milgram variations Flashcards
Percentage of people who obeyed in ordinary people conditions
Percentage of people who obeyed in rundown office building
Percentage of people who obeyed in absent experimenter conditions
name the three variations of milgrams study
institutional context
power relations
describe the institutional context experiment
recruited via mail and still offered $4.00
came to a run down office block and told it was run by an outside firm
same procedure as original
describe the proximity experiment
after giving the original instructions the experimenter left the room and continued the rest of the instructions over the phone (telling him to increase the voltage)
all other points remained the same
describe the power relations experiment
role of experimenter 2 played by an ordinary man who was a confederate
participant thought that he was a normal participant too
confed experimenter told to note timings down
when the real experimenter left the room the confederate experimenter told the participant to raise the voltage
real experimenter gave all instructions other than raising the voltage
results of the institutional context experiment
47.5% gave 450V
participants questioned the credentials of the ‘firm’
results of the proximity experiment
22.5% went to 450v
participants stayed at a low voltage and lied about it to the experimenter
results of the power relations experiment
20% went to 450v
conclusion of institutional context experiment
less reputable context
reduced the legitimacy of the study
results lower but not to disimilar to the original
not backed up
conclusion of the proximity experiment
easier to not obey when not face to face
less pressure
physical presence is an important factor
conclusion of the power relations experiment
experiment was strained
confederate had to go to consoderable lengths to get the participants to increase the voltage
strengths of the institutional context
identical controls to the orignal which makes an easy comparison
office block added to validity as it is more true to real life than yale university - more naturalistic setting
weaknesses of institutional context
still carried out in a lab which means it is still seen as a scientific study - lacks validity
controls such as verbal prods meant it was not a real life task and lowers validity as we can’t apply to real life obedience
strengths of confederate experimenter
participant saw the draw of the confed being the experimenter which helped to reduce authority in the situation and increased the experimental validity
proceudre was the same so they can be compared easily
weaknesses of confederate experimenter
as the participant didn’t obey the confed it could be said that they knew the experimenter was the member of authority and that they had to obey them and this is a validity issue
still lots of authority as it was in yale so the other participant may not have reduced power in the situation
strengths of proximity experiment
carried out other variations where he tested presence of experimenter which also showed difference in obedience levels there is validity
used same procedure which increases reliability and makes it easy to compare
weaknesses of proximity experiment
not a natural situation- participants had a relationship with the experimenter and so saw themselves as the helper question the validity
may not have believed the shocks were real - trusted the respect of yale and the scientific background and know they wouldn’t have shocked real people