Christian Moral Action Flashcards
following the life, example and teaching of Jesus
cheap grace
grace that is offered freely but is received without any change in the recipient and ultimately is false as it does not save
costly grace
grace followed by obedience to God’s commands and discipleship
Jesus’ suffering at the end of his life
we must suffer to
an altruistic comment to stand alongside and be with those less fortunate, the oppressed, those who suffer
we must be active not passive in solidarity
what situation was Bonhoeffer faced with
an government seeking to remove Christianity because of the challenges it poses to the authority of the state
what should a Christian do when a key part of their faith is undermined by a law they are required to follow
- in this case the Nazi state and laws
what was Bonhoeffer a key founding member of
the Confessing Church
- a breakaway Church that rejected much of the way the German Christian establishment had accepted Nazi ideology including anti-Semitism
- sought to be authentically Christian
what did Bonhoeffer value
the church community as support for living as a Christian and as a source for spiritual discipline of life
what was Christian ethics for Bonhoeffer
an ethic of responsibility for others
what did Bonhoeffer’s experience of life and faith lead him to
- a profound sense of the cost of discipleship and the sacrifice and suffering that it entails
- for Christians today this might both inspire and challenge them in their understanding of what being Christian entails
- Christian life can often come across as comfortable but many Christians experience struggles with persecution, loss and challenge
how did Nazi ideology divide Christianity
- German Protestant Churches in 1934 split between German Church and Confessing Church
- Nazi ideology gained strong influence and control over the Church
- some leaders of the German Christians began to wear brown uniforms linking themselves to National Socialism
- prevented ministers with Jewish ancestry for working for the Church
- for German Churches Hitler was seen as the leader of Christianity alongside Jesus
how did Bonhoeffer see the situation in 1934
- a conflict between Germanism and true Christianity
- he accused the German Christians of not confessing their faith, not being true to their discipleship and the commands of God
what is the call to discipleship for Bonhoeffer
- call of obedience to the leadership of Jesus and the will of God
- the first disciples responded to the call with not a profession of faith or rational account of the theology they believed in but an act of obedience to Jesus’ call to leave their lives behind and follow him
give Bonhoeffer’s quote about the encounter with Jesus
a testimony to the absolute direct and unaccountable authority of Jesus. There is no need for any preliminaries and no other consequence but obedience to the call there is no road to faith or discipleship no other road only obedience to the call of Jesus
Religion is often presented as a question of what you need to believe but what is Christian discipleship according to Bonhoeffer
- Christian discipleship is fundamentally about something you do and which leader you obey
- exclusive obedience to the leadership of God and all other legal ties are burnt
- “The old life is left behind and completely surrendered”
- “The disciple is dragged out of his relative security into a life of absolute insecurity”
- “Beside Jesus nothing has any significance he alone matters”
why are Bonhoeffer’s beliefs about Christian discipleship controversial
- they place discipleship above the law and any human leadership above the responsibilities of citizenship
- Luke 9:57-62 - one man who Jesus calls says he must first bury his dead father following the legal responsibility he has but Jesus says the dead should be left to bury the dead
- even the law cannot stand in the way of the call of Jesus
what does doing God’s will means
- that we cannot take the call of Jesus on our own terms fitting it around our life in a way that is convenient
- obedience to God entails cutting ourselves off from the previous existence
- produces a new situation in which the disciple walks with Jesus
what does the road to faith pass through for Bonhoeffer
the road to faith passes through obedience to the call of Jesus and the severing of all earthly ties
“only he who believes is obedient and only he who is obedient believes”
what does Bonhoeffer believe is the only real faith
- such an act of obedience as cutting off all earthly ties
- there is no time to think things through or make a declaration of your belief you simply have to act
- “you can only know and think about it by actually doing it”
- “you can only learn what obedience is by obeying”
what did Bonhoeffer call for
- single minded obedience
- Jesus called Peter to risk his life and walk on the sea
- by responding to the call into obedience faith becomes possible
- putting aside single minded obedience to replace with individual preference e.g. replaces the justification of God with self justification
what things stand in the way of single minded obedience
- reason
- conscience
- responsibility
- piety (a belief which is accepted with unthinking conventional reverence/religious belief)
what makes it possible to respond to Jesus’ call and why
- Obedience to Jesus is not something that lies in human power
- it is Jesus’ offer to us that makes it possible to respond, to step away from the attachment of life and into a space where faith is possible
- “we do not walk under our self-made law and burdens, but under the yoke of hum who knows us and who walks under the yoke with us”
what do Bonhoeffer’s beliefs about discipleship that duty to God outweighs duty to the state lead to
civil disobedience
- in ‘ethics’ he wrote there is a need to break with the Lutheran teaching that a Christian should obey the civil authority and its laws
what did Bonhoeffer write in his letter to Reinhold Niebuhr
Christians in Germany will face the terrible alternative of either willing the defeat of their nation in order that Christian civilization may survive or willing the victory of their nation and thereby destroying our civilization. I know which of these alternatives I must choose.