Developmental Stages Flashcards
Freud’s Developmental Theory
Psychosexual Developmental Theory - personality develops through a series of childhood stages in which the pleasure- seeking energies of the id become focused on certain erogenous areas.
Freud’s parts of Psyche
Id (a human’s basic instinctual drives; respond directly to instincts and impulses); Ego (attempts to mediate between Id and reality, acts according to reality principle); Superego (reflects the internalization of cultural rules usually learned from parents, regulate a person’s sense of right and wrong, suppress all unacceptable urges)
Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development (w/ages)
Birth-1 year: Oral 1-3years: Anal 3-6 years: Phallic 6-Puberty: Latent Puberty-Adult: Genital
Oral Stage
Birth-1 year: An infant’s primary interaction with the world is through the mouth. Pleasure from oral stimulation
Anal Stage
1-3 years: Primary focus of the libido was on controlling bladder and bowel movements. Toilet training. Too much pressure can result in an excessive need for order or cleanliness later in life; too little pressure can lead to messy or destructive behavior later in life
Phallic Stage
3-6 years: Primary focus of the id’s energy is on the genitals. Children become aware of their gender identity
Latent Stage
6-Puberty: Sexual feelings are dormant. Develop social skills, values and relationships with peers and adults outside of the family
Genital Stage
Puberty-Adult: Develop sexual interests in others
Piaget’s Developmental Theory - Overview
Based on premise that people actively construct higher levels of knowledge. Motivation for cognitive development occurs when there is a state of ‘disequilibrium’ brought on by a discrepancy between the person’s current understanding of the world and reality. Equilibrium is then achieved through a combination of assimilation and accommodation which both lead to adaptation
Piaget - Assimilation
Incorporation of new info into existing schemas
Piaget - Accommodation
Modification of existing schemas
Piaget’s Stages of Development - list
Birth-2 yrs: Sensorimotor Stage
2-7 yrs: Preoperational Stage
7-11 yrs: Concrete Operational Stage
11+ yrs: Formal Operational Stage
Piaget Sensorimotor Stage
Birth-2 years: Learn primarily through sensory input and action. 3 achievements during this stage:
- Object Permanence (objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight)
- Causality (certain events cause other events)
- Symbolic Thought (when child begins to use language - symbols - to think about actions before performing them (e.g., words represent objects such as dog or cat))
Piaget Preoperational Stage
2-7 years: Symbolic function (which allows the child to learn through the use of mental images, language and other symbols that represent objects that aren’t present); Imaginary play
Piaget Concrete Operational Stage
7-11 years: Children are capable of performing mental operations using logic and abstract thinking. Classify and problem solve in more sophisticated ways. Conservation (Conservation is one of Piaget’s developmental accomplishments, in which the child understands that changing the form of a substance or object does not change its amount, overall volume, or mass), inductive reasoning (Inductive reasoning is a style of reasoning in which decisions are made and conclusions are reached by a process of analyzing available evidence and past experiences).
Piaget Formal Operational Stage
11+ years: Able to think abstractly, hypothetically, and in a relativistic way. Adolescents can develop competing hypotheses about a problem and strategies for testing the hypotheses. There is in increase in “thinking about thinking” and some return to egocentrism during this stage. Can think hypothetically and use logic to problems solve
Erikson’s Developmental Theory - Overview + Stages
Each of 8 stages involves psychosocial task that’s to be mastered. 8 Stages:
- Trust vs Mistrust (0-18 months)
- Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt (18 mo - 3 years)
- Initiative vs Guilt (3-6 years)
- Industry vs Inferiority (6-12 years)
- Identity vs Role Confusion (12-18 years)
- Intimacy vs Isolation (18-40 years)
- Generativity vs Stagnation (40-65 years)
- Ego Integrity vs Despair (65-death)
Erickson: 1. Trust vs Mistrust
0-18 months: Psychosocial task is to achieve balance between trust and mistrust. Failure to master can result in pervasive mistrust of others OR dependent, unthinking, rigid adulation of others
Erickson: 2. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
18 months-3 yrs: Task is to achieve sense of independence over own body. If child experiences autonomy, will gain confidence and pride. If overcontrolled or prohibited likely to become doubtful of own abilities and feel excessive shame
Erickson: 3. Initiative vs Guilt
3-6 years: Task is to set goals and carry out plans without infringing on the rights of others. Failure of this stage, after age 6, can result in feelings of self-blame and difficulty setting future goals
Erickson: 4. Industry vs Inferiority
6-12 years: Task is to develop a sense of competence by beginning school and learning to do things on own. Peer group becomes of greater significance.
Erickson: 5. Identity vs Role Confusion
12-18 yrs: The task is to learn roles she will occupy as an adult while developing a sense of personal identity. Success equates to fidelity where the adolescent feels comfortable with others having varying values, while she remains true to her identity. If doesn’t develop sense of identity, then may feel confused
Erickson: 6. Intimacy vs Isolation
18-40 years: Task is to begin forming intimate relationships. Failure leads to isolation, loneliness, and feeling of exclusion
Erickson: 7. Generativity vs Stagnation
40-65 yrs: Task is to participate in activities that give a sense of purpose. Failure of this stage, after age 65, results in little connection to others and a sense of uselessness
Erickson: 8. Ego Integrity vs Despair
65-death: Task is to look back on life and feel a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. Those who see life as unproductive or with many regrets may develop a sense of despair and guilt that can lead to depression and hopelessness
Mahler Stages of Development: Overview and Stages
Object relations. Focuses on reciprocal relationship between a mother and infant. Individuals born with drive to develop a sense of self and others along with motivation to build interpersonal relationships.
- Autistic Stage (birth-1mo)
- Symbiotic Stage (1-5 mo)
- Separation-Individuation Stage (5-24+mos)
Mahler Autistic Stage
- New born to one month. Infant is focused purely on himself; unresponsive to external stimuli.
Mahler Symbiotic Stage
- 1-5mos. Infant begins to perceive the “need-satisfying object.” The mother’s ego functions for the infant. Begins to understand mother as separate being
Mahler Separation-Individuation Stage
- 5-24+mos: During separation, baby begins to develop understanding of boundaries of self and start to see mom as separate individual. During individuation, begins to develop a sense of self. There are 4 sub stages:
- Differentiation (5-9 mo)
- Practicing Substage (9-14 mo)
- Rapprochement Substage (14-24 mo)
- Object Constancy Substage (after 24 mo)
Mahler Separation-Individuation: Differentiation Substage
- 5-9 mo: Infant’s attn shifts from being inwardly focused to outwardly focused e.g., crawling
Mahler Separation-Individuation: Practicing Substage
- 9-14 mo: Infant continues to separate from caretaker, autonomous ego function becomes more apparent (e.g., walking, playing)
Mahler Separation-Individuation: Rapprochement Substage
- 14-24 mo: Infant begins to want to act independently. Moves away from mother but regularly comes back to ensure she’s still there
Mahler Separation-Individuation: Object Constancy Substage
- After 24 mo: Infant internalizes mother and begins to understand that she still exists for her despite her absence