Body and Soul Philosophers Flashcards
what was the approach of Rene Descartes
- to disregard all previous philosophy
- ignores Aristotelian view of soul as principle of life
- asking whether there is any knowledge so certain that no one may doubt it
- notes how sense experience may be mistaken or mislead by a malicious demon
- might mean the material world and even his body might be an illusion
why did Descartes come up with cogito ergo sum
- he knew for certain he had a mind because he couldn’t possible doubt it without contradiction
- infinite chain of thinking about you thinking
- he couldn’t be certain he had a body
- therefore two distinct substances
- i think therefore I am
- I knew I was a being whose whole essence or nature is simply to think and which does not require any place or depend on any material thing in order to exist
why did Descartes believe the mind and body were separate
- different properties: thought and extension respectively
- mind can’t be doubted but the body can
- the body is by nature divisible but the mind is not
what problems arise from Descartes way of thinking
- if the mind is simply spiritual and we have non-spiritual bodies, how do they interconnect
what did Descartes think about the pineal gland
- he conceived the body in almost mechanical terms with muscles acting like ropes and cables
- he thought pineal glad ( small organ in centre of brain) had something to do with the connection between body and soul
- he thought it contained air like animal spirits which controlled imagination, sense perception, bodily movement and memory
- thought it was the principle seat of the soul although not clear about how it worked
how did Gilbert Ryle describe Descartes’ concept of the mind
the ghost in the machine
what type of philosopher was Gilbert Ryle
- as an analytic philosopher he is not attempting to create an alternative theory but to provide conceptual clarity
- often describes the role of the philosopher as a cartographer who maps the territory but doesn’t create it
- crudely inaccurate to label him as a materialist because he considered reductionism to the material to be mistaken
- work as an exploration of phenomenal consciousness
what is Gilbert Ryle’s criticism of Descartes
- that he is guilty of category error assuming that mind and matter are of the same logical type
- he thought that traditionally people tend to think that they are somehow ‘harnessed together’ but that they are separate after death but Ryle argues this doesn’t fit with what we know about psychology and neuroscience
what is Gilbert Ryles example of the category error that he believed Descartes made
suppose a foreign visitor went to Cambridge to look at it sights. He is shown the different colleges, the Fitzwilliam Museum, the library and so on. At the end of the tour he asks but where is the university. he is guilty of category error because he assumes that the university is something separate from and other than all those individual bits which are collectively the university
what wasn’t Gilbert Ryle rejecting in relation to Descartes
- he wasn’t rejecting the idea that people have minds or personalities or consciousness or a soul but he was rejecting that it was a separate part or aspect of humans
- just as the team spirit is not found in addition to the team but is a way of describing how the soul works, the soul is not an addition to the physical person but a way of describing a person’s functions
what is Gibert Ryle’s style of argument `
- it is holistic
- not a denial of the mental or saying that the mental is just material
- his opposition is to the needless and improper separation of the two
- his philosophy is possibly monist but not materialist though to say he is monist probably over simplifies the issue
what did the devout roman catholic peter geach argue about substance dualism
- it is savage superstition to suppose that a man consists of two pieces, body and soul, which come apart at death
- aggravated by conceptual confusion
- it gained accidental support from spiritual language
- a man is a sort of body, not a body plus an immaterial somewhat; for a man is an animal
- the only tenable conception of the soul is the Aristotelian conception of the soul as the form or actual organisation of the living body
what were the criticisms against substance dualism of G.E.M Anscombe
- if i point at something the mere action of the body i not the white of its meaning, it is just a gesture
- feature like colour and texture cannot be identified by bodily gesture alone even if the most complete physical description. it also doesn’t explain why body is working just how
- we need a description of the thought
- a disembodied soul could not point. It is my body that points. She argues that this bodily act is of man qua spirit, the act of a human as a whole
what were the criticism against substance dualism proposed by John Hick
- strongly opposed the platonic view of the soul as un-christian
- for Hick my soul is not me
- his outlook not dissimilar to Aristotle
- soft materialist
- we are out bodies, but those bodies have a spiritual dimension
- there is no mind without matter, to be a person is to be a thinking material being
- not reductionist thinking, the mental depends on the body but is more than simply behaviorist reaction to stimuli
- that we are necessarily material beings does not mean we are just material beings
- hick opposed to the any approach assumes to die is not something to be feared. we should be prepared for death because it brings us before God to be bestowed eternal life.
what is the approach of Richard Dawkins
- materialist thinker yet on analysis his approach is much more subtle than crude reductionism
what does Richard Dawkins reject and why?
- rejects any notion of the disembodied soul espoused by Plato/Descartes
- no empirical evidence for such an entity
- mocks religious believers for supporting a bizarre notion
what does Richard Dawkins acknowledge and why
- he acknowledges the mystery of consciousness while asserting his faith that it should be possible for scientific enquiry into DNA eventually to explain the phenomenon
- However to do so will be difficult as the phenomena of consciousness - art, imagination, scientific research etc. - are so various and do not always have obvious evolutionary value
what is materialism and what does this mean
- the philosophical view that there only exists physical matter
- in the case of human beings this means there is only flesh and blood, nerves and cells
- means anything said about a person is reducible to sentences about physical processes
- if I said I intended to paint a painting it could be reduced to a statement about the behaviours of the brain cells, neurones and electrical activity within the brain
what do modern materialist view like those held by Richard Dawkins assume
- that there is no part of a person that is non-physical
- following the traditions of Aristotle, materialists believe that the consciousness cannot be separated from the brain because nothing exists except matter
- rules out therefore any possibilities of any form of conscious life after death since consciousness is caused by purely physical phenomena so once the brain has died the consciousness must also end
what does Richard Dawkins propose in his book The Selfish Gene
- that humans are nothing more than survival machines
- he completely discounts the idea that humans have any kind of soul to distinguish them from other species
- humans like other living creatures are the vehicles of gene only interested in replicating themselves in order to survive into the next generation
- he understood that genes do not have capacity to think or have literal intentions so their selfishness is an analogy
- his point was that human beings do not have immortal souls and instead are simply a mixture of chemicals
Discuss Dawkins views about soul one and soul two
- two different ways of understanding the soul
- soul one, which he rejects, is the viewpoint which claims soul is distinctive, spiritual, supernatural part of a person capable of knowing God and of surviving death.
- soul two is more Aristotelian where the soul refers to someone’s personality and individuality to the fact they have a life/are motivated to make choices. Dawkins accepts soul two which doesn’t include any notion of life after death or any idea people have some kind of connection with the divine/supernatural.
what does Dawkins assert in his book River out of Eden
- there is no spirit driven life force, life is just bytes and bytes of digital information.
- this doesn’t mean life isn’t awe-inspiring as he finds the evolutionary process awe-inspiring and achievements of different people
- he just doesn’t believe we need any additional supernatural soul to explain this nor any belief in life after death to make sense of what we are as humans
what did Dawkins argue about the immortality of the soul
- no sound basis
- belief based on wish-fulfilment for those who lack courage, fear death and cannot cope with the idea of their own mortality
- for the materialist the consciousness is nothing more than electro-chemical events within the brain and therefore the individual person is incapable of surviving brain death
what type of thinker was B.F Skinner
- a behaviourist
- sees human thoughts as simply learned behaviours
- skinner supported his arguments by much scientific work
what did B.F Skinner believe
- what we consider mental events are simply learned behaviours
- the idea of a mental state separated from the body is a radical misunderstanding
- animals are conditioned to particular behaviours and so mental acts are caused acts explicable at a physical level
give parts of skinners fat ass quote :)
- what is felt or introspectively observed is not some non physical world of consciousness but the observer’s own body
- this doesn’t mean introspection is a kind of phycological research
- an organism behaves as it does because of it’s current structure
who was Daniel C. Dennett
- an American philosopher and cognitive scientist
- major figure in current philosophy of mind
- criticised Skinner
what does Dennett argue
- that skinner oversimplifies human consciousness not least because he assumes what is true of the consciousness of a pigeon also applies to humans
- an animal want or desire may be explained by learned behaviour but the same is not true for the human
- if I am asked why I am reading a book saying it is learned behaviour misses the point. If I say because I want to it provides explanation
- I am not reading the book to get rich or fit but for other chosen goals - it excludes certain reasons through explanation though
- Dennett argues that Skinner would only be right if my explanation stopped with the fact I had a desire but human thinking moves beyond Skinner’s basic theory and thinking
what does Dennett say about human dignity and freedom
- if we discovered that people only handed their wallets over after being conditioned to do so and continued to do after seeing the robbers gun was empty we would have to admit Skinner had unmasked the pretenders and human beings would be no better than pigeons because we’d have no dignity and freedom
what does it mean if Dennett is right
there is something more to human consciousness than something simply explicable as a material cause and effect but what that is remains elusive