Minority influence Flashcards
Minority influence is …
how one person or small group can influence the beliefs of the majority
Minority influence leads to
What are the 4 key parts
Consistency - makes other rethink own values
Flexible - so dont look to rigid and able to comprimise
Commitment - taken seriously e.g protests
Snowball effect - shows shift of minority view to majority and introduction to zeitgiest
Key study =
Moscovici et al pp viewed 36 blue-green slides 3 conditions a. confeds said all green b. confeds inconsistant c. control group
Consistent - 8% agreement
Inconsistent - 1.25%
Control - 0.25%
Minority needs consistency
AO3 plans
Poor RWA - distinction between majority and minority
Wood - meta analysis
Moscovici variation - kept private
Artificial materials - hard to generalise
Nemeth and Brilmayer - ski lifts
Poor RWA why
Studies make distinction between minority and majority
Real life isnt so clear
Majority usually powerful and have status
Minority usually tight-knit group
Social dynamics not represented
Meta -analysis
100 studies
Consistent minorities are most influential
Confirms importance of consistency
Variation of Moscovici
PP wrote down answers and kept private’
Agreement with minority higher
Shows internalisation has taken place
Shows influence of minority
Artificial materials
Colour slides are very different to changing perceptions of social issues
Nemeth and Brilmayer
Studied effect of flexibility Discussed compensation Confeds put forward a alternative POV and refused to change it No effect on outcome Confeds seems flexible and comprised More of an influence