Minor - Week 3 Flashcards
Situation where participants payoff depend also on their rivals decision
Strategic interaction
Optimal decisions will depend on the other in the game
- Sequentiel; other goes first
- simultanious; together not knowing other will do
Dominant strategies
Strategy if, no matter what the other player does it generates the highest pay off
- Best response for the player no matter others choose
- Be aware no interaction
- Dominant strategy always choose this one, rational
Dominated strategy
Worse strategy
A strategy is dominated if there is another strategy that always gives a better outcome, no matter what the other player does.
- There is another strategy
- Rational player never choose this
Nash equilibrium
I’m doing the best I can given what you are doing. You’re doing the best you can given what I am doing
- Interaction
Prisoners dilemma
- Risk of remain silent is to high (40 years)
- Both suspects rational, choose to minimalize sentance
- Can’t speak to each other
- Dominant strategy is confess, because you have 0 years then
Be aware prisoner dilemma and other games
- Less is better with prisoners dilemma
- Otherwise highest payout
control mechanism nash eq
Try to shift the payment to see if there is another higher outcome
Sequential decisions
- Work from last decision backwards towards first decision
- Dictator game and ultimatum game
Ultimatum game
2 players
- 1 get 10
- Has to make an offer to player two
- Reject or accept
Question ultimatum game
What would player 2 accept
- All offers above 0
- 0 he is different between accepting and not accepting
Dictator game
Player 1 can offer money
player 2 nothing to say
- Best offer to player 2 –> nothing
Reasons why not given low amount of money even if this was the most rational option?
Fairness; People care about outcome relative to others
Reciprocity; people seem to desire reciprocity (other does good or bad to me than i want to do the same)
Negative response by lower offers, fear of rejection, increase offer
Characteristics of goods
Rival in consumption
Person can be prevented form using it
: ice cream cones, wireless internet access
: FM radio signals, national defense
Rival in consumption
Onced use there is less for others
Rival: ice cream cones
Not rival: an MP3 file of a popular song
Four different kinds of goods
Private goods
public goods
common resources
natural monopolies
private goods
excludable, rival in consumption
VB; food
Public goods
not excludable, not rival
- National defence
common resources
rival but not excludable
- Fish
Natural monopolies
excludable but not rival
vb; cable tv
Externalities which goods
- Common resources
- Public goods
Something of value no price attached, can lead to not efficiënt use. Lead to overuse or underuse which harms society
- Use policy to correct market failures
Public goods and problem
Free rider problem
- Firms are not willing, everyone use but no payment
- Goods not provided: good is not produced, even if buyers collectively value
the good higher than the cost of providing it.
- Government intervention needed
Free rider
Peron who recieves the benefits of a good but avoids paying for it
Health as a good
- Rival; you posesses it not anyone alse
- Exclusive; yes others may not benefit from your good health (productivity)
Health is not a public good but a private good
Healthcare as a good
- Excludable; Yes, not paying
- Rival; yes treating you can not treat anyone else
Private good
common resources
Not excludable but rival
- Ocean fishing
Litte incentive to produce for firms
Cannot prevent freeriders
Rival in consumption; government need to step in and avoid overuse
Tragedy of commons
- Common resources more used than socially diserable
Tragedy due to externality
- People neglect this external costs, resulting in overuse of in this case land
Examples of common resources
- Clean air and water
- Congested roads
- Wildlife
- Virus free environment
Core policy use by common resources and public goods
ensuring collective action to facilitate production and acces to goods which are largely non-
excludable and non-rival in consumption
Public and common goods
public is under provision
common overuse