Military Upper Ext and other Stuff Flashcards

- Roots
- Trunks
- Divisions
4 Cords
5 Superior
6 Middle
7 Inferior
8 Lateral
9 Posterior
10 Medial
11 Axillary
12 Radial
13 Medial
14 Ulnar
15 Musculocutaneous

- C6
- C7
- C5
- C8
- T1

- C8
- C7
- C6
- C5
- T1
- C8
Cervical plexus block are from what cervical nerves
Interscalene blocks consist of what cervical nerves
The intrescalene block is preformed at what level
C6 verterbral body
Chassaignac’s Tubercle
If C3 and C4 become blocked while doing an interscalene block what will your patient present with
Horner syndrome and hoarseness
Horner syndrome:
Interscalene blocks always result in ________ because of the close proximity of the _______ to C3-C5?
Hemidiaphram paresis
phrenic nerve
Page 25 Military book
Resp contraindication of intrascalene block would be
Any one unable to tolerate a reduction in pulmonary function of greater than 30 %
What part of the bracheal plexus is involved in the interscalene blocks? Root, Trunk, cords, Divisions or Terminial branches

For an interscalene block how much Local is sufficient for the block
30-40 ml
What surgery might the interscalene block not be useful for??
Hand and forearm specifically in the ulnar distribution becasue of its C8 and T1 origin. The local dosen’t spread that far caudal usually.
Suprascapular Blocks what part of the Bracheal plexus
The Trunks:
At what level is it most likely to block ALL of the bracheal plexus?
The Trunks because in this area the brachial plexus form 3 compact nerves in very close proximity to eachother.
What nerves form the Superior trunk
Cervical nerve 5 and 6
What nerves form the middle trunk
What nerves form the inferior trunk
C 8 and T1 nerve roots
With the supraclavicular block what is the most frequent complication?
What resp complication can the supraclavicular block have on the resp system besides a pneumo??
50% get a diaphramatic hemiparesis with minimal reduction in FRC
How much Local is used in the supraclavicular block
30-40 ml
Infraclavicular blocks involve what part of the brachial plexus?

Does the infraclavicular block produce respiratory depression
Using a twitch monitor which muscle is aceptable for appropriate postioning of the needle in a supraclavicular block??
extension or flexion of the digits
ulnar or median nerve
Using a twitch monitor which muscle is aceptable for appropriate postioning of the needle in a infraclavicular block??
Finger and or thumb stimulation
What is the most distal block preformed on the brachial plexus
The Axillary Block
Advantages of the Axillary block
Can access the artery to hold pressure should a puncture happen, very little risk of resp issues related to the phrenic nerve or pneumothorax
What are the terminal nerve branches of the brachial plexus
What nerve must be blocked separately if an axillary block is used
Axillary blocks are use for what types of surgeries
Hand and forearm
Supra and infra clavicualr blocks are used for blocks are use for what types of surgeries
elbow and uper arm surgery
Positioning is key for an axillary block. Inability to do what would prohibit the use of this block
abduct the arm more than 45 degrees at the shoulder

what must you have for a beir block
IV distal to the cuff
This block is typically used for less then ____ minutes
60 min
How high is the tourniquet pumped up to??
250 mm/Hg or 100 mm/Hg above the SBP
In the double Lumen cuff which cuff is inflated first the proximal or distal?
Proximal because after 60 min tourniquet pain usually begins and the arm is numb under the distal cuff before you have to inflate it, reducing tourniquet pain.
Amount of Local used for an upper ext beir block is??
30 - 50ml of 0.5% Lidocaine or about 3ml/kg