Midwifery Flashcards
Describe photos - month of pregnancy + anatomical changes
- a) non pregnant
- b) 5th month
- c) 9th month
- d) prior to birth
many organs compressed (bladder, lungs, etc) - not always externally visible, but felt by pregnant women.
how is corpus luteum maintained?
production of hcg by trophoblasts. CL continues to produce progesterone, which maintains the uterine lining for implantation. AFter 6-10w post fertilization, placenta takes over.
Placenta produces estrogen and hcg and hpl, which stimulates breast development
Blackburn (2013) Maternal, Fetal, & Neonatal Physiology
How is pregnancy dated?
first day of LMP + 7 - 3mths +1year
40 weeks from first date of LMP
hcg, estrogen, progesterone levels
hcg peaks at 11-12 w, whereas estrogen and progesterone continue to rise until term and birth
Hematologic & Hemostatic changes - blood volume
- Hypervolemia: BV ↑ 30-45%
- Plasma volume
- ↑ starts 6-8 wks
- Peaks 28-32 wk
- 75% of total BV ↑ due to plasma
- RBCs
- ↑ 20-30%
- Lags behind plasma
- Hemodilution, physiologic anemia
Hematologic & Hemostatic changes: WBCs
- WBC volume ↑ 8%, up to 15,000/mm3
Hematologic & Hemostatic changes: PLTs
- Platelets largely unchanged
- Mild-moderate thrombocytopenia
Hematologic & Hemostatic changes: coagulation
- Hypercoagulable state
- Starts 11-15 weeks
- Clotting Factors
- Increase: I, VII, VIII (increase then decrease), IX, XII, von willebrand.
- decrease: XI, and VIII later in pregnancy (to about 50% of nonpregnant)
normal labs in pregnancy
different from nonpregnant and may change throughout pregnancy
normal labs in pregnancy 2
same idea - may be different from nonpregnant
Anemia in pregnancy - risks
- Yes - blood loss in birth, etc
- Lab values differ from non-pregnant
- Risk for iron-deficiency anemia
- ↑ Risk for thromboembolic disorders
- Increases further with age, parity, C/S
- Increase in coagulopathies (PIH - disrupts clotting)
*iron supplements w/vit c. Warn about dark stool & constipation
Cardiovascular changes : position of <3
- starts at 3-4w, plateaus 2nd or early 3rd T
- Diaphragm elevates –> Heart displaced to left, rotated (apex displaced laterally)
- most women tolerate changes unless CV dz
Cardiovascular changes: CO & systemic vascular resistance
Cardiac Output
◦↑ 30-50%
◦50% of that ↑ by 8 weeks GA
◦↑ HR 10-20 BPM
↓ Systemic vascular resistance (–> inc BF to uterus)
most women tolerate well
Cardiovascular changes: skin
↑ Skin perfusion (d/t vasodilitation)
CV changes: RAAS
- Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (all components increase)
- ◦Enhanced sodium and water retention
- help maintain BP
CV changes: vessels
- ↑ Vascular distensibility
- Aorto-caval compression (increases venous pressure in lower extremities - leakage from vasculature)
- Decreased baroreflex (impaired BP regulation - difficulty responding to OH and blood loss)
- BP decreases
Cardiac exam on pregnant women: what might you see?
- Jugular venous distension
- Split S1, sometimes split S2
- 3rd sound audible at times
- SEM along LSB (92-95% of women) >grade 2 or thrill must be evaluated
- Soft, transient diastolic (20% of women)
- ↑ Mammary blood flow, veins dilate
- Mammary souffle (14% of women)
- MVP common – may ↓ murmur
BP in pregnancy: worried about low or high?
BP in pregnancy - normal changes
- Lowest second trimester: lowest 24-32 weeks, returns to nonpregnant values near term
- Measurement changes
BP in pregnancy - what compounds effects?
physiologic but can be compounded by other pregnancy changes
- Positional effects
- Supine hypotensive syndrome (uterus compress great vessels)
- Orthostatic hypotension (perhaps d/t decreased baroreflex sensitivity)
- Other hypotensive effects (heat, long hot showers, etc.)
- Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
aortocaval compression relief, image
Clinical implications of CV changes in pregnancy: multiple pregnancies
even greater increase in CO, stroke volume
increase in HR, anemia, PIH, MVP (tend to be asymptomatic)
Clinical implications to increased skin perfusion
- Vascular spiders, palmar erythema
- Nasal hyperemia: congestion
Exercise in pregnancy
- shorter labors, fewer perinatal complications, inhibits clot formation, varicosities, weight gain
- ◦30” daily 2-3x/wk
- ◦Aerobic walking, stretching, biking, weights
- ◦Benefits swimming
- ◦Cautions:
- no lifting >25lbs,
- balance (biking in 3rd T),
- redistributes blood to skin and muscles, so may cause dizziness;
- high heat (hyperthermia can be teratogenic, so also stay away from saunas & hottubs),
- avoid jumping, deep flexion of joints, blunt abdominal trauma, aortocaval compression (supine)