MLA Infectious Disease Flashcards
What is a maculopapular rash?
Macules up to 5 mm in diameter
-Completely Flat
- Up to 1cm in diameter, raised bumps
What is a vesicular rash?
Vesicles up to 5mm in Diameter
Clear blisters filled with fluid
What is a petechial and purpuric rash?
Flat red-brown spots (represent bleeding)
-Do not blanch
-Petechial = <2mm in diameter
-Purpuric >2 mm in diameter
What causes Erythema Infectiosum?
Parvovirus B19
Slapped cheeks rash is associated with what?
Erythema Infectiosum
What is the clinical manifestation of Erythema infeciosum?
Flu-like prodrome
Rash -Slapped cheek
Maculopapular rash on the body
-More prominent after sun or heat exposure
Resolves within a week
What are the complications of erythema infectiosum?
Hydrops Fetalis during pregnancy
How is erythema infectiosum diagnosed?
Parvo-B19-specific IgM antibodies
What is the clinical presentation of Measles?
-Fever, cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis.
-Rash begins on mucous membranes (Koplik spots opposite molars)
-Cephalocaudal progression of rash
Koplik’s spots are associated with which infectious disease?
What type of lymphadenopathy is associated with Rubella?
Post-auricular and sub-occipital
What is the most common infective cause of fever in the returning traveller?
Which GUM disorder is associated with thin discharge and a fishy odour?
Bacterial vaginosis
Which organism is most associated with causing pelvic inflammatory disease?
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Multiple lesions localised in the parietal or frontal lobes, thalamus or basal ganglia with ring enhancement: Infective cause?
Toxoplasmic encephalitis
Most common cause of CAP in the UK
Streptococcus pneumoniae
which ABx should be avoided in children?
Moxifloxacin is associated with what ECG abnormality?
Prolonged QTc
Painless lesion on penis?
Syphilis (Chacre)
What is the presentation of Schistosomiasis?
abdominal pain, haematuria and bloody diarrhoea. Chronic infection leads to an increased risk of bladder cancer
Which type of cancer is associated with Schistosomiasis?
Squamous cell bladder carcinoma
What is the immediate diagnostic investigation for bacterial vaginosis?
Vaginal discharge sampling for pH (>4.5) and wet mount microscopy for clue cells
Which nerve is associated with herpes sozter opthalmicus?
First division of the trigeminal nerve
What is Hutchinson Sign?
Rash present on the tip of the nose - implies involvement of the nasociliary nerve