burger Flashcards
generalisability of burgers study
more generalisable than milligram’s as uses male and female p’s
not androcentric or endocentric
reliability of burgers study
is reliable as could be replicated using controlled conditions
but would be using different p’s with different personality traits
application of burgers study
applicable to obedience in real life in modern day,
comparing to 1961 showing obedience is still the same
validity of burgers study
lack ecological validity as artificial setting in lab
experimental validity high: p’s believed in experiment being true, none with knowledge of milligrams experiment aloud to take part
low internal: not asked to administer shocks in everyday life
in the base condition how many p’s stopped at 150v
12 (30%)
in base condition how many p’s went to continue past 150v
28 (70%)
in modelled refusal condition how many stopped before 150v
11 (36.7)
in modelled refusal condition how many would have continued past 150v
19 (63.3%)
Strengths of Burger
Strong screening process
Standardised procedure
Allowed withdrawal
Only went to 150v
Used different variables in order to show that situation affects our obedience
Population validity and generalisable as people were taken from a wider range
Applicable to real life
Weaknesses of Burger
Less generalisable as they excluded some participants
Lab experiment lowers ecological validity
Still emotional stress to think you’re shocking someone
Only went to 150V and can’t assume that they would have gone to 450V
Novel study-may not have done the same thing in real life
Only 15v sample which makes it less believable
procedure of burger
29 men 41 women
santa clara university
paid $50 to take part in two 45 minute sessions
same procedure as milgrams other than more ethical changes put in place to make it safer :
two step screening process
told three times that they could withdraw
only had a 15v sample shock
only went up to 150v
no time allowed to elapse between end and debrief
how did the confederate ‘respond’ during the experiment
at 75v they heard a small grunt up until 150v
at 150v the learner yelled get me out of here and complained about his heart
what changed in the model refusal condition
two confederate one as another teacher
confederate teacher was asked to administer the shocks ut at 90v he refused
the participant was asked to take over
conclusion of burgers study
no significant different between empathetic concern, desire for control, age, gender, ethnicity and education
cannot be certain that they would have continued to 450v