Brown Review (josh) LE ANATOMY Flashcards
there are how many major nerves of the LE?
What are the 2 major nerve Plexuses that innervate the LE
Lumbar plexus
Lumbosacral plexus
What does the Lumbar plexus innervate?
ventral aspects of LE
What does the Lumbasacral plexus innervate?
Dorsal aspect of LE
The LUMBAR PLEXUS is formed from the ventral rami of the first ___ ___ nerves and part of the ___ ____ nerve
three lumbar
fourth lumbar
In approximatly 1/2 of pt’s a small branch of the ____ ___ nerve joins the 1st lumbar nerve
12 thoracic
The cephalad portion of the lumbar plexus ( i.e. L1 and sometimes T12) Splints into ____ and ____ branches
The superior branch redivides into the ______ and _____ nerves
Iliohypogastric n.
ilioinguinal n.
The smaller Inferior branch joins with the small superior branch of the L2 n. to form the _______n.
Genitofemoral n.
the ilioHYPOGASTRIC n. penetrates the what? and supplies motor fibers to the what?
It ends it’s anterior cutaneous branch to the skin of the _______ region, and a lateral cutaneous branch in the ____ region?
- transverse abdominis muscle (near the crest of the ilium)
- abdominal musculature
- supraPubic region — Hip region
The ilioIinquinal n. crosses slightly ______ tot he ilioHYPOGASTRIC n.
The ilioIinquinal n. crosses slightly Inferior to the ilioHYPOGASTRIC n. it then traverses the inquinial canal and ends cutaneously in branches to the ____ and near the _____
- upper and medial parts of the thigh
- anterior scrotal n.
The genitofemoral n divides at a variable level into the ____ and _____ branches.
the genital branch of the genitofemoral n. is small; it enters the inguinal canal deep at the inguinal ring and supplies what?
Cremaster muscle
skin and fascia of scrotum
adjacent parts of thigh
The femoral branch is more medial of the 2 branches and continues under the inguinal ligament, and supplies the what?
skin over the femoral triangle (lateral to that supplied by the ilioinguinal n.
What 3 nerves are clinically inportant during regional block for inguinal hernia or other groin procedures?
Caudal to the Ilioinguinal, iliohypogastric, and genitofemoral nerves are the three MAJOR nerves of the lumbar plexus that exit from the pelvis anteriorly and innervate the lower extremity. ehat are those 3 lovely maror nerves of the lumbar plexus I speak about?
Lateral femoral cutaneous
The lateral femoral cutaneous n. passes under the lateral end of the inguinal ligament, it provides _____ innervation to where?
lateral portion of buttocks distal to the greater trochanter and to the proximal 2/3rds of lateral aspect of thigh
(lateral butt and proximal lateral 2/3rds thigh)
the obturator n. descends along the MEDIAL POSTERIOR aspect of the psoas muscle and through the pelvs to the obturator canal into the thigh. this nerve supplies what?
adductor group of muscles
the hip and knee joints
skin of the medial aspect of thigh proximal the knee
which nerve is the largest branch of the LUMBAR plexus
Femoral n.
slightly before , or on, entering the the femoral triangle of the upper thigh, the femoral nerve breaks into numerous branches supplying the muscles and skin of what?
anterior thigh
hip joints
The lumbosacral plexus is formed by the ventral rami of what nerves?
L4-5 and S1-3 (occasionally part of S4)
What is the nerve of primary interest in the Lumbosacral plexus
sometimes the posterior femoral cutaneous n.
The sciatic is the combination of 2 major nerve trunks. what are they?
Tibial nerve
common peroneal
The tibial n. off the sciatic is derived from where? and the Common peroneal n. is derived from where?
Tibial- anterior branches of ventral rami L4-S3
Common Peroneal- DORSAL branches on the ventral rami of L4-S3
The Tibial and Common peroneal pass as the sciatic n.through the upper leg until they get to the _____ _____ where the divide
Popliteal Fossa