MISC Facts Flashcards
Stairway should slope about 34 degrees
Do not insulate around recessed can lighting
Flow down - the general contractor must flow down the provisions in his contract with the owner to his subcontractors
To lift a 50 ton load use 1” diameter chain or wire rope sling
OSHA prefers larger projects to have an evacuation plan
The minimum diameter bolt to connect wood beams is 3/8”
the first thing that you see when you look down into a floor drain is standing water
The minimum size of a kitchen sink drain is 1 1/2”
There are three legs for a three phase sub panel
A neutral wire should never be connected to a ground wire
The minimum size breaker for an electric hot water heater - should be a minimum of 125% larger than the circuit
Electrical wire used outside should be rated underground service entrance (USE) or underground feeder (UF)
Use double wall vent pipe for gas hot water heater
Grounds made of copper or steel last longer if come in contact with the ground
protected areas of closets more than 24 sqft require a sprinkler
an OHM is a unit of electrical resistance
black steen is the most common type of gas pipe
36” clearance needed in front of electrical panel
Optimal difference in temperature from inside to outside = 18 degrees
Minimum spacing for sewer drain line hangers is for chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)
The vent pipe does not hold liquid
A plumbing cross connection exists when no potable water source is allowed to mix with a potable water
Distance from GFI receptacle to bathtub - 6’
Wood rafters must bear 1 1/2” on wood
Spacing of rebar in 6’-8” retaining wall
Sillcock vacuum breaker prevents back flow into pipe
Slate or stone walkway porous base
Cranes on commercial construction projects within 3 miles of an airport must submit a request for approval 45 days before the project begins
Underground black steel pipe not used as ground rod
A sway bar is used to restrain the movement of pipe resulting from thermal expansion
The uplift force determines how a truss should be attached to a top plate
Equipment must be stored 20’ from an intersection
Maximum spacing of fire extinguishers is 75’
Temperature prior to applying adhesive - 65 degrees
House wrap has no insulation value
Silt fence prevents 0% of runoff
How often to replenish first aid kits - before each job and at least weekly
Dampen parged wall to cure the parging
What trade is most dependent on installation of metal studs - electrician
What holds unfazed batts in place in a wall - friction
The compressive strength of concrete should be at least 200 psi when using epoxy adhesive to install anchor bolts
Minimum thickness of reinforced foundation wall is 7-1/2” (ACI 318 version 14)