Asch Flashcards
How many pp and background
123 male USA students
1 PP to ——– confederates
Asked to
identify which comparison line is closest to the target line
Confederates answered the wrong answer
12/18 times
What % of pp conformed with the group
What % conformed at least once
When asked later they said
They trusted their own judgement
Changed their public view to match majority to fit in and avoid disapproval
Mnemonic to remember variables
G Group size
U Unanimity
D Difficulty of task
Conformity with 2 confeds
Conformity with 3 confeds
Conformity with more than 3 confeds
32% - no real difference
Unanimity is
agreement from some peers
Conformity with confed saying right answer fell from —- to —-
33% –> 5%
Increase in task difficulty ——- conformity
from ISI
AO3 points to make
Sound methodology Atypical sample Perrin and Spencer research Lack of temporal validity Artificial materials used