic materials shall not be stored within XX of any unprotected source of heat or open flame
- 50’
Indoor precautions for damage
Precautions must be taken so that no part, projectile, or debris damage overhead properties, equipment, automatic sprinklers, or detection systems, ceilings and walls
Indoor notice to patrons
Operator must display notice in prominent position informing patrons of the use of indoor fireworks
Post display report filing with respect to other shows at a similar time
Every single display requires its own post display report be filed
Post display reporting of assistants
- Must be at least 18
2. Name and date of birth of each assistants
Renewal lag time
Applicants lacking the required experience or whose certification has been expired for more than 12 months, must follow the initial “certification” steps
Federal Storage requirements (CFR) for fireworks
27 CFR Part 555 (Subpart K)
Federal requirements (CFR) to manufacture, possess, use display fireworks
27 CFR Part 555 (Subpart D)
Federal definition of display fireworks (Salutes)
1`. Salutes containing more than 2 grains (130mg)
Federal definition of Display fireworks (Aerial Shells)
- Aerial shells containing more than 40 grams of pyrotechnic compositions
- Other display pieces that exceed the limits for consumer fireworks
Classification of display fireworks by the US department of transportation
- UN0333, UN0334, UN0335
CFR of display fireworks by the US department of transportation
49 CFR 172.101
Minnesota Statues for fireworks
624.20 - 624.25
Definition of “fireworks”
- Object that produces a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation
Objects that are not fireworks (toy pistols/guns)
- Toy pistols, Toy guns < 25/100 grains explosive
2. Toy pistol caps < 20/100 grains explosive
Objects that are not fireworks- Sparklers
- Sparklers < 100 grams of mixture per item
Explosive Fireworks definition
Any firework that contain pyrotechnic or flash powder, gun powder, black powder, or any other explosive compound constructed to produce detonation or deflagration
Maximum license fee for retail sales
- May not exceed $350 or $100 per location?
2. No other costs are allowed
Firework display requirements
- City, fair association, amusement park, other public or private organization
- Supervised by an operator certified by the state fire marshal
- Permit must be secured by municipality or fair association within the limits
Fireworks application process (inside an incorporated municipality)
- Application for permit must be made 15 days prior to municipal clerk - forward to fire chief
- Application must have name of an operator who is certified by the state fire marshal and will supervise display
Fireworks application process (outside an incorporated municipality)
- Application made to county auditor who performs duties as the clerk does for a city
- County sheriff shall perform duties as the fire chief does for the city
Operator certification requirements
- Applicant must be > or equal to 21 years of age
- Examination, administered by the state fire marshal, at 70%
- Application in writing, signed application form
- Evidence of experience: Active participation as an assistant or operator in the performance of at least five professional displays at least one occurring in the current or preceding year
- $100
Certification application process
- Application form must be approved or denied within 30 days
- $100 application fee requirement
- Valid for 4 years
Types Certification classification
- Proximate audience displays (including indoor displays)
- Outdoor displays
- Both
Post display report timing
- Report submitted within 30 days if everything is as planned
- Report submitted within 10 days if:
a. injury
b. fire or damage to property > $100
c. Defective Product: unsafe or defective pyrotechnic product or equipment was used
Operator certification renewal
- Renewal application
- Dates, locations, authorities issuing permits for at least three displays participated in or supervised in the last four years
- $100 fee
- Must issue denial or renewal within 30 days of receipt
Reasons for Certification suspension, revocation, refusal to renew
- Submitted a fraudulent application
- Caused or permitted a fire or safety hazard to exist during storage, transportation, handling, preparation, or use of fireworks
- Conducted a display of fireworks without receipt of a permit
- Conducted a display with assistants that were < 18 years old
- Failed to comply with federal, state law or regulation or guidelines related to fireworks
Exemptions for license holder
- Federal explosives license holder
2. 20 days after date of exhibition authorized by permit
Violation sentences
- Explosive Fireworks > 35Lbs imprisonment for not more than a year, or payment of fine not more than $3000, or both
- Explosive Fireworks < 35Lbs imprisonment of not more than 90 days, or payment of fine not more than $700, or both
- Fireworks other than explosive of any amount imprisonment of not more than 90 days, or payment of fine not more than $700, or both
Objects that are not fireworks- Sparkling items: Non-explosive and non-aerial. Both as a tube and multi-tube configuration
- Sparkling items non explosive/aerial < 75 grams of mixture per tube
- Sparkling items non explosive/aerial < 500 grams of mixture for multiple tubes
Objects that are not fireworks- Snaps/Party Favors
Snakes, glow warms, smoke devices, trick noisemakers (paper streamers, party poppers, string poppers, snappers, drop pops: < 25/100 explosive
Aerial shells greater than 6” must loaded and fired in this way (with some exceptions)
Pre-loaded and Electronically fired