HEENT Flashcards
temporal arteries
palpate & auscultate
Snellen Chart
- chart tests central vision
- 20 feet from chart
- Glasses (except reading) should be worn
- Test one eye at a time, repeat
- Have patient cover eye with card. Don’t press eye, can lose vision for a period.
- Read the smallest line of print reading more than half of letters
- Record OD (right eye), OS (left eye). OU (both eyes) 20/20, 20/30, and corrected to designate use of glasses
- If miss one character can say, “20/30 -1” – or office standard
Rosenbaum Chart
(CN II).
- Use Rosenbaum chart to assist with screening of presbyopic patients, age 45+ or those wearing bifocals
- Hold the card 14 inches from patient’s eyes or at a reasonable distance for the patient
- Test each eye separately with and without glasses
- Presbyobic patients may read through the bifocal
- Record the line with the smallest letters/figures
- Pediatric near allen test – for kids. Can use other symbols than letters as well!
Cover/Uncover Test
tests for strabismus
- Observation of binocular eye movement
- Fix gaze on far object
- Cover one eye and observe
- Alternate eye
- Check covered eye for refixation movement
- Alternating esotropia-covering fixating eye, the opposite eye moves outward
- Alternating exotropia-outturned eye refixates inward when opposite eye is covered
Inspect eyelids for…
symmetry, ptosis, edema, erythema
Entropian: describe & examination technique
common in elderly
- Inward turning of the lid margin
- Lower lashes may not be apparent as these are engulfed in the margin causing irritation to the conjunctiva and lower cornea
- Examination technique-squeeze eyes together and open
Inspect sclera and conjunctiva for …
- color
- discharge
- pterygium
- corneal arcus/
- foreign body
- hemorrhage.
Note and inspect both the bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva
bulbar conjunctive: covers most of anterior eyeball
palpebral conjunctiva: lines the eyelids
- Elevated, external thickening of the bulbar conjunctiva
- Extends into corneal surface
- May obstruct vision: wedge shaped area
- The lower lid margin is turned outward and exposes the palpebral conjunctiva
- When the punctum of the lower lid turns outward, the eye drains improperly
- Common geriatric finding
Headache: Primary vs Secondary
- Primary (90%): Migraine, tension, cluster, chronic
- Secondary: structural, systemic, infectious
Common Primary Headache Types
Cluster, Tension, Migraine
Cluster: tends to be unilateral, retroorbital
Tension: tends to be bilateral, temporal
Migraine: Tends to be unilateral, assoc w/ other symptoms, e.g., aura, photophobia, NA, cravings for food, euphoria, dizziness
Headache + nausea/vomiting, consider…
tumor, subarachnoid hemorrhage, … (increased ICP)
Valsalva aggravates headache, consider…
acute sinusitis, mass lesion/ICP
Coughing, sneezing aggravates headache, consider…
increased ICP
Headache Warning SIgns
- Progressively frequent or severe over 3-month
- Sudden onset like “thunderclap” or “worse headache of my life” (SA hemorrhage, esp >50 w/following Sx)
- New onset > 50 years
- Aggravated or relieved by position change
- Precipitated by Valsalva maneuver
- Recent trauma
- Associated papilledema, neck stiffness or neurologic deficits
Not necessarily together but signal need for further imaging
Could be increased ICP, bleed, progressive concussion, malignancy, etc. = don’t wait
7 bones of skull
- 2 Frontal
- 2 Parietal
- 2 Temporal
- 1 Occipital
Skull: anatomy of newborn
- Bones connected by Sutures
- Posterior fontanel closes by 2 months
- Anterior fontanel closes by 24 months
Facial anatomy: fused & movable bones
Fused bones
- Frontal
- Zygomatic
- Nasal
- Ethmoid
- Lacrimal
- Sphenoid
- Maxillary
Movable Bones
- Mandible
Facial landmarks
- Palpebral fissures
- Nasolabial folds
Look for symmetry
Facial innervation
Trigeminal (CNV): Muscles of mouth & jaw
Facial (CN VII): Muscles of eyebrows, forehead, cheeks, lips
Trigeminal nerve: areas of innervation (sensory)
Enlarged skull may indicate…
hydrocephalus or paget’s dz of bone
Vertigo vs dizziness
Vertigo is rotational, not just losing balance
Causes of vertigo
Peripheral: in labyrinths of inner ear, peripheral lesions of CNVIII, indicates vestibular disease. BPPV, labyrinthitis, menieres
**Central: **CNVIII pathways or nuclei in brain. Ataxia, diplopia, dysarthria, vertigo. Central neurologic causes in cerebellum or brainstem (CVD, posterior fossa tumor)
Symptoms of Menieres
vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss
Ototoxic drugs
aminoglycosides, asa, nsaids, furosemide, some chemo
Children and PMH: high risk for hearing loss
- Prenatal infections
- Birth weight <1500 gm
- Hypoxia
- Craniofacial anomalies
- High bilirubin
- Recurrent ear infections
- Speech or language delay
- Facial or ear injury
- Foreign body in ear (children & geriatric- cognitive imp)
Personal/social history & risk for hearing loss
- Exposure to environmental or industrial noise
- Use of recreational headphones
- Use of ear protective equipment
- Daycare or preschool
- Allergies
- Exposure to second-hand smoke
- Piercings
Insufflation of ear
Most otoscopes have a small air vent connection that allows the doctor to puff air in to the canal. Observing how much the eardrum moves with air pressure assesses its mobility, which varies depending on the pressure within the middle ear.
Anatomy of ear
Otoscope technique: young children vs older children & adults
young children: pull pinna back and down
Older: Pull auricle upward, backward, slightly away from head
Tympanic Membrane
Visualize tympanic membranes, noting the landmarks, light reflex, & pars tensa (landmarks include: umbo, malleus, short process)
Whispered Voice test
- Stand 2 feet behind patient
- Occlude non-test ear with finger
- Exhale
- Whisper 3 numbers/letters (something that makes no sense so they can’t “guess”)
- Patient repeats
- Test each ear
Sense of unilateral vs bilateral and what test to move on to
Weber test
- Test for lateralization
- Tuning Fork 256 Hz or 512 – at either extreme, not fine detail
- Set into vibration, hold only base
- Place base on top of head or midforehead.
- If nothing heard, try again. Could not have worked - Could also be bilateral hearing loss.
- Unilateral sensory: will hear in good ear
Rinne Test
- Air Conduction (AC) vs Bone Conduction (BC)
- Place base on mastoid bone
- When patient can no longer hear sound, place fork close to ear
- [Description: Rinne] “U” should face forward
- AC>BC normal
- Conductive loss: BC = AC or BC> AC (external, middle ear)
- Sensorineural loss: AC > BC (inner, cochlear nerve, centrl connx to brain)
Otitis Externa vs Otitis Media
OE: tug test +, may be hard to look in ear, painful
OM: pain when press on mastoid process, erythema, may see bubbles, fluid
TM: perforation, myringotomy tubes
US Preventive Task Force: Risk Groups for Hearing Loss
- Screening for adults 50 years of age and older
Risk groups
- Congenital or family hearing loss
- Syphilis
- Rubella
- Meningitis
- Exposure to hazardous noise level
- Work
- Soldiers
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
inner ear, cochlear nerve, central connections to brain
trouble understanding speech – complain others are mumbling
noisy environments make it worse
Conductive Hearing Loss
external or middle ear
noisy environments may help
nasal anatomy
The Sinuses
Dark room. Strong narrow light source.
Frontal: light snugly deep under each brow, close to nose. Shield light w/hand. Look for dim red glow through air filled frontal sinus to forehead.
Maxillary: pt tilts head back w/mouth opened wide. Shine light downward from just below inner aspect of each eye. Look through open mouth at hard palate. Reddish glow = normal air filled sinus.
Stensen’s Ducts
parotid duct – opens onto buccal mucosa near upper second molar. Frequently marked by its own small papilla. Usually not visible unless blocked.
Number of teeth
- 20 primary
- First teeth 6-8 months
- Start to lose 6 years
- 32 Secondary
Oral Thrush vs Leukoplakia
Oral thrush is easily removed. Leukoplakia is hard to remove - suggests immunocompromised
Smooth tongue
Vitamin deficiency
Fissured Tongue
FVD, elderly
Muscle groups of neck
Major vessels of neck