milestones Flashcards
what gross motor skills does a baby have at 6 weeks?
has head control in vertical
what fine motor skills does a baby have at 6 weeks?
follows torch with eyes
what is a babies language and hearing like at 6 weeks?
stills to voice
what is a babys social and play development like at 6 weeks?
-has a social smile
what is a babies gross motor skills development like at 3 months?
-no head lag on pulling to sit
what is the babies fine motor and vision development at 3 months?
-regards hands held in midline
what is a babies language and hearing development at 3 months?
laughs and coos
what are a babies social skills and play at 3 months?
-reacts pleasurably to familiar situations
what is the gross motor development at 6 months?
-pushes arm back in prone-can roll from stomach to back
what are the fine motor and vision developmental milestones at 6 months?
-explores objects by mouthing-transfers objects hand to hand with palmar grasp
what are the language and hearing developmental milestones of a child at 6 months?
-screams when annoyed-babble tunefully (mamamama)
what are some social skills and play developmental milestones that a baby experiences at 6 months?
-plays with feet-friendly with strangers
what are the gross motor developmental milestones for a 9 month old?
-stands holding onto furniture-may crawl
what are the fine movement and vision developmental milestones of a 9 month old?
-picks up raising between thumb and hand-uses index finger to point
what are some language and hearing milestones of a 9 month old?
-polysyllabic babble (ahgah)-imitates adult sounds
what are the social skills and play developmental milestones of a 9 month old?
-finds hidden objects-anxious around strangers
what are the gross motor developmental milestones of a 12 month old?
-‘cruises’ around furniture-may take first steps independently
what fine motor and vision developmental milestones are made at 12 months?
-casting toys-bang toys together
what are the language and hearing developmental milestones made at 12 months?
-immediately respond to name-jargon
what are the social skills and play developmental milestones at 12 months?
-waves bye bye-drinks from a cup
what are some gross motor developmental milestones of an 18 month old?
-climbs into adult chair-runs
what are fine motor and vision developmental milestones of an 18 month old?
-builds tower of 3 to 4 blocks-develops hand preference
what are some language and hearing developmental milestones in an 18 month old?
5-10 words-points to body parts
what are some social skills and play developmental milestones in an 18 month old?
-feeds with a spoon-imitates adult activities (sweeping, ect)
what are some gross motor developmental milestones of a 2 year old?
-can throw a ball overhand0up and down stairs 2 feet per tread
what are some fine motor and vision developmental milestones at 2 years?
-builds tower of 6 to 7 blocks-circular scribble
what are some language and hearing developmental milestones at 2 years?
-joining 2 words together/50+ words-understands simple instructions
what are some social skills and play developmental milestones at 2 years?
-puts on hat and shows-developing symbolic play (feeding baby etc)
what are some gross motor developmental milestones in a 3 year old?
-ascends stairs with alternating feet-can pedal a tricycle
what are the fine motor and vision developmental milestones of a 3 year old?
-copies circle-cuts with scissors
what is a language and hearing developmental milestone in a 3 year old?
-knows own name and sex-asks lots of questions
what are social skills and play developmental milestone in a 3 year old?
-vivid pretend play-understands sharing/plays with other kids
what are some gross motor developmental milestones in a 4 year old?
-can run up and down stairs, alternating feet-hops
what are some fine motor and vision developmental milestones in a 4 year old?
-threads beads-draws a man with head, legs and trunk
what are some language and hearing developmental milestones of a 4 year old?
-recounts stories of recent experiences-sentences of 5+ words
what are some social skills and play developmental milestones of a 4 year old?
-dresses and undresses-understands turn taking