Mind body and soul textbook A02 Flashcards
Plato’s view that the soul is distinct from the body is convincing
- we often experience feelings of being a soul or a mind inside a body like a driver in a vehicle
- his views are supported by the holy scripture of some religions including Christianity which many believe to be authoritative sources
- Descartes had similar view with his hyperbolic doubt of the body but certainty of the mind - distinct substances with distinct properties
- allows possibility of life after death
- some people claim to have out of body experiences
Plato’s view that the soul is distinct from the body is not convincing
- materialists argue there is nothing more to a person than physical matter
- no such thing as the soul
- Ryle argued drawing a distinction between the body and soul makes a category error
- no convincing evidence to support his ideas
- substance dualism does not have a convincing account of how the soul and body connect or are attached
people are no more than complex physical matter
- no evidence to suggest people have souls or minds distinct from the body
- neuroscience is becoming more sophisticated and showing how different parts of the brain are responsible for different aspects of human behaviour
- Ryle - imagining people have souls that operate like a a ghost in a machine makes a category error
people are more complex than physical matter
- Descartes - we can doubt our bodies but not our minds - cogito ego sum - must be a fundamental difference between them
- mind and body have very different properties so they cannot be identical substances
- rejecting belief that we are more than physical could have a profound on our ethics because of the way we view other people, the sanctity of life loses meaning
- rejecting belief in the soul is pessimistic and removes possibility of life after death
- no evidence that we do not have souls
- absence of evidence is not evidence of absence