Misc Pharm: Sunscreens, Alopecia, Flashcards
What is an expected adverse effect of hedgehog blockade?
teratogenicity, because this signaling pathway is necessary during embryogenesis
Chemo-induced alopecia severity is related to:
Treatment shown to have ~50% effectiveness in the prevention of chemo-induced alopecia
scalp cooling
Consequences of abn hedgehog signaling?
- upreg of Bcl-2 (anti-apoptosis)
2. Induction of VEGF and angiopoietins
Why can’t you just block Hh binding to PTCH to turn off abn hedgehog pathway?
pathway = ligand inependent; PTCH is broken, so you have to shut it off at SMO or later
Topical meds, types of preps:
- Can act as drug reservoir
- best; provides a barrier
- alcoholic liquids that don’t coat hair
- for fingernails/toenails
- quick dissolving with minimal residue
- gel
- cream
- solution
- lacquer
- foam
Why are quaternary ammonium cmpds better than tertiary?
don’t cross BBB
____ sweat glands = Ach
____ sweat glands = catecholamines
Treatment of type II reactions (erythema nodosum leprosum) in leprosy
How does MMR vaccine affect TB skin testing?
decreases reactivity to vaccine; may be given same day, but not less than 4 weeks after
MMR and V vaccines should NOT be given to:
- pregnant women
- immunosuppressed
- severe allergic reaction to previous dose or vaccine component
Concerns with combined MMRV vaccine?
fever and febrile seizures 5-12 days after vaccination in kids 12-23 months old (per 2 studies);
this was NOT found when given separately but simultaneously