Minimum/Non-Emergent Staffing Recall Flashcards
Call-in list for each shift will be done from a…..of who has worked a rotatable shift/accumulated hour worked farthest date back being at the top of the list.
top down order
Call-in list for each shift will be done from a top down order of who has worked a rotatable shift/accumulated hour worked…..being at the top of the list.
farthest date back
Personnel scheduled off for a single day (such as H, KD, K2,) shall …. for minimum staffing initially, however after attempts have been made to fill have been exhausted through ALL THREE SHIFTS, these members may be considered for minimum staffing
not be considered available
Personnel scheduled off for….. shall not be considered available for minimum staffing initially, however after attempts have been made to fill have been exhausted through ALL THREE SHIFTS, these members may be considered for minimum staffing
a single day (such as H, KD, K2,)
Personnel scheduled off for a single day (such as H, KD, K2,) shall not be considered available for minimum staffing initially, however after attempts have been made to fill have been ….. these members may be considered for minimum staffing
exhausted through ALL THREE SHIFTS,
FPB personnel and the Training Officer may be considered on ….. for minimum staffing, his/her name shall be on all shifts rotating lists and when selected to work minimum staffing shall be rotated on all three lists.
Saturdays only
FPB personnel and the Training Officer may be considered on Saturdays only for minimum staffing, his/her name shall be on….. and when selected to work minimum staffing shall be rotated on all three lists.
all shifts rotating lists
FPB personnel and the Training Officer may be considered on Saturdays only for minimum staffing, his/her name shall be on all shifts rotating lists and when selected to work minimum staffing shall be rotated on …..
all three lists.
Officer probation is …… No newly promoted officer shall act in the next higher rank or work a next higher rank via trade of time during probation. unless all attempts to utilize minimum staffing, overtime have been exhausted and no member is filling the needed position. The fire Chief or fire Marshal in his absence shall be notified of such an event.
six (6) months
Officer probation is six (6) months. No newly promoted officer shall….. during probation. unless all attempts to utilize minimum staffing, overtime have been exhausted and no member is filling the needed position. The fire Chief or fire Marshal in his absence shall be notified of such an event.
act in the next higher rank or work a next higher rank via trade of time
Officer probation is six (6) months. No newly promoted officer shall act in the next higher rank or work a next higher rank via trade of time during probation. unless ….. and no member is filling the needed position. The fire Chief or fire Marshal in his absence shall be notified of such an event.
all attempts to utilize minimum staffing, overtime have been exhausted
Officer probation is six (6) months. No newly promoted officer shall act in the next higher rank or work a next higher rank via trade of time during probation. unless all attempts to utilize minimum staffing, overtime have been exhausted and no member is filling the needed position. The fire …… shall be notified of such an event.
fire Chief or fire Marshal in his absence
If no command level officer is on duty, …… shall be called regardless of spot on list to fill the command position.
Captains and Assistant Chiefs
If all officer positions are filled and no one is in an acting officer role the position of firefighter is preferred and priority shall be first given to …..
Firefighters and Lieutenants.
Recall overtime by shift call order, and position needed as mentioned above, ….. on to the next shift, if unable to fill positions needed by the above guidelines than any rank may be considered for minimum staffing PRIOR to moving on to another shift.
PRIOR to moving
Recall overtime by shift call order, and position needed as mentioned above, PRIOR to moving on to the next shift, if unable to fill positions needed by the above guidelines than any rank may be considered for minimum staffing ….. to another shift.
PRIOR to moving on
Assistant fire Chiefs working minimum staffing may have to ……
fulfill the role of a company officer on an engine company.
If a firefighter rank is needed……, priority to firefighters only.
to drive
…… should not ride in a firefighters’ position, and shall be placed in an officer position on Tower or an Engine Company, and if possible should not bump officers in bid positions BUT may require a Lieutenant to ride in a Firefighter’s position.
A/C and Captains
A/C and Captains should not ride in a firefighters’ position, and …… on Tower or an Engine Company, and if possible should not bump officers in bid positions BUT may require a Lieutenant to ride in a Firefighter’s position.
shall be placed in an officer position
Maintain a compliment of any combination of at least three officer ranks, ONE of which must be a ……
Command Officer
Maintain a compliment of any combination of at least ……, ONE of which must be a Command Officer
three officer ranks
Recalls will be done by Wireless Emergency Notification System (WENS) or Active 9-1-1 Software, whichever the …..has assigned as the primary notification system.
Fire Chief
When it becomes known that a shift will fall below 14, personnel shall be called in to bring the level back to 14. Any member accepting the overtime for a position less than 6 hours, shall have……. to report for duty and work a minimum of 4 hours. Openings 6 hours or greater shall have 2 hours to report for duty.
1 hour
When it becomes known that a shift will fall below 14, personnel shall be called in to bring the level back to 14. Any member accepting the overtime for a position less than 6 hours, shall have 1 hour to report for duty and work a minimum of ……. Openings 6 hours or greater shall have 2 hours to report for duty.
4 hours
When it becomes known that a shift will fall below 14, personnel shall be called in to bring the level back to 14. Any member accepting the overtime for a position less than 6 hours, shall have 1 hour to report for duty and work a minimum of 4 hours. Openings ……. shall have 2 hours to report for duty.
6 hours or greater
When it becomes known that a shift will fall below 14, personnel shall be called in to bring the level back to 14. Any member accepting the overtime for a position less than 6 hours, shall have 1 hour to report for duty and work a minimum of 4 hours. Openings 6 hours or greater shall have …… to report for duty.
2 hours
Should the member who accepted this position fail to report within 1 hour, they …… Any member accepting any overtime position with 2 hours or greater notification, shall report on time for the position accepted.
shall not be compensated
If a vacancy for the next work day becomes known prior to 2100 hours, the fill-in ….. 2100 hours. If no fill-in is contacted by 2100 hours, contact shall be made in the morning by 0715.
shall be contacted prior to
Should there be more than 1 position needed, officer’s positions …..according to highest rank down ward. Once all needed Officer’s spots filled then spot will become firefighter preferred and filled as such. If multiple spots needed and are various time periods they shall be filled by most hours needed to least.
shall be filled first
Should there be more than 1 position needed, officer’s positions shall be filled first according to highest rank down ward. Once all needed Officer’s spots filled then spot will become firefighter preferred and filled as such. If multiple spots needed and are various time periods they shall be filled by……
most hours needed to least
Any member utilizing sick leave, personal or family related for ….., shall not be eligible for staffing recall or non-emergent overtime within 24 hour of sick leave absence.
12 hours or more
Any member utilizing sick leave, personal or family related for 12 hours or more, shall not be eligible for staffing recall or non-emergent overtime within…..sick leave absence.
24 hour of
Only hours worked for shift ….. compliment will be used towards rotation.
minimum manning
Members will be rotated to the bottom of list once they have accepted ….. of overtime or an accumulation of …..of minimum staffing overtime.
24 hours
24 hours
EFD will attempt to notify employees of the …… Personnel should follow the instruction on how to respond that they are accepting recall. Members shall arrive at the designated location (station, station, incident scene) safe and timely manner with appropriate PPE.
nature, personnel number and positions desired
Should there be any question or doubt as far as minimum staffing the ….. shall be contacted for a final decision.
fire Chief or in his absence, the Fire Marshal