MLC (Master3000) Flashcards
MLC - Who does it apply to, when was it created and when did it come into force?
- The UK ratified MLC on the 7th of August 2013
- MLC Entered into force the 7th of August 2014
- Applicable to vessels >500GT - Must have certificate of compliance
- MLC Certificate is valid for 5 years subject to intermediate survey
See MIN 537
What is MLC?
“The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) is an international agreement of the International Labour Organization (‘ILO’), Which sets out seafarers’ rights to decent conditions of work. It is sometimes called the seafarers’ Bill of Rights’.
- “Fourth Pillar” in the international maritime regulatory regime as it exists alongside the key IMO conventions SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW
- Benchmark for decent living and working conditions for seafarers
What does MLC do?
“It sets minimum requirements for nearly every aspect of working and living conditions for seafarers:
- including recruitment and placement practices
- conditions of employment
- hours of work and rest
- repatriation,
- annual leave,
- payment of wages,
- accommodation,
- recreational facilities,
- food and catering,
- health protection,
- occupational safety and health,
- medical care,
- onshore welfare services and social protection.”
What does MLC look at?
- Minimum Age
- Medical Certification
- Qualification of Seafarers
- SEA’s
- Recruitment or placement services
- Hours of Work &Rest
- Manning Levels
- Accommodation &Recreational Facilities
- Food &Catering
- Health &Safety
- Onboard Medical Care
- Complaints Procedure
- Payment of Wages
- Injured Seafarers and Repatriation and care of the family
Enforced by MSN1848 in the UK - How the UK enforces the MLC Convention.
What are the requirements for seafarers with regards to MLC?
- All seafarers must be above the age of 16 years.
- Valid training and competency certificates are available for all seafarers (STCW)
- If a recruitment agency is used, this agency must be operated in accordance with the MLC.
- Must be in accordance of minimum safe manning document
- Must be adequate in number and qualifications to ensure the safety and security of the ship and crew.
What is the minimum age for seafarers with regards to MLC, and what are their entitlements?
- Minimum age 16
- After every 4 hours must have a 30 minute break
- 12 Consecutive hours of rest per day - MSN 1838
- 2 days rest per week - can be reduced to 36 hours
- ENG1 Valid for 1 year only
- Add to young persons list; MSF 4158 (Noted) &MSF 4157 (Signed on) Risk assess all work for 16 to 18 year olds: Nature of Task
- Effects of Heat / Cold
- Radiation / Vibration
- Chemical Exposure
- Moving Machinery Building upon the Risk Assessment that has already been done for the activity, I would do an additional Risk Assessment for my young person, taking into account;
- Nothing goes beyond their mental and physical capability;
- Nothing beyond their experience level
- Nothing beyond their undeveloped perception of risk assessment - injury prevention - Do not expose them to anything that is harmful to the developing body
What seafarers rights does the MLC uphold?
- Right to Safe Working Environment
- Right to Decent Working and Living Conditions
- Right to Basic Health and Social Security
- Right to fair terms of Employment - SEA, Complaints procedure etc.
Outline the contents of a seafarers employment agreement (SEA) MGN 477 -Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Seafarers’ Employment Agreements - Template for seafarers employment agreement (Must be approved by flag state)
- Personal details of Seafarer
- Company details
- Place and date of start
- Capacity of Seafarer
- Medical Protection
- Repatriation
- Wages and Leave Rate
- Disciplinary Procedures
- Collective Bargaining if valid
- The SEA must be signed by the seafarer and the ship-owner or his representative.
- Copies must be available onboard
- English translation must be available onboard
- The SEA must comply with MLC regulations
- Early termination giving 7 days notice
- Right to terminate for compassionate reasons
Retention of crew agreement MGN474 for vessels not subject to MLC- Crew that do not new seas, supernumeries, people who are not employed by the ship. Master would have a contract of employment.
What is the criteria for an ENG1 Medical Certificate?
- Certificate issued by a qualified medical practitioner
- Valid for no more than 2 years
- Be in English
- Provide details of hearing, sight and color vision - Color vision tested at least once every six years
- Include a statement that the seafarer is fit for duties
- Foreign Medical carts - Check MSN 1815
- In emergency seafarers may join with expired cert (1 month) Provided the previous cert was full full term
What are the Hours of Work and Rest as per MLC? MSN - 1868 - UK requirements for Safe Manning and Watchkeeping MGN 566 - STCW Manila Amendments: Medical Certification, Hours of Work and Alcohol limits
- 77 hours total per week
- Minimum 10 hours rest in a 24 hour period (Can be split into a maximum of two periods, one must be a minimum of six consecutive hours)
- Records kept for all crew
- Hours of work can be exceed in exceptional circumstances and by exception (See MGN566)
- Table of shipboard hours of work for all positions
- Accurate records of actual hours worked for each seafarer signed by master
- Normal work hours based on 8 hours per day, with one rest day per week
- Rest period as per Manila amendments (See MGN 566)
- Records of exemptions permitted by flag state
- Musters and LSA/FFE drills are held at times to minimize rest disturbance
- Compensatory rest for call outs (Engineers)
What are the accommodation standards as per MLC?Schedule 1 from MSN 1848
- Must comply if keel laid after 20th of August 2013
- Arrangement plans displayed Record of Masters inspections Seafarers cabins:
- Hot + Cold running water
- bedding clean + hygienic
- heating / A/C+ adequate natural light.
- Sanitary facilities accessible and working
- Laundry facilities in good working order
- Noise and Vibration within flag state limits
What are the food and catering standards as per MLC?
MGN 525 - Guidelines for the provision of Food and Fresh Water, Amendment 1
- Food Hygiene Level 2 course for anybody preparing / handling food
- The galley is clean and hygienic, including storage areas.
- Galley and Store inspections not less than once per week Food should be of good quality and quantity
- a balance of carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber and vitamins. - Control of sugar, salt and fat intake
- Hot food kept above 63C &cold below 5C
- Fresh water system - Refilled every 6 months, tanks inspected / maintained every 12 months - Considered good practice for chlorine dosing at 0.2mg / liter
- Food and drinking water is free of charge
- The cook is over 18 years of age and qualified (ships cook cert)
- Ships less than 10 crew do not require a cook
What are the Health and Safety Standards as per MLC?
Health and Safety at Work 1997 - Occupational Health and Safety Policy
- Safety Committee meetings (Every 4 to 6 weeks)
- Onboard training and familiarization
- PPE is available, appropriate and in-date
- Work place inspections
- Safety officers quarterly inspections “sampling”
- Risk assessments - Safe Access - Safe Movement - Safety signs and signals - PUWER Regs - LOLER Regs
- Permits to work (Aloft, Over the side, enclosed space entry, servicing of passenger lifts, diving + any task that is outside the envelope of the SMS and does not have a risk assesement)
What are the onboard Medical care standards as per MLC?
MSN 1768
- Ships Medical Stores,Store List
- Controlled drugs with register
- Medical publications onboard (Ship captains medical guide)
- Medical log of treatment given
- Medical care including essential dental care is available and free of charge
- Ships hospital is clean and hygienic - For medical use only Medical equipment and supplies are to flag state’s requirement
- CAT A - Deep Sea Vessels
- CAT B - 150 nm from shore
- CAT C - Harbour Vessels
What are the leave and repatriation entitlements for seafarers under MLC?
- Minimum annual leave with pay based on 2.5 days accrued per month served.
- Additional 8days bank holiday allowance Flag states provision for repatriation are onboard Repatriation after:
- Maximum 12 months onboard
- As stated in the SEA
- After termination for justified reason
- Illness or injury - Repatriation costs covered by ship-owner