Patient attends for extraction of a grossly carious lower left third molar tooth. on examination, the dentist anticipates that the procedure will require a surgical approach, and is likely to use what instrument to protect the lingual nerve
Periosteal Elevator
A gingivectomy procedure is to be carried out on an epileptic patient. the technique will involve the removal of hyperplastic gingival tissue from the buccal side of the upper left premolar teeth. what nerve must be anesthetised to allow the procedure to be carried out painlessly?
middle superior dental nerve
What constituents is added to ensure the contents of the local anaesthetic cartridges do not cause local soft tissue irritation, by neutralising the pH of the soloution?
Dentist notices that the lower right third molar is not present orally, but the patient states that he has never had an extraction performed. a dental radiograph reveals the tooth is unerupted in the mandible and is surrounded by a radiolucent area coronally. what lesion is most likely to be present?
dentigerous cyst
What anatomical structure prevents damage to the inferior dental nerve during correct administration of the local anaesthetic?
A pregnant patient attends for the removal of an epulis, which has been formed labially in the region of the upper right canine tooth. what local anaesthetic must not be used for this procedure?
prilocaine 3%
A surgical procedure is to be carried out to remove the apical section of a retained root of an upper tooth. a periapical radiograph of the root shows that it is lying in contact with the floor of the maxillary antrum. what tooth is most likely to be involved in this scenario?
upper first molar
An elderly patient attends the surgery for an alveolectomy procedure of the lower alveolar ridge. once a periosteal flap has been raised, the dentist will remove any sharp spicules of bone so that future dentures can be worn comfortably. what instrument is used for this procedure?
bone rongeurs
A patient attends the surgery following an unsuccessful reapeat root filling of the upper left central insicor. a radiograph shows a distinct periapical area associated with the tooth, but the patient does not want an extraction performed. what procedure is carried out to resolve the problem?
Many patients who attend the surgery for dental treatment are nervous and require some form of anxiety control to enable them to undergo their treatment successfully. what technique is most likely to be used for children?
inhalation sedation
what nerve must be anaesthetised for the lower left third molar tooth?
Long buccal nerve
an adult male attends the surgery for the simple extraction of a fractured upper left canine tooth. although fractured, the dentist will be able to remove the tooth by severing the periodontal ligament and slightly dilating the socket, without resorting to a surgical technique. what instrument is used by the dentist for this procedure?
Following the successful extraction of the lower right second molar tootg, a patient returns to the surgery 3 days later as an emergency. she is complaining of an aching pain at the extraction site and a bad taste in the mouth. what is the most likely diagnosis in this instance?
localised osteitis
All locla anaesthetic cartridges have a variety of contents, besides the agent that orevents electrical activity of the nerves. what constituents is added to prolong the activity of the anaesthetic?
What colour indicates a nitrous oxide cylinder?
Patient complains of severe pain in the lowe left quadrant and is unable to fully open his mouth to allow the dentist to carry out the dental examination. a dental panoramic tomograph shows the the presence of an unerupted lower left third molar tooth, which is leaning towards the erupted second molar tooth. what describes this type of tooth impaction?
Mesio-angular impaction
Following the successful amputation of the root apex of a lower left lateral insicor tooth, the dentist proceeds to remove the remaining infected debris from the surgical site, what instrument is used for this task?
Mitchell’s trimmer
Patient attends for the restoration of the lower left first molar tooth, by the preparation and placement of a full gold crown onto the tooth. as the tooth is fractured buccally, a crown lengthening procedure will also be carried out at the preparation stage. to ensure the first stage of the restorative procedure is carried out painlessly, the dentist must anaesthetise what pair of combinations of nerves?
Inferior dental and long buccal nerves
An 80-year-old patients’s INR score is 5.5. what medication is thhe patient most likely to be taken?
a patient complains of pain in the lower left quadrant, and has been unable to eat solid foods for 2 days. she has halitosis and is unable to open her mouth to allow an examination to be carried out. the dentist diagnosis pericoronitis, and is most likely to recommend what procedure if the condition recurs?
Lower right second premolar tooth is periodontally invloved and mobile. the dentist must anaesthetise what combination of nerves?
lingual and mental nerves
13-year-old patient complains of a noticeable gap betwwen her upper central insicors. the dentist diagnoses the presence of a median diastema, and recommends a surgical procedure followed by orthodontic treatment to successfully close the gap. what surgical procedure is being recommended by the dentist?
A 33-year-old patient attends for the planned restoration of six teeth, using a combination of endodontic and filling techniques. the patient is dental phobic and has previously requested that anxiety control techniques are used to enable her to undergo the treatment successfully. on the day of the the appointment, she represents with a respiratory infection. what anxiety control techniques cannot be used in this instance?
Intravenous sedation
Upper right lateral insicor is palatally placed and now periodontally involved. the dentist must anaesthetise what combination of nerves?
Anterior superior dental and nasopalatine nerves
dentist notices a small ulcer on the lateral border of the patients tounge. the patient reports that the lesion has been present for 2 months, although it was intially smaller still, it does not bother him as it is painless. What treatment is most likely?
Excisional biopsy
The trigeminal nerve is the fifth cranial nerve and supplies the majority of the oral cavity. a branch of the mandibular division runs from the inner surface of the ramus of the mandible and then over the external oblique ridge to supply the surrounding gingivae. What is the name of this branch?
Long buccal nerve
What instrument is used to raise a mucoperiosteal flap?
periosteal elevator
Kidney transplant patient attends for the removal of hyperplastic gingivae overlying the upper right molar teeth. the dentist must anaesthetise what combination of nerves?
Middle and posterior superior dental nerves