MN CDL Pre-Trip Inspection Gen2 Flashcards
Front of Vehicle (1): Lights & Reflectors
- Lights/reflectors are (CFnBLM), Clean, Functional, not Broken, Loose. or Missing
- Lights/reflectors are the correct color of:
- All lights need to be checked: Brake, Turn Signal, and Four way flasher functions are completed separately
- Clearance lights / parking lights: Red in back, Amber everywhere else
- Headlights: low/high beams
- Tail lights
- Backing lights
- Turn signals
- Four-way flashers
- Brake lights (ask for assistence)
- Reflectors (red on rear, amber everywhere else)
- Reflector tape condition
Front of Vehicle (2): Mirrors
- There are no mirrors in front of vehicle. Make sure that outside mirrors will be addressed somewhere on designated check list
- There are “Door” mirrors-covered in door/mirror section of Driver/Fuel Area
- There are “Interior” mirrors in the “Windshield & Mirrors” section of the Inside Vehicle section
Engine Compartment (1): Oil Level
- Indicate where dipstick is located
- Note that oil is checked when engine is off
- Check that the oil level is within safe operating range (SOR), and above refill mark
Engine Compartment (2): Coolant Level
- Indicate where reservoir is located
- Check site glass on coolant reservoir, must be above refill mark
- Check it is Securely Mounted (SM)
- Check it is not Bent, Broken, Damaged or Leaking (BBDoL)
Engine Compartment (3): Power Steering Fluid Level
- Indicate where power steering reservoir is located
- Check site glass, level must be above refill mark
- Check reservoir is Securely Mounted (SM)
- Check reservoir is not Bent, Broken, Damaged or Leaking (BBDoL)
- Check Serpentine Belt for snugness; cracks, frays, loose fibers, signs of wear (on pump). (SCFLS)
Engine Compartment (4): Water Pump
- Indicate where Water Pump is located
- Check it is Securely Mounted (SM)
- Check it is not Bent, Broken, Damaged or Leaking (BBDoL)
- Check Serpentine Belt for snugness; cracks, frays, loose fibers, signs of wear (SCFLS)
Engine Compartment (5): Alternator
- Indicate where Alternator is located
- Check it is Securely Mounted (SM)
- Wires are Securely Mounted (SM) & Fastened
- Check it is not Bent, Broken, or Damaged (BBD)
- Check Serpentine Belt for snugness; cracks, frays, loose fibers, signs of wear (SCFLS)
Engine Compartment (6): Leaks & Hoses
- Look for puddles on the ground
- Look for dripping fluids on underside of engine & transmission
- Check hoses are not Broken, Bent, Damage, or Leaking (BBDoL)
- Check that hoses are securely mounted
Engine Compartment (7): Master Cylinder
- Indicate where Master Cylinder is located
- Check and verify proper fluid level on site glass, SOR, above Minimums
- Check it is Securely Mounted (SM)
- Check it is not Broken, Bent, Damage, or Leaking (BBDoL)
Engine Compartment (8): Automatic Transmission Fluid
- Indicate where dipstick is located
- Check transmission fluid level is within safe operating range (SOR)
- STATE the engine needs to be running to properly check fluid level
Engine Compartment (9): Battery / Box
- Battery must be Securely Mounted(SM)
- Cell Caps present
- Battery connections should be tight with no signs of excessive corrosion
- Battery box must be securely mounted
Steering (1): Steering box & hoses
- Check that the steering box is Securely Mounted (SM) and Not Leaking
- Check that hoses and box are not Bent, Broken, Damaged, or Leaking (BBDoL)
- Check for any missing nuts, bolts, or cotter keys (NBC)
Steering (2): Steering linkages
- Check that the Arms, Links, Rods from steering box to wheel are not Worn or Cracked
- Check that Joints & Sockets are not Worn or Loose
- Check for any missing nuts, bolts, or cotter keys (NBC)
Front Wheel (1): Tires
- Check tread depth (4/32” on steering tires, 2/32” on non-steering tires)
- Check tire condition: Tread is evenly worn, no cuts or damage to tread or sidewalls
- Check that VALVE STEMS / CAPS are not Missing, Bent, Broken, Damaged, or leaking M+(BBDoL)
- Check Tire Inflation: Must use tire guage (60psi in front / 80psi in back)
Front Wheel (2): Rims
- Check for Bent, Broken, Damaged (BBD) rims
- Rims cannot have welding repairs
- Check for rust trails that may indicate rim is loose on wheel
Front Wheel (3): Lug Nuts
- Check that all lug nuts are present, free of cracks and distortions
- Check that there is no evidence of looseness, (rusty trails, shiny threads)
- Check that all bolt holes are not cracked or distorted
Front Wheel (4): Hub Oil Seal
- Check that hub & axle seals are not leaking
2. If wheel has a sight glass, check that oil level is adequate
Front Suspension (1): Springs & Shocks
- Check for BBD or Distorted coil springs
- Check suspension components such (torsion bar, sway bars, control arms, spring seats) are not Bent, Broken, Damaged (BBD) and Securely Mounted (SM)
- Check that the shock absorbers are Securely Mounted (SM) and there are no leaks
Front Suspension (2): U-bolts
- Check for Broken, Loose, or Missing (BLM) bolts that are used in attaching the suspension assembly to the axle (U-bolts or otherwise)
Front Suspension (3): Spring Mounts
- Spring Hangers: Check for Cracked or BBD
- Bushings: Check for Missing or BBD
- MOUNTS should be checked at each point where they are secured to the frame and axle
- Check for Broken, Loose, Missing (BLM) bolts or other axle mounting parts
Front Brake (1): Brake hoses & lines
- Check for cracked , worn, frayed, or leaking hoses (CWFL)
2. Check that all couplings & fittings ARE secure & not leaking
Front Brake (2): Drum & Linings or Rotor & Disk
- Check for cracks, holes, dents (CHD)
- Check that BOLTS are not Broken, Loose, or Missing (BLM)
- Check for Contaminants such as DEBRIS, OIL, or GAS
- Check that Disk Pads are not worn dangerously thin (> 1/4”) This can be seen through the rim on the dodge
Driver/Fuel Area (1): Door & Mirror
- DOOR: Check door is not Bent, Broke, or Damaged and open/closes properly from the outside
- DOOR: Hinges should be Securely Mounted with seals intact
- MIRRORS: Mirrors & mirror brackets are not Bent, Broken, Damaged (BBD) and Securely Mounted (SM) with no loose fittings (LF)
- MIRRORS: Mirrors should be clean and adjusted properly
Driver/Fuel Area (2): Fuel tank, Cap, & leaks
- Check that the tank is Securely Mounted and not Broken, Bent, Damaged (BBD)
- Cap is tight, this truck does not have a cap, but I would check that my flapper is sealing & functional
- There no leaks from tank or lines. Check ground
Driver/Fuel Area (3): Battery/Box
- Battery must be Securely mounted, Connections tight, Cell Caps present
- Battery connections should not show signs of excessive corrosion
- Battery box must be secure
Driver/Fuel Area (4): Lights & Reflectors
- Verify that we will be examining both front and rear lights, if that is the case. ALL LIGHTS AND REFLECTORS MUST BE CHECKED AT SOME POINT IN INSPECTION
- Light on top of cab is a red brake light and a white cargo light and they are both clean and functional, not Broken, Loose, or Missing (BLM)
Under Vehicle (1): Drive Shaft
- Check that the drive shaft is not Broken, Bent, Damaged, or Cracked (BBDoC)
- Couplings should be Securely Mounted (SM) and free of foreign objects
Under Vehicle (2): Exhaust System
- Check for Cracks, Holes, Severe Dents (CHD). Verify no Broken, Bent, Damaged (BBD)
- Check for leaks (Carbon Soot, Rust)
- Check for Securely Mounted and Connected
Under Vehicle (3): Frame
- Check for cracks, holes, damage, or broken welds (CHD_BW) to the longitudinal frame members, cross members, box, and floor
- Must be Secure
Rear Axle (1): Tires | Rims | Lug Nuts | Hub Oil Seal
- Same as front except for tread depth
Rear Suspension (1): Springs & Shocks & Airbags, U-bolts, Sprints, Air mounts
- Same as front
Rear Brakes (1): Brake hoses, lines, rotor, calipers, pads
- Same as front
Rear of Vehicle (1): Doors & Lift
- Check that doors & hinges are not Bent, Broken, or Damaged and that they open/close and latch from outside
- This is a unique door and needs to be checked accordingly (don’t forget the TAILGATE)
Rear of Vehicle (2): Splash Guards
- Check that they are not Bent, Broken, or Damaged and are securely mounted (SM)
Rear of Vehicle (3): Lights and Reflectors
- Lights/reflectors are (CFnBM) clean, functional, not BLM
3. Lights/reflectors are the correct color of:
Inside of Vehicle: Safety Belt
- Check that the safety belt is securely mounted (SM) & not BBD
- Latches & Adjusts properly (LA)
- Check that safety belt is not ripped or frayed (RF)
REMEMBER: LARF (Like Barf, but more Lady like)
Inside of Vehicle: Emergency Equipment
- Check for spare electrical fuses
- Check for three red reflective triangles, or 6 fuses, or 3 liquid burning flares
- Check for: a properly Mounted, Charged, and Rated fire extinguiser (MCR)
Inside of Vehicle: Safe Start
- Transmission in Park
- Parking brake is on
- Start engine
- Verify that all indicator lights turn off, including ABS
Inside of Vehicle: Temperature Guage
- Verify temperature guage is working (Describe, currently reading…)
- Temperature should climb to normal operating range (NOR), or temperature light goes off
Inside of Vehicle: Oil Pressure Guage
- Make sure oil pressure guage and the temperature gauge are working (Describe, currently reading…)
- PRESSURE should be increasing or at (NOR), or warning light goes off
- TEMPERATURE should be increasing to (NOR), or warning light goes off
Inside of Vehicle: Ammeter or Voltmeter Guage
- Check that gauge shows alternator is charging or that the warning light is off
Inside of Vehicle: Light Indicators
- Test that the dash indicators work. Test each one:
- LT / RT Signal
- Four way emergency flashers
- High Beam headlight
- ABS Indicator
- Parking light indicator
Inside of Vehicle: Horn
- Check that horn works
Inside of Vehicle: Heater & Defroster
- Test that heater, BE SURE to put hand down by heater exhaust
- Defroster work, BE SURE to put hand up by windshield to feel air blowing
Inside of Vehicle: Windshield & Mirrors
- Mirrors should be clean and properly adjusted to me from the inside
- Mirror and Mirror bracket should not be BBD with no loose parts
- Windshield should be clean with no illegal stickers, obstructions, or damage to the glass
- Windshield should not be Bent, Broken, or Damaged (BBD)
Inside of Vehicle: Wipers & washers
- Check that wiper arms and blades are Securely Mounted, not Bent, Broken, or Damaged (BBD), and operate smoothly
- Windshield washers must operate correctly, test
Inside of Vehicle: Parking Brake
- Place parking brake on full stop
- Inspect mirrors, around vehicle to make sure it is safe with clearance
- Drive forward (or backward) to feel if parking brake stops vehicle by itself
Inside of Vehicle: Service Brake
- Design to determine that the brakes are working correctly and the vehicle does not pull one way or the other
- Pull forward at 5 mph, apply brake and stop. Check for pull to either side and that vehicle completely stops
- REMOVE hands from steering wheel
Inside of Vehicle: Hydraulic Brake Check
- Pump brake pedal three times, hold down for five seconds
2. Brake pedal should not move/depress during those five seconds