Miscellaneous from Practice Tests Flashcards
Looseness of Association
A disturbance of one’s thinking in which ideas and thought patterns become vague, fragmented, and lack any logical sequence
Magical Thinking
When a CT believes one event happens as the result of another, with no plausible link for causation
Ideas of Reference
When a CT believes coincidences have personal significance (the idea that everything that happens directly relates to himself/herself)
Psychosocial Approach
Looks at an individual’s psychological development in and interaction with their social environment
Sustaining Procedures
Anything we do to facilitate the relationship b/w SW and CT. Examples: eye contact, reflective listening, validating, etc
Case Work
SW will engage with CT, gather hx/assess, and identify (prioritize) CT needs. Then, rather than engaging in psychotherapy/clinical interventions, the work itself involves identifying resources in the community and getting the CT connected to those resources to meet their identified needs
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Light therapy/phototherapy most effective tx (more than meds or cog therapy)
SAD is a mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the same time every year (often during the fall/winter months when less daylight occurs)
Informed Consent
Consent should only be obtained when the CT is mentally competent to understand what he is agreeing to. Do not give simple version - just ensure able to understand and give informed consent for tx
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of 1978
Federal law that governs the removal/out of home placement of American Indian children who are in state’s custody. ICWA placement prioritizes placing children with relatives, members of the child’s tribe, or other American Indian families.
Creating New Program Steps
First step if unfamiliar with population: Consult with expert. Then needs assessment is first step otherwise. Focus groups may be part of needs assessment but wouldn’t occur before assessment. After the needs assessment is conducted and the needs are identified, a team or task force could be brought together to develop program
Professional ethics on fees and termination
As long as CT not a danger to herself or others, COE states that a SW can terminate with a CT if the CT is no longer able to pay for therapy. Document inability to pay and no longer in crisis. Provide referrals to low/no cost services if choose to terminate
Program Evaluation Steps
First identify what the program goals and objectives are. Next look at what tools are used to measure whether or not goals/objectives met. NOT set goals/objectives, develop task force
EB tx for children and adolescents used to treat effects of trauma. Has individual component with child as well as work with parents and joint parent-child sessions
Beery VMI
Helps assess visual-motor skills in children and adults
Test of Written Language used for diagnosing written expression in children ages 9-11
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - intelligence test for children b/w 6-16
Administrative Component of Supervision
NASW: Helping supervisees to understand agency policies, demands of their job, and how to successfully function within their specific role
Therapy w/survivor and perpetrator of abuse
Most important thing is for the perpetrator to accept responsibility
Problem-Solving Process
- Engage CT and develop rapport
- Collect info from CT that are relevant to the challenges that lead them to seek services
- Assess the client’s needs with this info
- Set goals/create plan for tx. Always. place ct’s needs first, including their preferences in regards to both what challenges to address and how they want to address those challenges. Self-determination is key.
- Evaluate the progress that has been made toward the goals (including the process, methods, and progress made)
- Terminate with the CT in a way that supports their continued needs
PLANNING PHASE: Uncovering of ct’s objectives as well as possible solutions to issue at hand
Need consent to share ct’s case record when …
SW discusses case with colleague at different agency, when medical insurance co demands copies for billing purposes, when subpoenaed by lawyer; NOT when supervisor asks for copies of case notes during supervision
Acute stress disorder vs PTSD
Same sx but ASD if event occurred less than a month ago
Concurrent validity
How well a particular test correlates with a previously validated measure
Systems approach
Observes and analyzes all of the systems that contribute to a person’s behavior and wellbeing and looks at the ways in which CTs react to their environments
A graphical representation that shows all the systems at play in an individual’s life
Stages of Group Treatment
- Forming (preaffiliation)
- Storming (power and control)
- Norming (intimacy)
- Performing (Differentiation)
- Adjourning (separation)
Common Side Effects SSRIs
Dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, nervousness, agitation, restlessness
Privileged Communication
Legal Concept; a ct’s legal right to not have the communication they had with a social worker be disclosed in court without the ct’s consent
Authoritarian vs Authoritative Parenting
Children raised with authoritative parenting styles are the best adjusted. Both Permissive and Uninvolved children display behavioral problems and generally have lower school performance
Approaches with native americans
Avoid being directive; do use active listening and reflective responses, avoid interrupting, allow periods for silence
Minority identity development model
Dissonance - includes a period in which the individual moves from feeling shame about their identity to feelings of pride. Conformity - individual prefers the dominant culture and devalues their own background. Resistance - rejects dominant culture and has a sense of appreciation for their own culture; Introversion - moves toward feeling that the dominant culture is not all bad and that there are individual differences
Process Evaluation of Program
Was program well managed; was there adequate agency support for the program; what specific interventions were put into place by the program
Educational Supervision Tasks
Increase self-awareness, refine knowledge and skills, develop professionally as it pertains to their specific role, deal with ethical issues that arise, as well as learn appropriate techniques around assessment, intervention, and treatment planning
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Short-term therapy that helps clients identify and replace self-defeating rigid thought patterns, beliefs, and unhealthy behaviors that interfere with their life goals with healthier thoughts and behaviors that help them achieve their goals. Cognitive reframing, visualizations, self-help tools, homework assignments
Client-Centered Therapy Model
Empathize with ct’s experience, matching tone and pacing of verbal communication, maintaining positive stance towards ct
Assertiveness Therapy
Helps ct exercise their own rights but not deny rights of others; helps ct engage in actions that reflect their own best interest, teaches ct to stand up for oneself without experiencing significant anxiety, helps ct express their feelings comfortably
Ecological Perspective
Social, cultural, physiological, economic, and environmental factors that interconnect and impact ct’s current problem
Emancipated minors
Legally declared adult by judge and can make decisions about their own health and welfare; no longer under care or control of parent/guardian; can apply for public assistance. NOT can choose to drop out of school
Summative Evaluations
Occur at the conclusion of a program and make judgments about the efficacy of the program. AKA outcome evaluations
Used to treat psychosis
Type of progress note. Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan
DAP Note
Progress note. Data, assessment, plan
Collateral Contacts
Individuals who have knowledge of a family’s personal situation without having personal involvement themselves.
Motivational Interviewing
Non-judgmental and non-confrontational. Tries to increase a ct’s awareness of a problem in a warm and empathic therapeutic setting by using open-ended questions, reflective listening, and summary statements
Stage of Change Model - Pre-contemplation
Establish rapport and trust, explore events that precipitated tx, commend ct for entering therapy
Primary Prevention Program
Create services that target a problem and prevent onset of that problem
Strategic Family Therapy
Gives directives, utilize restraining and positioning strategies, model and educate about communication skills. The TH joins the family system and focuses on the process instead of the content
Helps CT document and remember pertinent info between sessions. Helps with self-reporting
Evidenced Based Practice methods to developing tx plan
Use txs that have been successful for others with ct’s dx
Men vs women with BPD
Men with same disorder generally exhibit different patterns of impulse-related disorders
Social Justice
Ensuring that all people who need services can access them. Social policy
Feeling invincible
Most closely associated with adolescence