Confined Space Rescue Response Flashcards
This policy provides guidance on various confined space entries pursuant to the , Division of Safety and Hygiene rules.
Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC)
An individual stationed outside one or more permit spaces to monitor the authorized entrants and who performs all duties assigned.
A space that:
Is large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter and perform work.
Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit.
Is not designed for continuous human occupancy.
Confined space
Confined space - A space that:
Is large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter and perform work.
Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit.
Is ….. continuous human occupancy.
not designed for
The action by which a person passes through an opening into a permit-required confined space. Entry includes ensuing work activities in that space and is considered to have occurred as soon as any part of the entrant’s body breaks the plane of an opening into the space.
Written or printed document that is provided to the Department upon arrival on the scene, that allows and controls entry into a permit-required confined space to perform work in the space (OAC § 4123:1-5-22 Appendix).
Entry permit
The person responsible for determining if acceptable entry conditions are present at a permit space where entry is planned, for authorizing and overseeing entry operations, and for terminating entry as required.
Entry supervisor
A confined space that has one or more of the following characteristics:
Contains or has a potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere.
Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant.
Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor that slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-section.
Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard.
Permit-required confined space
It is the policy of the Elyria Fire Department to establish ….. in compliance with applicable regulations, BWC safety standards, and required training and equipment to reasonably ensure members’ safety while they are performing permit-required confined space rescues.
permit-required confined space incident response guidelines
Department procedures shall….. the standards and requirements set forth in 29 CFR 1910.146 as adopted by the BWC (ORC § 4167.07; OAC § 4123:1-21-07; OAC § 4167-3-03) and this policy.
Department standards and procedures will include but are not limited to:
The requirements of an entry permit.
Training requirements for members entering into confined spaces.
Equipment requirements.
….. a confined space of any known or suspected hazards that the member may face during entry and any other information necessary to enable the attendant to monitor safe entry by the member.
Requirements for members entering confined spaces.
Requirements of the entry supervisor.
Requirements for members who are assisting others within the confined space.
Notification to members entering
Dispatch to a reported confined space emergency shall be a ….. response, to include the response of Rescue 31 with its cache of confined space rescue equipment upon confirmation of an actual confined space emergency, Incident Command shall consider the following:
Dispatching of Lorain County Technical Rescue Team
Notification of Fire Chief
Additional law enforcement and EMS support
Mutual Aid companies if additional manpower is needed
Regular Alarm (All Call)
Department members should be trained to ….. atmospheric hazards within confined spaces. Reasonably practicable attempts at self-rescue or non-entry rescue should be made prior to any entry.
identify and measure
Department members should be trained to identify and measure atmospheric hazards within confined spaces. Reasonably practicable attempts at ….. should be made prior to any entry.
self-rescue or non-entry rescue
Department members should adhere to ….. guidance and BWC safety standards when performing a confined space rescue (OAC § 4123:1-5-22).
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Any time there is questionable action or lack of movement by the worker inside the confined space, a ….. should be made. If there is no response, department rescue personnel should conduct a survivability profile and a risk analysis, based on the information documented on the entry permit.
verbal check
Any time there is ….. by the worker inside the confined space, a verbal check should be made. If there is no response, department rescue personnel should conduct a survivability profile and a risk analysis, based on the information documented on the entry permit.
questionable action or lack of movement
Any time there is questionable action or lack of movement by the worker inside the confined space, a verbal check should be made. If there is no response, department rescue personnel should conduct a ….. and a risk analysis, based on the information documented on the entry permit.
survivability profile
Any time there is questionable action or lack of movement by the worker inside the confined space, a verbal check should be made. If there is no response, department rescue personnel should conduct a survivability profile and a….., based on the information documented on the entry permit.
risk analysis
No…..should be introduced into the confined space when atmospheric hazards are attributable to flammable or explosive substances or to lighting and electrical equipment.
ignition sources
Members should perform ….. during all confined space rescue operations. If atmospheric conditions change adversely, members should exit the confined space until appropriate precautions for any new hazards are developed and implemented.
continuous atmospheric monitoring
Members should perform continuous atmospheric monitoring during all confined space rescue operations. If atmospheric conditions change adversely, members should ….. until appropriate precautions for any new hazards are developed and implemented.
exit the confined space
Members should perform continuous atmospheric monitoring during all confined space rescue operations. If atmospheric conditions change adversely, members should exit the confined space until ….. are developed and implemented.
appropriate precautions for any new hazards
Work time should be closely monitored because ….. may be caused by a warm atmosphere inside a confined space.
heat stress emergencies
If members of the Department respond to an incident requiring confined space entry, a…… shall be performed. The hazard evaluation should include but is not limited to (29 CFR 1910.146; ORC § 4167.07; OAC § 4167-3-03):
- Recognition, determination, and declaration of the situation as a permit-required confined space incident, including the date, time, and location.
- Denial of entry to unprotected persons.
- Assessment of all readily available confined space documentation (e.g., Safety -Data Sheets, any existing permits, plans, or blueprints of the space).
- Assessment of the purpose of the entry, number of victims, locations, and injury conditions.
- Discussion with witnesses, a supervisor, and other sources of information.
- Assessment of any current or potential space hazards, in particular, any hazards that led to the necessary rescue.
- Measures used to isolate the space and eliminate or control the hazards.
- Communications procedures used by entrants and attendants.
- Determination and declaration if a body is recovered or a victim is rescued.
written hazard evaluation
If members of the Department respond to an incident requiring confined space entry, a Written Hazard Evaluation shall be performed. The hazard evaluation should include but is not limited to (29 CFR 1910.146; ORC § 4167.07; OAC § 4167-3-03):
- …… of the situation as a permit-required confined space incident, including the date, time, and location.
- Denial of entry to unprotected persons.
- Assessment of all readily available confined space documentation (e.g., Safety -Data Sheets, any existing permits, plans, or blueprints of the space).
- Assessment of the purpose of the entry, number of victims, locations, and injury conditions.
- Discussion with witnesses, a supervisor, and other sources of information.
- Assessment of any current or potential space hazards, in particular, any hazards that led to the necessary rescue.
- Measures used to isolate the space and eliminate or control the hazards.
- Communications procedures used by entrants and attendants.
- Determination and declaration if a body is recovered or a victim is rescued.
Recognition, determination, and declaration
If members of the Department respond to an incident requiring confined space entry, a written hazard evaluation shall be performed. The hazard evaluation should include but is not limited to (29 CFR 1910.146; ORC § 4167.07; OAC § 4167-3-03):
- Recognition, determination, and declaration of the situation as a permit-required confined space incident, including the date, time, and location.
- ….. to unprotected persons.
- Assessment of all readily available confined space documentation (e.g., Safety -Data Sheets, any existing permits, plans, or blueprints of the space).
- Assessment of the purpose of the entry, number of victims, locations, and injury conditions.
- Discussion with witnesses, a supervisor, and other sources of information.
- Assessment of any current or potential space hazards, in particular, any hazards that led to the necessary rescue.
- Measures used to isolate the space and eliminate or control the hazards.
- Communications procedures used by entrants and attendants.
- Determination and declaration if a body is recovered or a victim is rescued.
Denial of entry
If members of the Department respond to an incident requiring confined space entry, a written hazard evaluation shall be performed. The hazard evaluation should include but is not limited to (29 CFR 1910.146; ORC § 4167.07; OAC § 4167-3-03):
- Recognition, determination, and declaration of the situation as a permit-required confined space incident, including the date, time, and location.
- Denial of entry to unprotected persons.
- Assessment of all readily available ….. (e.g., Safety -Data Sheets, any existing permits, plans, or blueprints of the space).
- Assessment of the purpose of the entry, number of victims, locations, and injury conditions.
- Discussion with witnesses, a supervisor, and other sources of information.
- Assessment of any current or potential space hazards, in particular, any hazards that led to the necessary rescue.
- Measures used to isolate the space and eliminate or control the hazards.
- Communications procedures used by entrants and attendants.
- Determination and declaration if a body is recovered or a victim is rescued.
confined space documentation
If members of the Department respond to an incident requiring confined space entry, a written hazard evaluation shall be performed. The hazard evaluation should include but is not limited to (29 CFR 1910.146; ORC § 4167.07; OAC § 4167-3-03):
- Recognition, determination, and declaration of the situation as a permit-required confined space incident, including the date, time, and location.
- Denial of entry to unprotected persons.
- Assessment of all readily available confined space documentation (e.g., Safety -Data Sheets, any existing permits, plans, or blueprints of the space).
- Assessment of the….., number of victims, locations, and injury conditions.
- Discussion with witnesses, a supervisor, and other sources of information.
- Assessment of any current or potential space hazards, in particular, any hazards that led to the necessary rescue.
- Measures used to isolate the space and eliminate or control the hazards.
- Communications procedures used by entrants and attendants.
- Determination and declaration if a body is recovered or a victim is rescued.
purpose of the entry
If members of the Department respond to an incident requiring confined space entry, a written hazard evaluation shall be performed. The hazard evaluation should include but is not limited to (29 CFR 1910.146; ORC § 4167.07; OAC § 4167-3-03):
- Recognition, determination, and declaration of the situation as a permit-required confined space incident, including the date, time, and location.
- Denial of entry to unprotected persons.
- Assessment of all readily available confined space documentation (e.g., Safety -Data Sheets, any existing permits, plans, or blueprints of the space).
- Assessment of the purpose of the entry, number of victims, locations, and injury conditions.
- ….. with witnesses, a supervisor, and other sources of information.
- Assessment of any current or potential space hazards, in particular, any hazards that led to the necessary rescue.
- Measures used to isolate the space and eliminate or control the hazards.
- Communications procedures used by entrants and attendants.
- Determination and declaration if a body is recovered or a victim is rescued.
If members of the Department respond to an incident requiring confined space entry, a written hazard evaluation shall be performed. The hazard evaluation should include but is not limited to (29 CFR 1910.146; ORC § 4167.07; OAC § 4167-3-03):
- Recognition, determination, and declaration of the situation as a permit-required confined space incident, including the date, time, and location.
- Denial of entry to unprotected persons.
- Assessment of all readily available confined space documentation (e.g., Safety -Data Sheets, any existing permits, plans, or blueprints of the space).
- Assessment of the purpose of the entry, number of victims, locations, and injury conditions.
- Discussion with witnesses, a supervisor, and other sources of information.
- Assessment of any current or potential space hazards, in particular, any hazards that led to the necessary rescue.
- Measures used to isolate the space and …..
- Communications procedures used by entrants and attendants.
- Determination and declaration if a body is recovered or a victim is rescued.
eliminate or control the hazards.
PRIMARY ASSESSMENT Upon arrival, the first-in company should:
….. and provide a report of conditions.
Assess immediate hazards to rescuers, contact witnesses, or otherwise look for clues as to the cause of the confined space emergency.
Conduct a survivability profile of the victims, including the number, location, and condition of the victims, and how long they have been trapped.
Establish communication with the victims, if possible.
If applicable, locate any confined space permit that has information about the space.
Determine whether the operation will be a rescue or a recovery.
Establish command
PRIMARY ASSESSMENT Upon arrival, the first-in company should:
Establish command and provide a report of conditions.
….. to rescuers, contact witnesses, or otherwise look for clues as to the cause of the confined space emergency.
Conduct a survivability profile of the victims, including the number, location, and condition of the victims, and how long they have been trapped.
Establish communication with the victims, if possible.
If applicable, locate any confined space permit that has information about the space.
Determine whether the operation will be a rescue or a recovery.
Assess immediate hazards
PRIMARY ASSESSMENT Upon arrival, the first-in company should:
Establish command and provide a report of conditions.
Assess immediate hazards to rescuers, contact witnesses, or otherwise look for clues as to the cause of the confined space emergency.
….. of the victims, including the number, location, and condition of the victims, and how long they have been trapped.
Establish communication with the victims, if possible.
If applicable, locate any confined space permit that has information about the space.
Determine whether the operation will be a rescue or a recovery.
Conduct a survivability profile
PRIMARY ASSESSMENT Upon arrival, the first-in company should:
Establish command and provide a report of conditions.
Assess immediate hazards to rescuers, contact witnesses, or otherwise look for clues as to the cause of the confined space emergency.
Conduct a survivability profile of the victims, including the number, location, and condition of the victims, and how long they have been trapped.
….. with the victims, if possible.
If applicable, locate any confined space permit that has information about the space.
Determine whether the operation will be a rescue or a recovery.
Establish communication
PRIMARY ASSESSMENT Upon arrival, the first-in company should:
Establish command and provide a report of conditions.
Assess immediate hazards to rescuers, contact witnesses, or otherwise look for clues as to the cause of the confined space emergency.
Conduct a survivability profile of the victims, including the number, location, and condition of the victims, and how long they have been trapped.
Establish communication with the victims, if possible.
If applicable, locate any ….. that has information about the space.
Determine whether the operation will be a rescue or a recovery.
confined space permit
PRIMARY ASSESSMENT Upon arrival, the first-in company should:
Establish command and provide a report of conditions.
Assess immediate hazards to rescuers, contact witnesses, or otherwise look for clues as to the cause of the confined space emergency.
Conduct a survivability profile of the victims, including the number, location, and condition of the victims, and how long they have been trapped.
Establish communication with the victims, if possible.
If applicable, locate any confined space permit that has information about the space.
Determine whether the operation will be a …..
rescue or a recovery.
After completing the primary assessment, the first-in company should:
Determine the….. confined space and what type of ….. are used or stored in the space.
Identify any known hazards (e.g., electrical, mechanical, stored energy).
Determine the stability of the confined space and conduct a hazardous materials size-up.
type of
After completing the primary assessment, the first-in company should:
Determine the type of confined space and what type of products are used or stored in the space.
Identify any….. (e.g., electrical, mechanical, stored energy).
Determine the stability of the confined space and conduct a hazardous materials size-up.
known hazards
After completing the primary assessment, the first-in company should:
Determine the type of confined space and what type of products are used or stored in the space.
Identify any known hazards (e.g., electrical, mechanical, stored energy).
Determine the …..and conduct a hazardous materials size-up.
stability of the confined space
After completing the primary assessment, the first-in company should:
Determine the type of confined space and what type of products are used or stored in the space.
Identify any known hazards (e.g., electrical, mechanical, stored energy).
Determine the stability of the confined space and conduct a …..
hazardous materials size-up.
- Determine if ….. are on-scene to safely complete the rescue.
- Determine whether the proper equipment is at the scene to safely complete the rescue (e.g., atmospheric monitoring equipment, intrinsically safe lighting and communications, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), ventilation equipment, victim removal equipment).
- Establish a perimeter and ventilation, if needed.
- Assign resources, which should include a hazards officer.
- Ensure all utilities are locked-out, including electrical, gas, and water.
- Evaluate the structural stability of the confined space and surrounding area.
- Remove or restrict the flow of any product in or flowing into the confined space.
- Ensure all entry and back-up personnel are wearing the proper level of personal protective equipment (PPE) (e.g., helmet, gloves, proper footwear, eye protection, appropriate skin protection, a Class III harness and safety tag line, SCBA) and any additional equipment deemed necessary for the safety of personnel, given the totality of the circumstances (29 CFR 1910.146; OAC § 4123:1-21-07; OAC § 4123:1-5-22).
- Ensure the appropriate method of extrication is determined and constructed.
- Ensure department-approved procedures are followed to perform the rescue.
adequate technician-level trained personnel
If possible, the entry team should bring a supply of breathable air for the victims.
Rescuers….. their SCBA and give it to the victims.
If indicated and practicable, complete C-spine precautions should be taken.
After treatment for immediate life-threatening injuries, the victims should be packaged appropriately for extrication (e.g., backboard, rescue basket).
shall not remove
At the conclusion of the rescue, the Incident Commander should:
Ensure all tools and equipment used for the rescue/recovery are removed (unless there has been a fatality, then consideration may be given to leaving tools and equipment in place for investigative purposes).
Ensure proper decontamination procedures are implemented if personnel or equipment have been contaminated during the operation.
Determine if a formal critical incident stress debriefing or a routine debriefing and Post-Incident Analysis (PIA), in accordance with the Post-Incident Analysis Policy, is warranted and, if so, implement as appropriate.
Account for all personnel.
At the conclusion of the rescue, the Incident Commander should:
Account for all personnel.
Ensure all tools and equipment used for the rescue/recovery are removed (unless there has been ….. then consideration may be given to leaving tools and equipment in place for investigative purposes).
Ensure proper decontamination procedures are implemented if personnel or equipment have been contaminated during the operation.
Determine if a formal critical incident stress debriefing or a routine debriefing and Post-Incident Analysis (PIA), in accordance with the Post-Incident Analysis Policy, is warranted and, if so, implement as appropriate.
a fatality,
At the conclusion of the rescue, the Incident Commander should:
Account for all personnel.
Ensure all tools and equipment used for the rescue/recovery are removed (unless there has been a fatality, then consideration may be given to leaving tools and equipment in place for investigative purposes).
Ensure proper decontamination procedures are implemented if personnel or equipment have been contaminated during the operation.
Determine if a formal ….. or a routine debriefing and Post-Incident Analysis (PIA), in accordance with the Post-Incident Analysis Policy, is warranted and, if so, implement as appropriate.
critical incident stress debriefing