DSM Flashcards
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Shows up b/w 0-5 yo Deficiency in social reciprocity No back & forth, lack of eye contact, lack companion play Stereotyped repetitive behavior Fixations Hyper/hypo sensitivity to sensory input
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
Similar to ASD but JUST impaired social communication, no repetitive behavior
Specific Learning Disorder
Math, reading, writing - basic academic skills that should be able to do based on age/IQ
E.g., dyslexia, processing disorder
Rule out learning disorder Present b/4 age 12 2+ contexts of impairment - e g., school, home, work Inattention, hyperactivity Struggles with task completion Social skills can be an issue
Persistent eating of non-food substances
Child Onset Fluency Disorder
Stuttering, broken words, repetitive
Show up 0-5 years
Rumination Disorder
Repeated regurgitation of food and not related to any other disorder
Language Disorder
Hard time building vocab; knows fewer words; sentences no more than 5 words.
Shows up 0-5 years
Hard time getting meaning across to others
Tourette’s Disorder
Both motor and vocal tics
Persistent Motor/Vocal Tic Disorder
Motor or vocal tic - one at a time
Soiling of pants older than 4
Urination in bed or clothes; ages 5+. 2x wk for 3 mo
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety specific to separating from caregiver; more common in children; child must have sx’s present for 4 weeks; adult must have sx’s present for 6 mo
Worry about a number of different things; sleep, attention impacted
Sx’s must be present for 6+ mo in adults and children (less than 6 mo = unspecfied)
Problems with biological functioning
Selective Mutism
Fails to speak in a specific situation
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
Anxiety/fear of social situations
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Failure to Thrive
Withdrawn, don’t seek or respond to comfort; limited range of affect; sit in corner, don’t cause issues
9mo-5 years develops, resulting for persistent neglect, abuse of number of caregivers
Conduct Disorder
Violation of rights of others; law breaking activity; aggressive; lack of remorse; feeds into anti-social PD; fights; destroying property
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Used to be called bipolar in children 6-10 y/o up to 17 y/o Chronically irritable/moody Reoccuring outbursts @ least 3x/wk Consistent tantrums, negative mood
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Sx’s up to a month
Schizophreniform Disorder
1 mo-6mo
6+ mo
Sx’s usually occur within age range of 17-45
Major Depressive Disorder
Sx’s present at least 2 weeks
Lack of enjoyment/anhedonia, lack of motivation, changes in biological functioning (sleep, appetite)
Worthlessness, problems with biological functioning
Unspecified Depressive Disorder
Doesn’t meet full criteria for MDD; functioning but only mild disturbances in biological functioning; depressed mood, not attending to tasks
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Used to be called dysthymia
Depressed mood at least 2 years in adults, 1 year in child
Not as deep as MDD
Chronically mildly depressed
Bipolar 1 Disorder
Just need manic phase (elevated mood that leads to significant impairment for @ least 1 week); can be irritability, grandiosity, lack of need for sleep
Bipolar 2 Disorder
Hypomanic at least 4 days and at least one episode MD
Cyclothymic Disorder
Sx’s present at least 2 years
Hypomanic state alternative with low level mild depressed episode
Schizoaffective Disorder
Psychotic features present all the time, mood disorder comes in and out
Bipolar with Psychotic Features
Psychotic features + mood issue present all the time
MD with Psychotic Features
Mood issues present all the time as opposed to psychosis
Grieving death
Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood
Not dx’d typically with bereavement; in reaction to something in environment, recent life stressor
Sx’s present w/in 3 mo of stressor
Can’t go beyond 6 mo
Panic Disorder
Reoccurent, unexpected panic attacks; fear of attacks happening again; feel like dying
Fear of going out in public in at least 2 different situations (e.g., crowds, transportation); excessive fear that impacts ability to function
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors; impairs functioning
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Perfectionistic, controlling, rigid, lack awareness, can function
Sx’s 1 mo after incident
Incident life threatening or witnessed something life threatening
4 categories of Sx’s
1. Intrusive thoughts/memories/nightmares
2. Negative mood
3. Behavioral - avoid situations reminding of incident
4. Arousal - hypervigilence, startle, easily agitated
Acute Stress Disorder
Sx’s present w/in 1 mo of incident
Incident life threatening or witnessed something life threatening
4 categories of Sx’s
1. Intrusive thoughts/memories/nightmares
2. Negative mood
3. Behavioral - avoid situations reminding of incident
4. Arousal - hypervigilence, startle, easily agitated
Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety
Event/stressor not life threatening
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder
Less than 6 mo of sx’s
Don’t fit full criteria
Comes on quickly; big shift; see in hospital setting, health crisis; memory, executive functioning impairment, delusions
Major Neurocognitive Disorder
Dementia; attention, language, cognition, executive functioning, memory, perception, motor skills
Mild Neurocognitive Disorder
Mild form of dementia but still able to maintain independence
Somatic Symptom Disorder
Has somatic issue (pain, illness) + severe health related anxiety
Must be present 6 mo
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Rarely has somatic sx’s; intense fear that have serious disease
Must be present 6 mo
Conversion Disorder
Psychological issue/stressor converts into somatic one
Factitious Disorder
Likes attention of being sick/being patient. Occurs when someone fakes a disorder in order to be a patient.
Faking illness to get out of something
Factitious Disorder by Proxy
Make someone else sick and likes attention for it
Anorexia Nervosa
Restricts, underweight, intense fear of fat, distorted body image, compensation, fear of getting fat
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge Eating/out of control
Reoccurring purging to prevent weight gain
Binge Eating Disorder
Only bingeing-out of control; feeling disgust/shame
Unspecified Eating Disorder
Not met criteria for AN or BN (e.g., normal weight)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Distinct Displeasure with body part; can’t be related to weight. An individual has persistent and intrusive preoccupations with an imagined or slight defect in their appearance.
Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
Experiences reality but is like dream like state; feels outside of body; don’t feel connected; world feels surreal
Dissociative Amnesia
Sudden forgetting of pertinent personal info (times of shock, extreme stress)
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Multiple personality disorder
2 or more distinct personality states
Can’t remember other state when in 1 state
After extreme trauma
Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder
Females report pain or fear of pain during sex; great displeasure about idea of sex
Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
Lack of sexual interest or arousal
Insomnia Disorder
Difficulty sleeping for at least 3 nights per week for 3 mo; r/o manic phase, MDD, anxiety
Hypersomnolence Disorder
Excessive sleepiness; groggy, tired; overweight; r/o MDD, substance abuse
Nightmare Disorder
Can recall content of dream
Non-REM Sleep Disorder
Sleep terrors; recurrent episodes of waking; can’t recall what dreaming about; don’t fully wake up; sleep walking
Central Sleep Apnea
Stops breathing while asleep
Disrupts quality of sleep
Sudden attack of sleep with loss of muscle tone; daytime fatigue
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Problems controlling aggressive impulses; can’t be accounted for by another disorder
Compulsive stealing not for needed purpose
Compulsion to pull out hair; abuse trauma hx
Susbstance Use Disorder
Failure to perform major roles or obligations, made efforts to stop and can’t; increased tolerance, withdrawal, excessive & problematic
Substance Induced Disorders
2 types: Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal
Gambling Disorder
Compulsive gambling even when damaging; preoccupation; r/o mania
Delusional Disorder
Someone who experiences bizarre or non-bizarre delusions
Dissociative Amnesia with Dissociative Fugue
A rare disorder that occurs when a stressful event triggers a memory lapse. Other sx’s may include impulsively wandering away from home, inability to recall past events, and confusion regarding one’s identity
When an individual repeats words uncontrollably that are made by another person
Limits ability to speak/communicate - seen in Alzheimer’s
Difficulty with skilled movements
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Obscene language, tendency to argue, blaming others for one’s own mistakes; if you see violation of the rights of others, it’s usually Conduct Disorder. Hostile and disobedient behavior towards authority figures
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Often small in height and weight, have a small head, and can struggle with hyperactivity and outbursts, learning difficulties, lack of focus, and poor coordination
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Often forms attachments with strangers while disregarding regular caregiver. Generally result of having multiple caregivers or abusive caregivers. Onset before age 5.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Experience depressive sx’s within 5-11 days before menstrual cycle. Symptoms lesson or disappear completely once it has started