What are the collection of neuronal processes surrounded by connective tissues
Nerve Fibers
Nerve fibers maybe covered by?
Myelin Sheath
What do you call the thin, delicate reticular connective tissue that surrounds the myelin sheath?
Sheath of Henle
What do you call the thin fibrous sheath surrounding the Sheath of Henle?
A collection of nerve fibers form nerve fascicles which is covered by?
Nerve fibers consist of an axon and sheaths ____________ origin whether in the CNS or PNS
Cellular sheath in the CNS is _______ with or without myelin; in the PNS is _______________(Sheath of
Schwann) with or without myelin
a.) Glia
b.) Neurolemma
True or False:
All peripheral axons are enclose by Sheath of Schwann cells (Neurolemma)
What are the 3 types of nerve fibers based on diameter?
- Group A fibers
- Group B fibers
- Group C fibers
What group fiber are large fibers that conduct at 15 to 100 m/sec (motor and sensory fibers)?
Group A fibers
What group fiber conduct impulses at 3 to 14m/sec (mainly visceral sensory fibers)?
Group B fibers
What group fiber are small, unmyelinated fibers conducting at 0.5 to 2 m/sec (autonomic and
some sensory fibers)?
Group C fibers
What functional classification of nerve fibers are spinothalamic tract and spinocerebellar tract?
Afferent pathway
What functional classification of nerve fibers are cortico-bulbar tract and cortico-spinal tract?
Efferent Pathway
Fill in the blanks:
Sympathetic or adrenergic nerves – stimulation leads to the liberation of the substance ___.
Parasympathetic or Cholinergic nerves – stimulation leads to liberation of a substance ____.
Ach (Acetylcholine)
What are the 5 receptor organs?
Meissner’s corpuscle
Ruffini’s end organ
End bulb of Krause
Pacinian Corpuscle
Golgi Mazzoni
What receptor organ is responsible for touch found in finger tips, lips, palms, soles, nipple and conjunctiva?
Meissner’s corpuscle
What receptor organ is responsible for heat sensation found in subcutaneous tissue finger tips and joint capsule?
Ruffini’s end organ
What receptor organ is responsible for sensory organs found in the conjunctiva and external genitalia?
End bulb of Krause
What receptor organ mediate deep pressure and found hand, foot, palms, soles, peritoneum, pleura, mesenteries, penis, clitoris, urethra, nipple, breast and pancreas?
Pacinian Corpuscle
What receptor organ is responsible for deep pressure?
Golgi Mazzoni
Fill in the blanks:
__________________- blood supply to the nerve;
__________________ - innervates the nerve
a.) Vasa Nervorum
b.) Nervi Nervorum
What is a brain disorder that happens when certain nerve cells in your brain misfire?
What disorder affects the brain and spinal cord?
Multiple sclerosis