Carbon Monoxide detector activations Flashcards
This policy establishes guidelines for the safe and efficient mitigation of runs associated with …
carbon monoxide (CO) detector activations.
310.2 POLICY
It is the policy of the Elyria Fire Department to respond to all ….. and mitigate the health risks associated with exposure to CO by its members and the public.
reports and alarms indicating the presence of CO
310.2 POLICY
It is the policy of the Elyria Fire Department to respond to all reports and alarms indicating the presence of CO and ….. by its members and the public.
mitigate the health risks associated with exposure to CO
….. Company Dispatch
The dispatcher should attempt to ascertain if people at the scene are displaying symptoms of CO poisoning and consider whether an EMS response should also be dispatched. The responding EMS personnel should also be advised of the CO detector activation.
If the incident is in a large commercial occupied building, and/or many occupants are reporting illness, the Shift Commander shall respond.
Single Engine
Single Engine Company Dispatch
The dispatcher should attempt to ascertain if people at the scene are …… The responding EMS personnel should also be advised of the CO detector activation.
If the incident is in a large commercial occupied building, and/or many occupants are reporting illness, the Shift Commander shall respond.
displaying symptoms of CO poisoning and consider whether an EMS response should also be dispatched
Single Engine Company Dispatch
The dispatcher should attempt to ascertain if people at the scene are displaying symptoms of CO poisoning and consider whether an EMS response should also be dispatched. The responding EMS personnel should also be advised of the CO detector activation.
If the incident is in a large commercial occupied building, and/or many occupants are reporting illness…..
the Shift Commander shall respond.
Evaluate the situation through interviews……
Assess airflow ventilation conditions and general building conditions.
Wear structural turnouts and deploy or activate self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to investigate the building using a CO detector.
Have face pieces on and air flowing:
If occupants are displaying symptoms of CO poisoning (and confirm medical aid response).
Whenever information is inadequate to rule out toxic levels of CO.
prior to entering the building.
Evaluate the situation through interviews prior to entering the building.
Assess ……
Wear structural turnouts and deploy or activate self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to investigate the building using a CO detector.
Have face pieces on and air flowing:
If occupants are displaying symptoms of CO poisoning (and confirm medical aid response).
Whenever information is inadequate to rule out toxic levels of CO.
airflow ventilation conditions and general building conditions
Evaluate the situation through interviews prior to entering the building.
Assess airflow ventilation conditions and general building conditions.
Wear ….. to investigate the building using a CO detector.
Have face pieces on and air flowing:
If occupants are displaying symptoms of CO poisoning (and confirm medical aid response).
Whenever information is inadequate to rule out toxic levels of CO.
structural turnouts and deploy or activate self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)
Evaluate the situation through interviews prior to entering the building.
Assess airflow ventilation conditions and general building conditions.
Wear structural turnouts and deploy or activate self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to investigate the building using a CO detector.
Have face pieces on and air flowing:
Whenever information is inadequate to rule out toxic levels of CO.
If occupants are displaying symptoms of CO poisoning (and confirm medical aid response).
Evaluate the situation through interviews prior to entering the building.
Assess airflow ventilation conditions and general building conditions.
Wear structural turnouts and deploy or activate self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to investigate the building using a CO detector.
Have face pieces on and air flowing:
If occupants are displaying symptoms of CO poisoning (and confirm medical aid response).
Whenever information is inadequate to rule out toxic levels of CO.
If the source of CO is identified, personnel should take the following actions:
- If the source is a vehicle, open flame device or other source not intended for interior use,…..
- If the source is an improperly operating appliance, notify the appropriate utility company and shut off the appliance and the appliance’s main line valve and ventilate the building thoroughly.
- Encourage the occupant to have the appliance serviced by a reputable service technician or a plumbing and heating contractor.
- Do not attempt to repair or alter an appliance or heating unit. - Do not ventilate the building with gasoline-powered smoke ejectors.
- Do not shut off the building’s main gas valve unless necessary to control the problem.
remove the source from the building or shut off the device and ventilate the building thoroughly.
If the source of CO is identified, personnel should take the following actions:
- If the source is a vehicle, open flame device or other source not intended for interior use, remove the source from the building or shut off the device and ventilate the building thoroughly.
- If the source is an improperly operating appliance, …… and ventilate the building thoroughly.
- Encourage the occupant to have the appliance serviced by a reputable service technician or a plumbing and heating contractor.
- Do not attempt to repair or alter an appliance or heating unit. - Do not ventilate the building with gasoline-powered smoke ejectors.
- Do not shut off the building’s main gas valve unless necessary to control the problem.
notify the appropriate utility company and shut off the appliance and the appliance’s main line valve
If the source of CO is identified, personnel should take the following actions:
- If the source is a vehicle, open flame device or other source not intended for interior use, remove the source from the building or shut off the device and ventilate the building thoroughly.
- If the source is an improperly operating appliance, notify the appropriate utility company and shut off the appliance and the appliance’s main line valve and ventilate the building thoroughly.
- Encourage the occupant to ……
- Do not attempt to repair or alter an appliance or heating unit. - Do not ventilate the building with gasoline-powered smoke ejectors.
- Do not shut off the building’s main gas valve unless necessary to control the problem.
have the appliance serviced by a reputable service technician or a plumbing and heating contractor.
If the source of CO is identified, personnel should take the following actions:
- If the source is a vehicle, open flame device or other source not intended for interior use, remove the source from the building or shut off the device and ventilate the building thoroughly.
- If the source is an improperly operating appliance, notify the appropriate utility company and shut off the appliance and the appliance’s main line valve and ventilate the building thoroughly.
- Encourage the occupant to have the appliance serviced by a reputable service technician or a plumbing and heating contractor.
- Do not attempt to repair or alter an appliance or heating unit. - Do not ventilate the building with ……
- Do not shut off the building’s main gas valve unless necessary to control the problem.
gasoline-powered smoke ejectors.
If the source of CO is not identified, personnel should take the following actions:
1- ….. the company officer may make a determination based on call volume and seriousness of carbon monoxide issue whether it is necessary to leave the scene prior to arrival of the gas company or whether the occupants should be advised to remain out of the building until a gas company representative arrives.
2- Complete any required property notification and provide a copy to the property owner or tenant.
Request a response by the gas company,
If the source of CO is not identified, personnel should take the following actions:
1- Request a response by the gas company, the company officer may make a determination based on call volume and seriousness of carbon monoxide issue whether it is necessary to leave the scene prior to arrival of the gas company or whether the occupants should be advised to remain out of the building until a gas company representative arrives.
2- …… and provide a copy to the property owner or tenant.
Complete any required property notification
It is not necessary for occupant to fill out the once utilized …… the company officer may elect to leave this form for information if they so choose to give home owner, Columbia Gas, etc.
notice of findings report,