MIL Flashcards
It accentuate an individual’s capability to exercise his/her fundamental human rights, specifically the right to express his/her opinion using any kind of media platform and the right to access information responsibly.
Media and Information Literacy
It highlights the capacity of an individual to understand the functions of media and determine the relevant use and worth of media platforms. This means that an individual knows how to use or manage media accounts or media platforms.
Media Literacy
It is the communication or acquiring of data or facts that relate to the use of media information. This involves a careful and thoughtful way of gathering information legally, avoiding such pitfalls as violating intellectual property rights and plagiarism.
Information Literacy
It is the skill of an individual to manipulate technology independently or with the assistance of others in using the technology in an efficient and suitable way.
technology literacy
What kind of literate billy is if he knew that the news he saw on twitter is fake?
information literate
what kind of literate jenny is if she is aware of how media influences individuals so she doesn’t let her 3 year old brother watch violent-themed movies and tv shows
media literate
what kind of literate ally is if he creates video content for his weekly vlog by demonstrating his exceptional ability to use his camera to shoot and his laptop to edit
technology literate
It involves private individuals who are normally the consumers of journalism generating their own news content.
citizen journalism
They produce news in many forms, ranging from a podcast editorial to a report about a city council meeting on an blog and are usually digital in nature. It can also include test, pictures, audio and video.
Amateur journalists
It plays a major role in disseminating news and promoting citizen journalism content
social media
It refers to people or groups of people imparting or exchanging messages through speaking, writing, gestures, or even using other symbolic forms by utilizing a variety of channels for sending and receiving.
it is a latin term which means to share or to divide out
it is a latin term which means working together
It describes any channel of communication. This can include anything from printed paper to digital data, and encompasses art, news, educational content, and numerous other forms of information.
tips for responsible use of media and information
ensure personal information safety
get permission
keep your password safe
think before you click
spread positivity
true or false
according to (hermans, vergeer, and d’haenens, 2009) citizen journalism is the gathering and reporting of news by people who are not trained as professional journalists
true or false
according to rosen on 2008, citizen journalism is the instance when the people, otherwise as the audience, employ the press tools they have in their possession to inform one another.
it empowers anybody through modern technology and connectivity to create, enhance, or verify media on their own or with others.
citizen journalism
they gather information about wrongdoings of people in power and deliver it to the public so the public can understand what happens in society and stop wrongdoings
watchdog journalists
who give the explanation that without speech or oral communication, societies could not attain levels of civilization; communities could not organize into living and working groups
bulan and de leon (2002)
true or false
anything that can reach or influence people, including phones, television, and the internet can be considered a form of media
it is the disadvantage of ease of getting information via media
the risk of invasion of privacy