Mimi's Forearm and Hand Muscles, Innervation, Function Flashcards
pronator teres attachments
> medial epicondyle of humerus> ulnar head on medial coronoid process > both heads insert onto lateral radius
pronator teres nerve and artery
> Median n. (c6,7)> ant. ulnar recurrent a.
pronator teres action
pronate and weakly flex forarm@ elbow
flexor carpi radialis attachments
> medial epicondyle of humerus > inserts onto base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals
flexor carpi radialis nerve and artery
> median n. (c6,7)> radial a.
flexor carpi radialis action
flexes and abducts the wrist, pronates hand, flexes forearm
palmaris longus attachment
> medial epicondyle of humerus> inserts on palmar aponeurosis
palmaris longus action
> weak forearm flexor> pronate and flex forearm
flexor carpi ulnaris attach
> medial epicondyle of humerus> olecranon> both heads insert onto the pisciform, hook of hamate, and 5th metacarpal
flexor carpi ulnaris nerve and artery
> ulnar n.> post. ulnar recurrent a.
flexor carpi ulnaris action
> flex wrist and forarm
flexor digitorum superficialis attach
> medial epicondyle> coronoid process of the ulna> oblique line of radius> both insert onto the middle phalanges 2-5
palmarus longus nerve and artery
> median n.> post. ulnar recurrent a.
flexor digitorum superficialis nerve and artery
> median n.> ulnar a./radial a.
flexor digitorum superficialis action
flex middle and proximal phalanges, aids in forearm flex
Flexor digitorum profundus attach
> medial/ant. ulna> Distal phalanges of D2-5
flexor digitorum profundus nerve and artery
> medial part is ulnar n.> lateral is interosseus of median n.> ulnar a.
flexor digitorum profundus action
flex terminal phalanges 2-5 and flex wrist
flexor pollicus longus attachments
> radius, coronoid process of ulna> palmar surface of distal thumb phalynx
flexor pollicus longus nerve and artery
> median n.> ulnar a.
pronator quadrus attachments
> distal ulna> lateral radius
pronator quadrus nerve and artery
> median n.> ulnar a.
path of ulnar nerve through forearm
> behind medial epicondyle of humerus> btn heads of flexor carpi ulnaris> joins ulnar a. in distal forarm> superfical sensory branch in wrist
path of median nerve through forearm
> leaves cubital fossa btn. two heads of pronator teres> courses teep to flexor digitorum superficialis> branches to anterior interosseus> branches to palmar cutaneous branch
main branches of radial artery in forearm/hand
> radial recurrent a.> superficial palmar arch> deep arch> palmar carpal a> dorsal carpal a
main branches of ulnar artery in forearm
> ant. ulnar recurrent> post. ulnar recurrent> common interosseous to ant. post. interosseous> palmar carpal> dorsal carpal> superficial branch> deep palmar branch
extensor retinaculum
thickened antebrachial fascia on dorsum of wrist
what is in the carpal tunnel?
> 4 tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis> 4 tendons of flexor digitorum profundus> tendon of flexor pollicus longus> median n.
Abductor pollicus brevis attachment
> trapezium and scaphoid> proximal phalynx of thumb
abductor pollicus brevis nerve and artery
> median n. and deep ulnar n.> superficial radial a.
flexor pollicis brevis attachment
> carpal lig and trapezium> proximal phalynx of thumb
flexor pollicis brevis nerve and artery
> median n. > superficial radial a.
flexor pollicis brevis action
flexes proximal phalynx
opponens pollicis attachment
> carpal lig and trapezium> 1st MC
opponens pollicis nerve and artery
> median n.> radial a.