Patient attends the surgery and has come straight from his place of work and is still wearing his work overalls, and confirms that he is a dustman. the dentist advises the patient to have the tooth extracted and does not mention the option of crowning the tooth. what GDC standard key principle has the dentist failed to follow?
Respect patient’s dignity and choices
What is not a ‘core subject’ for continuing professional development?
Reception and management
One of your dental nurse colleagues tells you that she is concerned that another nurse appears to be taking shortcuts with infection control procedures, and is not following the workplace policy correctly. what GDC standards would you refer to for guidance in addressing the issue?
In some situations, a dental nurse may be unsure whether a colleague’s action or omissions are serious enough to raise a concern. What organisation specifucally rpovides confidential advice on these types of issues?
public concern at work
The practice manager has asked you to start recording the hours you spend reading dental journals. she correctly believes that this record will help you in your future career once you have passed your exam. What GDC standard is she referring to?
A registered dental nurse has been asked to attend a basic life support course, with the objective of obtaining a certificate of competence in this topic. What GDC standards is most relevant to this attendance?
Cooperate with team members
What is an acceptable form of verifiable CPD?
sitting an examination
One of your dental nurse colleagues has several years experience of working in a busy dental practice and has expressed an interest in taking on the role of dental nurse manager. this will involve the orginisation and planning of the work pracitces of the dental nurses. what GDC standard is most likely to apply to this situation?
If a dental nurse believes that another team member’s actions may put a patient at risk, he or she has a duty to raise a concern. what GDC standard key principle does this relate to?
Put patient’s interests first
When a dental nurse has raised a concern about a serious matter, he or she is protected from retaliation in some circumstances under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. What is a circumstance where this protection will not apply?
Will gain personally from the outcome
What is not necessary for CPD to be verifiable?
Attendance at an event
What treatment can be provided without the input of a dentist first?
Provision of full dentures
It is sometimes appropriate to raise concerns about some issues at a local level for example with an employer or the primary care trust. what is a matter than can be raised at a local level?
under the ‘scope of practice’ document produced by the general dental council, dental nurses may be able to carry out additional duties under certain circumstances. what indicates the most likely circumstance where additional duties would be acceptable?
following competency training
You have been asked by the dentist to give diet and oral health advice to the mother of a 4-year-old child. What GDC standars would have to be complied with?
From time to time, it may be necessary to release confidential information about a patient to a third party, without the patient’s consent. what organisation is the most likely source of advice on the legalities of this issue?
defence orginisation
Patients are entitled to expect that the dental team will keep any information held about them confidential - this is called duty of confidentiality. what is the exception to this duty?
Information learned outside professional role
While preparing the surgery for the afternoon treatment session, you find a purse from a previous patient under the dental chair. as the patient’s mobile phone number is on her dental records, you contact her to let her know that you have found her purse. What GDC standards is most relevent to your actions?
Be trustworthy
From time to time, it may be necessary to share confidential information about patients without their consent, becuase it is in the public interest to do so. When does this circumstance not apply and information should not be released?
After the patient’s death
Various post-registration qualifications availible to dental nurses require the completion of portfolios and log books during the relevent training period. what personal detail may be included in these records without breaching the patient’s confidentiality?
when any member of the dental team is providing care for a patient, it is always advisable for a second GDC registered team member to also be present. What is the most likely acceptable circumstance where this may not be possible?
out-of-hours emergency