Estimation or measurement of hemoglobin concentration of a blood sample
Per gram of Hb:
O2 -
Fe2 -
- 34 mL O2
3. 47 mg Fe2+
Chemical method
- Indirect estimation
of the hemoglobin based on the oxygen concentration of the blood
Gasometric method
- Indirect estimation
of the hemoglobin based on the concentration of iron
Gasometric method
- Indirect estimation
of the hemoglobin based on the oxygen concentration of the blood
Chemical method
- Indirect estimation
of the hemoglobin based on the concentration of iron
Normal Hemoglobins
- Oxygenated Hb
- Reduced/Deoxygenated Hb
3 Hemoglobin Derivates
- Methemoglobin/Hemiglobin (Hi)
- Sulfhemoglobin (SHb)
- Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb)
The iron part of the hemoglobin has
been oxidized to ferric state
Methemoglobin/Hemiglobin (Hi)
Color of blood in Methemoglobin/Hemiglobin (Hi)
Chocolate brown color
Color of blood in Sulfhemoglobin (SHb) and Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb)
Sulfhemoglobin (SHb) - Mauve lavander color
Carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) - Cherry red color
Methods of Hemoglobin determination:
- Physical: Gravimetric
- Colorimetric
- Spectrophotometric 4. Automated
Physical Method
1. Qualitative - not give value what hb level is, just indicate hb concentration if adequate or not
2. Commonly used to screen blood donors
Both T
SG of Blood
1.045-1.065 (average 1.055)
Reagent used in Physical Method
Copper sulfate of a particular density
MOTF Physical Method 1. Sink - Blood Hb is >12.5 g/dL (patient passed) 2. Suspended - blood HB is < 12.5 g/dL (patient failed)
Both T
Physical Method
1. Blood floats: SG of blood < SG of CuSO4 - Fail the potential donor
- Blood sinks: SG of blood > SG of CuSO4 - Accept the potential donor
Both T
T or F
Male: SG 1.055 = 13 g/dL of Hb
Female: SG 1.053 = 12 g/dL of Hb
Other term for Colorimetric Method
Acid Hematin Method
1. Quantitative estimation
2. Based on the conversion of the hemoglobin into acid hematin with the addition of:
Reagents: 0.1N Hydrochloric acid, dH2O
Both T
Reagents used in Colorimetric Method
0.1N Hydrochloric acid, dH2O
0.1N Hydrochloric acid will oxidize the hemoglobin into acid hematin which will have a _____ color
Used to adjust the sample until it matches the color comparator
Distilled H20
Where we put in blood samples and than add our reagent 0.1N Hydrochloric acid to convert hemoglobin to acid hematin
Hemometer tube
Where reagent is stored ( 0.1N Hydrochloric acid/ dH20)
Amber bottle
Reagents used for cleaning
different pipettes regardless if WBC or Sahli pipette (In correct order, with their purpose0
- Bleach (zonrox) - to remove the blood in the
pipette, should be dispensed - Water - make sure that no blood sample is left
in the pipette - Acetone - used to dry the pipette
Acid hematin method will able to measure our different derivatives
False (Cannot measure diff derivatives)
- More accurate than photometric
- Routinely used in bigger hospital
- Has low specificity and accuracy
Only 3 is correct
- False - photometric is more accurate
- False - Not routinely used in big hospitals, can use in small labs
- True
Visual method that utilizes the Drabkin’s reagent
Photometric method (a reference method) recommended by
committee on standardization in hematology as well as CLSI
Photometric Method - able to measure all types of hemoglobin except _______
Photometric Method is also known as
Cyanmethemoglobin/Methemoglobin cyanide method