Exam 2: Respiratory, Cardiac, Immunizations Flashcards
Cardiac: What do you listen for with the client in LLD?
mitral stenosis, S3, S4 - with bell
Cardiac: What do you listen for with the client leaning forward?
Aortic regurgitation murmurs - with diaphragm. “breathe in, breathe out, hold”
What heart sounds do you hear with the diaphragm?
high pitched: S1, S2, murmurs of AR and MR, AS, friction rubs, VSD
What heart sounds do you hear with the bell?
low pitched: S3, S4, diastolic murmurs (e.g. MS)
Cardio: what are the characteristics of sounds to be described?
Frequency (pitch) Intensity (loudness) Duration Timing (systole, diastole)
What are the valves of the heart?
Atrioventricular: tricuspid & mitral/bicuspid Semilunar: pulmonic & aortic
Name the areas of the heart
RV is most of anterior chest
Base is superior aspect of heart at R & L 2nd IS
Xiphoid process is good landmark for RV.
Tell me about a normal PMI
4th or 5th interspace, 7-9cm lateral to midsternal (at or just medial to midclavicular)
Supine diameter: 1-2.5 (about a quarter)
Tell me about an abnormal PMI
Larger than 2.5cm (evidence of LVH, or enlargement, as seen in HTN and AS)
Lateral to midclavicular or >10cm lateral to midsternal (LVH)
Xiphoid/epigastric area (COPD)
Sinus arrhythmia
varies with respiration
normal HSs, though S1 may vary with the HR
Atrial or nodal premature contractions
Rhythm: atrial/nodal beat before next expected heart beat. Pause. Rhythm resumes
Heart Sounds: S1 may differ in intensity from normal S1. S2 may be decreased.
PVC (sporadic or regularly irregular)
Rhythm: ventricular beat comes before next expected beat. Pause. Rhythm resumes.
Heart Sounds: S1 may differ from normal, S2 may be decreased. Both likely split.
Afib & Aflutter w/varying AV block (Irregularly irregular)
Rhythm: ventricular rhythm is totally irregular, though possible short runs of regular-seeming
Heart Sounds: S1 varies in intensity
Paradoxical Pulse
decrease in pulse’s amplitude on quiety inspiration (st palpable, but possibly need BP cuff)
Systolic pressure decreases >10mmHg during inspiration
Causes: pericardial tamponade, exacerbatins asthma & COPD, st in constrictive pericarditis
pulsus alternans
pulse alternates in amplitude beat to beat even though rhythm is basically regular (must be).
Indicates LV failure, usually accompanied by S3
Normal Pulse Pressure
~30-40 mmHg pulse pressure
small, weak pulse
Pulse pressure diminished, upstroke may feel slowed, peak prolonged
causes: decreased SV (HF, hypovolemia, severe AS); increased peripheral resistance (exposure to cold and severe HF)
Large, bounding pulse
pulse pressure increased, rise and fall may feel rapid, peak brief
Causes: increased stroke volume, decreased peripheral resistance, or both (fever, anemia, hyperthyroidism, AR, AV fistulas, PDA); increased stroke volume d/t slow HRs (bradycardia, complete heart block); decreased compliance/increased stiffness of aortic walls (aging, atherosclerosis)
Systolic click
Usually MVP (systolic ballooning into LA from both leaflet redundancy & elongations of chordae tendineae)
Mid to late systolic
High pitched, often followed by MR murmur
several positions recommended: supine, seated, squatting, standing (squatting delays click & murmur, standing moves them closer to S1)
Opening snap
very early diastolic sound
stenotic mitral valve
listen with diaphragm medial to apex along lower left sternal border
intermittently irregular beats
e.g., ectopic beats - PAC, PVC
Continuously irregular beats
a.k.a. “regularly irregular”
Afib: palpittions that warrant ECG
Superior view of heart valves
What happens during diastole (+atrial kick)
AV valves open, passive flow (about 75% of volume) move into relaxed ventricles, then atria contract & active flow accounts for about 25% into ventricles (atrial kick)
isovolumic phase of ventricular systole
interval between closing of AV valves and opening of semilunar valves
ECG: define p, qrs, t, u
p: atrial depolarization
qrs: ventricular depolarization
t: ventricular repolarization
u: ventricular diastole
ECG leads
6 limb leads, 6 precordial leads
CAD risk factors for women
DM, smoking, HTN, obesity
questions you ask if chest pain
O: when did pain start? having pain now?
L: where is pain located? Does it radiate?
D: how long have you had pain?
C: what does it feel like? Pressure, tightness, heaviness, stabbing? Associated symptoms?
A: aggravates/alleviates? rest? Nitro?
R: travel to any part of your body?
T: when did you notice? Intermittent or persistent?
characteristics: squeezing, discomfort, burning, stabbing
Associated symptoms: cough
Relieved by: rest or nitrogylcerin
Special considerations on pediatric cardiac exam
Listen in at least 2 positions
S3 heard through thin chest walls
S4 indicates poorly compliant ventricles - always abnormal
murmurs: should disappear when supine, be systolic, not be assoc w/clicks, rubs, or other sx
school age: may disappear w/sitting
What causes S3?
passive flow of blood from atria
slight resistance to filling d/t ventricular overload and/or systolic dysfunction
What causes S4?
vigorous atrial ejection of blood d/t resistance to filling at end of diastole (presystole): decreased ventricular compliance
Normal vs abnormal S3
Normal: young adults, children, increased HR, late pregnancy
abnormal: older adult, HTN, volume overload (CHF), MR, high output states (thyroid, anemia)
Listening for S3
Hooked on back of S2 (after opening snap)
low pitch - apex, LLD, bell
does not vary w/respiration, persists when sitting upright, increases w/isotonic exercise (e.g., sit-ups)
Normal vs abnormal S4
Normal: trained athletes, elderly (ventricles become stiff)
Abnormal: systemic or pulmonary HTN, CAD/ischemia, AS/cardiomyopathy, delayed conduction
Listening for S4
Hooked on front of S1
Low pitch: LLD, bell
What is Split S2?
widening of normal interval beween aortic and pulmonic components of S2 - A valve closes before P valve
Normal vs Abnormal S2 - who and on exam
Physiologic: who - athletes, <40yo; on exam - pulmonic area, on inspiration, louder on reclining, disappears during slow breathing or holding breath
Pathologic: who - >40; on exam - appears or persists during expiration. May indicate pulmonary stenosis, ASD, RT BBB
Squatting valsalva and its effect on murmurs
Increases LV volume & increased vascular tone
MVP: delays click, murmur shortens (dec prolapse, harder to hear)
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Decreases intensity of murmur (dec outflow obstruction)
Aortic stenosis: increases intensity (inc blood volume ejected into aorta)
Standing valsalva and its effect on murmurs
decreseased LV volume, decreased vascular tone
MVP: click earlier, murmur longer (inc prolapse)
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: increased intensity of murmur (inc outflow obstruction)
Aortic stenosis: decreased intensity of murmur (dec blood volume into aorta)
Physiologic murmurs: example causes
exercise, fever, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, children, anemia
Grading of Heart Murmurs
- Very faint
- Quiet but heard immediately w/stethoscope on chest
- Moderately loud
- Loud, w/palpable thrill
- Very loud, w/thrill. May be heard w/stethoscope partly off chest
- Very loud, w/thrill. May be heard w/stethoscope off chest
What type of murmur might you hear in each area of the heart?
Systolic murmurs: mid, holo, and late
Midsystolic: AS, PS, ASD, HOCM*
Holosystolic: MR, TR, VSD
Late systolic: MVP
*Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy - most common cause of MIs in pediatric population