DSM Flashcards
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Shows up b/w 0-5 yo Deficiency in social reciprocity No back & forth, lack of eye contact, lack companion play Stereotyped repetitive behavior Fixations Hyper/hypo sensitivity to sensory input
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
Similar to ASD but JUST impaired social communication, no repetitive behavior
Specific Learning Disorder
Math, reading, writing - basic academic skills that should be able to do based on age/IQ
E.g., dyslexia, processing disorder
Rule out learning disorder Present b/4 age 12 2+ contexts of impairment - e g., school, home, work Inattention, hyperactivity Struggles with task completion Social skills can be an issue
Persistent eating of non-food substances
Child Onset Fluency Disorder
Stuttering, broken words, repetitive
Show up 0-5 years
Rumination Disorder
Repeated regurgitation of food and not related to any other disorder
Language Disorder
Hard time building vocab; knows fewer words; sentences no more than 5 words.
Shows up 0-5 years
Hard time getting meaning across to others
Tourette’s Disorder
Both motor and vocal tics
Persistent Motor/Vocal Tic Disorder
Motor or vocal tic - one at a time
Soiling of pants older than 4
Urination in bed or clothes; ages 5+. 2x wk for 3 mo
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety specific to separating from caregiver; more common in children; child must have sx’s present for 4 weeks; adult must have sx’s present for 6 mo
Worry about a number of different things; sleep, attention impacted
Sx’s must be present for 6+ mo in adults and children (less than 6 mo = unspecfied)
Problems with biological functioning
Selective Mutism
Fails to speak in a specific situation
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
Anxiety/fear of social situations
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Failure to Thrive
Withdrawn, don’t seek or respond to comfort; limited range of affect; sit in corner, don’t cause issues
9mo-5 years develops, resulting for persistent neglect, abuse of number of caregivers
Conduct Disorder
Violation of rights of others; law breaking activity; aggressive; lack of remorse; feeds into anti-social PD; fights; destroying property
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Used to be called bipolar in children 6-10 y/o up to 17 y/o Chronically irritable/moody Reoccuring outbursts @ least 3x/wk Consistent tantrums, negative mood
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Sx’s up to a month
Schizophreniform Disorder
1 mo-6mo
6+ mo
Sx’s usually occur within age range of 17-45
Major Depressive Disorder
Sx’s present at least 2 weeks
Lack of enjoyment/anhedonia, lack of motivation, changes in biological functioning (sleep, appetite)
Worthlessness, problems with biological functioning
Unspecified Depressive Disorder
Doesn’t meet full criteria for MDD; functioning but only mild disturbances in biological functioning; depressed mood, not attending to tasks
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Used to be called dysthymia
Depressed mood at least 2 years in adults, 1 year in child
Not as deep as MDD
Chronically mildly depressed
Bipolar 1 Disorder
Just need manic phase (elevated mood that leads to significant impairment for @ least 1 week); can be irritability, grandiosity, lack of need for sleep
Bipolar 2 Disorder
Hypomanic at least 4 days and at least one episode MD
Cyclothymic Disorder
Sx’s present at least 2 years
Hypomanic state alternative with low level mild depressed episode
Schizoaffective Disorder
Psychotic features present all the time, mood disorder comes in and out
Bipolar with Psychotic Features
Psychotic features + mood issue present all the time
MD with Psychotic Features
Mood issues present all the time as opposed to psychosis
Grieving death